Jesus christ i've finially done it

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you could have fun with the filler and make some cobblestone pyramids. also, if you can scrap it on your version, feed that uu-matter production or scrapboxinator it. i burn through 100,000 cobble a day in recyclers.
Build a smeltfactory, pumping out hundreds of thousands of stone a day, a dn then use all of that to rebuild Mt. Rushmore.
I have one quadrillion cobblestone as a byproduct of a massive mining operation collected over the past week or so

Now how do i get rid of it
Pics or didn't happen.

(One quadrillion cobble is about 465,000 full quantum chests, or a 42x42 box of quantum chests from bedrock to sky limit.
In the ground, if the world is on average 64 blocks deep, and ignoring caves/ores/etc., you'd have to quarry out an area of roughly 3.9M x 3.9M blocks to get a quadrillion cobble.)

How to get rid of it? Void pipe or an incinerator.

Edit: if you can void 1,000 stacks of cobble every tick, you will be voiding one quadrillion cobble for about 25 years non-stop.
(One quadrillion cobble is about 465,000 full quantum chests, or a 42x42 box of quantum chests from bedrock to sky limit.
In the ground, if the world is on average 64 blocks deep, and ignoring caves/ores/etc., you'd have to quarry out an area of roughly 3.9M x 3.9M blocks to get a quadrillion cobble.)

Having about 10 million of cobblestone is a though one - it's about 6 full 64k applied Energistics disks so quadrillion can be made by 512 igneous extrouders fed to quantum chests and it can take a lot of real time weeks to get this amount. :)

The idea of making Mt Rushmore is nice one - and it will take about couple of millions so you can start making sand, stone or other things like 1000 recyclers connected to 64 Matter Fabricators.
Pics or didn't happen.

(One quadrillion cobble is about 465,000 full quantum chests, or a 42x42 box of quantum chests from bedrock to sky limit.
In the ground, if the world is on average 64 blocks deep, and ignoring caves/ores/etc., you'd have to quarry out an area of roughly 3.9M x 3.9M blocks to get a quadrillion cobble.)

How to get rid of it? Void pipe or an incinerator.

Edit: if you can void 1,000 stacks of cobble every tick, you will be voiding one quadrillion cobble for about 25 years non-stop.
Are you serious?
You are so bad at understanding irony that that wasn't even irony and you still misunderstood it.
For future reference, when a "normal" (I use the term loosely or it wouldn't apply to myself) human being uses a hugely ridiculous or non-existent number such as "Billions", "Zillions", "Trillions", "Quadrillions" , it means "A lot".

Use this information wisely, young one.
Just throw the DSU in lava/void pipe/incinerator/whatever. Seriously, it's just cobblestone. It's crap, There are no uses for a that big amount of it, and even as a construction material, it's crap (Foam is much better).
And scrapping it for matterfab is inneficient as shit. Uranium dust is the best.

Get rid of it and forget about it. You'll not miss it. (If you actually have your quadrillion of cobblestone, it'll take some time. In this case, just throw the DSUs (With grav gun) in the Ocean. Nobody will look there (I've already thrown a bunch of barrels of random stuff there, and there are still there.).)

(I still do want some cobblestone. I've now a OMFG supply of powder and i need sand to make (more) TNT, And i've a fast macerating setup. But i should maybe start to macerate the 164K i already have (why i didn't voided it?), and it's going to take some time)
Feed the cobblestone into a railcraft rock crusher to turn it into gravel, then feed the gravel into a factorization grinder to get some gold nuggets and diamonds.
Well, if you actually want to use it for something productive, make Alkahest. It's insanely expensive, but it'll turn a stack of cobble into a single piece of redstone.

At least that's better than deleting it. :p
Pics or didn't happen.

(One quadrillion cobble is about 465,000 full quantum chests, or a 42x42 box of quantum chests from bedrock to sky limit.
In the ground, if the world is on average 64 blocks deep, and ignoring caves/ores/etc., you'd have to quarry out an area of roughly 3.9M x 3.9M blocks to get a quadrillion cobble.)

How to get rid of it? Void pipe or an incinerator.

Edit: if you can void 1,000 stacks of cobble every tick, you will be voiding one quadrillion cobble for about 25 years non-stop.

Applied energiestics mate
64K storage units mate
Lotsa' quarries mate
Are you serious?
You are so bad at understanding irony that that wasn't even irony and you still misunderstood it.
For future reference, when a "normal" (I use the term loosely or it wouldn't apply to myself) human being uses a hugely ridiculous or non-existent number such as "Billions", "Zillions", "Trillions", "Quadrillions" , it means "A lot".

Use this information wisely, young one.

First off, it is hyperbole or exaggeration, not irony.
Second, IRL you can say verbally what the OP said and use tone and inflection to make the hyperbole clear. In a typed internet message you have to actually choose your words much more specifically to make the hyperbole obvious. The OP did exactly the opposite and kept the statement so direct and simple that absolutely no hyperbole was indicated.

The absolute minimum proper way in this situation to do so would be:

"I must have a quadrillion cobblestone as a byproduct of a massive mining operation collected over the past week or so."

Better yet would be...

"Gesus, I must have something like a quadrillion cobblestone or so as a byproduct of a massive mining operation collected over the past week or so."

Not saying "ONE quadrillion" is very important too by the way. It implies specificity while "a quadrillion" implies estimation/guess. What the OP said seemed to be a genuine statement that they have that much cobble, which is very hard to believe.
Applied energiestics mate
64K storage units mate
Lotsa' quarries mate

Interestingly enough if you filled a quantum chest with 64k storage units filled with cobble it would indeed be very close to 1 quadrillion cobble in total (~1,040,380,000,000,000 cobble), and would take up only one block in your world.

Also brings up a question that I would just test if I wasn't at work. Maybe someone else knows/can check. Can you store a Storage Cell inside a Storage Cell? (And by extension, can you store 1 quadrillion cobble in a single ME chest by putting 520k cobble in each of 2,000,000,000 (2 billion) 64k storage cells then put those in 3700 more 64k storage cells, then putting those in a single 1k unit in an ME chest?)
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First off, it is hyperbole or exaggeration, not irony.
Second, IRL you can say verbally what the OP said and use tone and inflection to make the hyperbole clear. In a typed internet message you have to actually choose your words much more specifically to make the hyperbole obvious. The OP did exactly the opposite and kept the statement so direct and simple that absolutely no hyperbole was indicated.

The absolute minimum proper way in this situation to do so would be:

"I must have one quadrillion cobblestone as a byproduct of a massive mining operation collected over the past week or so."

Better yet would be...

"I must have something like one quadrillion cobblestone as a byproduct of a massive mining operation collected over the past week or so."

But what the OP said seemed to be a genuine statement that they have that much cobble.

The OP isn't a robot.

How he(or she) said it almost seemed sarcastic to me
The OP isn't a robot.

How he(or she) said it almost seemed sarcastic to me

NOT exaggeration, Rounding down slightly (Within a stack), That's how much was posessed,

Or maybe i got my words with -illion on the end mixed up again
This is 1 quadrillion:
Which is this many stacks:
And this many full 64k ME storage cells:

So unless you setup a BUNCH of machines just to auto-manufacture 64k storage cells then there is no way you got your -illions right.

To put it another way. Two 64k storage cells will hold just over 1 million cobble, but it takes 1,923 64k storage cells to hold 1 billion cobble, 1,922,367 to store 1 trillion cobble, and 1,922,367,126 to hold 1 quadrillion. So which do you have closer to..... 2.. 2,000.... 2,000,000, or 2,000,000,000 64k storage units?

Personally I am betting you are at either 2 or 20, or maybe, if you really have been working hard at this, 200 (which is about 100 million cobble).