Whitelist Server JerkCraft|Mindcrack v8.2.0|Whitelisted|Small and friendly

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mindcrack V8.2.0 NOW!!!

Slots: 10 (will increase if demand is there)


1. Be somewhat active
2. Don't grief others/Steal
3. Do not build next to other players or spawn, unless asked to.
4. No cheating this means no No x-ray or flight mods
5. Be respectful to others.
7. Do not advertise other servers.
8. six is missing put that in your application
9. Have Fun.

No nukes other then that no banned items subject to change!


Experience With FTB:
Why You Would Like To Join:
Will you Follow the rules?
Additional info:
Age: 14
How Long have you been playing FTB: A couple months :)
IGN: Harnar
Why should I accept you: I'm a responsible kid, i wont grief or steal, and i also might do a bit of recording with my friend
IGN: Raijuros
Experience with FTB: I have played FTB beta and FTB mindcrack since around october/november with some online friends. I've also played direwolf20 in single player
Why I would like to join: The servers I played on with my friends are fairly inactive these days. I log on, one other friend logs on maybe twice a week and that's about it. I don't enjoy single player that much and while I prefer to build by myself quite often, I like to see what other people are doing, collaborate on projects, and like others to see what I've done provided it isn't terrible.
Will I follow the rules: Ofcourse, although no mining laser/chunk loader type things would be a dealbreaker for me though (where I'd leave the server). I understand why a lot of servers disable them later on but I'm really just looking for a smaller more laidback server where everyone knows eachother and there is no need.
Additional info:
I am 19, I work as a system admin and have been playing minecraft for a couple years now. I play a lot of other games now and have my own 25 slot mumble server that I'd be fine with people on the server using provided you respected my other friends on it and that a lot of them aren't interested in minecraft (there is channels for specific games), if it's needed. I used to play WoW, have played loads or RPG's/platformers and some RTS's and such.
6 is missing.
I hope it wouldn't need to be said but I won't grief or steal.
IGN: derfw
Experience: I play FTB quite often on DW20 pack, and I'm quite good with its mods, such as Buildcraft and Thuamcraft, etc.
Why I would like to join: Iv'e yet to play with the Mindcrack pack, so I would like to join a server to learn it, and this server seems nice and small and friendly.
Will I follow the rules?: I would never break them, as I have no reason to. I want to go on a whitelist server so I can adhere to the rules, not break them.
Additional Info: I play Minecraft quite often, so likley I will be quite active on the server. I also play Team Fortress 2 and LoL quite often. Also, 6 is Missing.
Experience With FTB: I used to play on a tekkit server, so i have industrialcraft and buildcraft experience
Why You Would Like To Join: Id like to join, because i like to play in small community servers that are like a family
Will you Follow the rules? Yep, I intend to not break any rules and will keep my word. 6 is missing
Additional info:I spend most of my time on my PC playing games, I'd like to be an civil engineer when i grow up, so im very interested in building.
IGN: Urutta
Experience With FTB: I've played quite a bit of FTB but i'm still learning new things you can do every day :-D
Why You Would Like To Join: because I've for some time now been looking for a friendly server with no grief or stealing to play this awesome mod pack so i'm really hoping to get allowed on this one and play with you guys
Will you Follow the rules? ofc I've got no bans in my background and i like to help others with stuff because i believe in the saying help others to be able to help your self so ofc i would follow the rules rules are there to be followed
Additional info: i'm a 17 year old guy from Denmark with a lot of spare time so i would be able to get on a lot and help the server progress btw six is missing
Ign: Vixation
Experience level: High (85% of DW20's Let's plays, and it has been loooooong since i played vanilla Minecraft)
Why join?: i want to play on a small and comfy server, with nice people who enjoy Ftb(specifically Mindcrack) as much as i do)
What about the rules?: it's fair, also i don't like getting my stuff stolen, nor do i feel satisfied with grabbing someone elses stuff. curious about rule #6 though, since you know, it's not there ;))
additional info: i'm 19, from the Netherlands, i know about most of the mod stuff, and i feel good about myself if i can help others, so i will if that is wanted. also, i have a mic, so if people want to talk i'm all for it:D i hope to hear soon if i'm in yes or no :D

also, concerning the server settings, what will be the diffictulty, the difficulty of gregtech and i take it in the configs flight is set to true(so no-one gets auto-kicked when using jetpacks or gravisuits)?

I really want to start playing :D!
Experience With FTB:I have started playing ftb 2 months ago. I have a lot of knowledge about a lot of mods
Why You Would Like To Join:I am looking for a nice smaller friendly server and i think you guys could be that server :)
Will you Follow the rules?Yes
Additional info Im 16 year old from Bosnia and i love FTB. But sometimes it gets boring in singleplayer so i am looking for a good whitelisted ftb server :)I hope to get a response from you guys real soon. I dont cause trouble for others and i try to be as nice as possible to other people
I've been playing for 2 months or so, but tekkit in the past too.
My previous server I was in closed due to the host not having time to play so im looking for a new server.
I love computercraft and dont have any trouble with rules. I am 17.
IGN: Ashen92
Experience With FTB: I've been playing for 5 months now.
Why You Would Like To Join: I'm looking for a small, friendly server to play on.
Will you Follow the rules? Yes, all but rule 6, because it is missing.
Additional info: My favorite mod is Thaumcraft :D
  • Like
Reactions: Vixation
IGN: HockeyDude411
Experience With FTB: I'm pretty good with it, mostly Redpower, Industrial Craft, and Build Craft (Because I have extensive use in the Tekkit Modpack)
Why You Would Like To Join: I like to play on smaller servers, because I like the sense of community, and this has been the case ever since I joined my first vanilla server
Will you Follow the rules? Absolutely, #6 is missing btw ;)
Additional info: I really like thee bees mod :D
  • Like
Reactions: Vixation
Experience With FTB: i Play alot watch ethoslab and the b team
Why You Would Like To Join: Cuz i need a server that isnt crazy packed with griefers
Will you Follow the rules? Yes Cuz personally i get griefed alot
Additional info: Im good at thaumcraft Buildcraft IC2 Forestry and mystcraft i also will be recording soon W/ my freind black recluse PS my name is TechedZombie
IGN: UnderPantsGnom0
Experience With FTB: I played on a small server a few months ago. I have been looking to get back into it.
Why You Would Like To Join: I would like to join a nice, friendly server, plan on streaming and making LP's
Will you Follow the rules? Of course.
Additional info: 6 is missing. I'm 21 and just want to build some awesome machines.
Age: 14
How Long have you been playing FTB: A couple months :)
IGN: Harnar
Why should I accept you: I'm a responsible kid, i wont grief or steal, and i also might do a bit of recording with my friend

read the rules[DOUBLEPOST=1361787189][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Raijuros
Experience with FTB: I have played FTB beta and FTB mindcrack since around october/november with some online friends. I've also played direwolf20 in single player
Why I would like to join: The servers I played on with my friends are fairly inactive these days. I log on, one other friend logs on maybe twice a week and that's about it. I don't enjoy single player that much and while I prefer to build by myself quite often, I like to see what other people are doing, collaborate on projects, and like others to see what I've done provided it isn't terrible.
Will I follow the rules: Ofcourse, although no mining laser/chunk loader type things would be a dealbreaker for me though (where I'd leave the server). I understand why a lot of servers disable them later on but I'm really just looking for a smaller more laidback server where everyone knows eachother and there is no need.
Additional info:
I am 19, I work as a system admin and have been playing minecraft for a couple years now. I play a lot of other games now and have my own 25 slot mumble server that I'd be fine with people on the server using provided you respected my other friends on it and that a lot of them aren't interested in minecraft (there is channels for specific games), if it's needed. I used to play WoW, have played loads or RPG's/platformers and some RTS's and such.
6 is missing.
I hope it wouldn't need to be said but I won't grief or steal.
IGN: derfw
Experience: I play FTB quite often on DW20 pack, and I'm quite good with its mods, such as Buildcraft and Thuamcraft, etc.
Why I would like to join: Iv'e yet to play with the Mindcrack pack, so I would like to join a server to learn it, and this server seems nice and small and friendly.
Will I follow the rules?: I would never break them, as I have no reason to. I want to go on a whitelist server so I can adhere to the rules, not break them.
Additional Info: I play Minecraft quite often, so likley I will be quite active on the server. I also play Team Fortress 2 and LoL quite often. Also, 6 is Missing.

Experience With FTB: I used to play on a tekkit server, so i have industrialcraft and buildcraft experience
Why You Would Like To Join: Id like to join, because i like to play in small community servers that are like a family
Will you Follow the rules? Yep, I intend to not break any rules and will keep my word. 6 is missing
Additional info:I spend most of my time on my PC playing games, I'd like to be an civil engineer when i grow up, so im very interested in building.

IGN: Urutta
Experience With FTB: I've played quite a bit of FTB but i'm still learning new things you can do every day :-D
Why You Would Like To Join: because I've for some time now been looking for a friendly server with no grief or stealing to play this awesome mod pack so i'm really hoping to get allowed on this one and play with you guys
Will you Follow the rules? ofc I've got no bans in my background and i like to help others with stuff because i believe in the saying help others to be able to help your self so ofc i would follow the rules rules are there to be followed
Additional info: i'm a 17 year old guy from Denmark with a lot of spare time so i would be able to get on a lot and help the server progress btw six is missing

Ign: Vixation
Experience level: High (85% of DW20's Let's plays, and it has been loooooong since i played vanilla Minecraft)
Why join?: i want to play on a small and comfy server, with nice people who enjoy Ftb(specifically Mindcrack) as much as i do)
What about the rules?: it's fair, also i don't like getting my stuff stolen, nor do i feel satisfied with grabbing someone elses stuff. curious about rule #6 though, since you know, it's not there ;))
additional info: i'm 19, from the Netherlands, i know about most of the mod stuff, and i feel good about myself if i can help others, so i will if that is wanted. also, i have a mic, so if people want to talk i'm all for it:D i hope to hear soon if i'm in yes or no :D

also, concerning the server settings, what will be the diffictulty, the difficulty of gregtech and i take it in the configs flight is set to true(so no-one gets auto-kicked when using jetpacks or gravisuits)?

I really want to start playing :D!

Experience With FTB:I have started playing ftb 2 months ago. I have a lot of knowledge about a lot of mods
Why You Would Like To Join:I am looking for a nice smaller friendly server and i think you guys could be that server :)
Will you Follow the rules?Yes
Additional info Im 16 year old from Bosnia and i love FTB. But sometimes it gets boring in singleplayer so i am looking for a good whitelisted ftb server :)I hope to get a response from you guys real soon. I dont cause trouble for others and i try to be as nice as possible to other people

read the rules please[DOUBLEPOST=1361787639][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: UnderPantsGnom0
Experience With FTB: I played on a small server a few months ago. I have been looking to get back into it.
Why You Would Like To Join: I would like to join a nice, friendly server, plan on streaming and making LP's
Will you Follow the rules? Of course.
Additional info: 6 is missing. I'm 21 and just want to build some awesome machines.

Experience With FTB: i Play alot watch ethoslab and the b team
Why You Would Like To Join: Cuz i need a server that isnt crazy packed with griefers
Will you Follow the rules? Yes Cuz personally i get griefed alot
Additional info: Im good at thaumcraft Buildcraft IC2 Forestry and mystcraft i also will be recording soon W/ my freind black recluse PS my name is TechedZombie

Make sure u read all the rules[DOUBLEPOST=1361787744][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: HockeyDude411
Experience With FTB: I'm pretty good with it, mostly Redpower, Industrial Craft, and Build Craft (Because I have extensive use in the Tekkit Modpack)
Why You Would Like To Join: I like to play on smaller servers, because I like the sense of community, and this has been the case ever since I joined my first vanilla server
Will you Follow the rules? Absolutely, #6 is missing btw ;)
Additional info: I really like thee bees mod :D

You have a previous ban please talk to the server admin
IGN: Ashen92
Experience With FTB: I've been playing for 5 months now.
Why You Would Like To Join: I'm looking for a small, friendly server to play on.
Will you Follow the rules? Yes, all but rule 6, because it is missing.
Additional info: My favorite mod is Thaumcraft :D

IGN: Fredrikd98
Experience With FTB: Played since beta pack came out and know nearly every mod. Except computercraft.
Why You Would Like To Join: Beacouse i want to play with others help them, talk with them. Maybe do some sort of mining or others things together.
Will you Follow the rules? Yes i will follow the rules. (Also 6 is missing)
Additional info: I love FTB.
IGN: huwdie
Experience With FTB: none 6
Why You Would Like To Join: to learn FTB is
Will you Follow the rules? ofc missing
Additional info: none
IGN: Fredrikd98
Experience With FTB: Played since beta pack came out and know nearly every mod. Except computercraft.
Why You Would Like To Join: Beacouse i want to play with others help them, talk with them. Maybe do some sort of mining or others things together.
Will you Follow the rules? Yes i will follow the rules. (Also 6 is missing)
Additional info: I love FTB.