Welcome to JCraft's Ultimate server!
Do you find yourself looking at traffic and thinking, "Why did I leave my linking book at home?"
Do you look at a mountain and wonder, "How long would it take to mine all that basalt?"
Have you ever had the urge to ender pearl out of bed to get a drink of water because you are too lazy to walk?
Then this is the place for you my fellow minecraft addicts!
We are a group of friends both real life and met through other servers that decided to make our own server. You can find our information below and if you think you would like to join us in our quest to conquer all that is FTB please let us know and post up a application. Stay crafty my friends!
Server Name: Jcraft
Server IP: jcraft.mdn40.creeperhost.net (IP Has changed, please use this now)
Mode: Survival
Modpack: Ultimate( latest version )
- Mystcraft - There will be portals at spawn linking to major areas in the world. You will be allowed to make linking books around the world and to the nether/mining world. No additional worlds will be created unless you have been given access to via donation or other means.
- Chunkloaders - You will be limited to 5 spot loaders and 1 chunk loader. This is just to keep lag down on the server. If you are not online and do not need your machines running, please turn them off.
- Redpower - Beware the relay and timer lag. If you use excessive amounts of either of these you will cause the server to lag and we will be forced to hit you with a cod fish.
- Automation - If you automate anything you must have a off lever and fail safe. By this I mean all RP tubes should have a last resort of a restriction tube to incinerator or other void method.
- Spawners - We will have a spawner area setup for XP and items. Do not make your own shard spawners, we cannot risk the lag that they create.
- XYCraft - Do not use the Tanks. We have seen to many corruptions from these and do not want to risk the world.
Have fun and be nice to your neighbors. You really dont want to be hit with the cod fish. It smells really bad

We are a whitelisted server so you must be on the list in order to get on the server. If you wish to apply, please do so here. Please include at least the following.
- Name
- Age(if you dont mind saying)
- Experience with the mods/vanilla MC
- What do you bring to the table?
- Anything else that may make us like you.
- Have you ever been banned and why?
- Proof that you read the rules and this post

Recently we have had to ban a few players. I will post this here so there is no confusion to the rules and my intentions.
The /rules in game read as such:
Thou shalt not grief!
Thou shalt not Steal!
Thou shalt not kill ... unless in a PVP area.
In general, don't be a idiot and play nice with others!
This is a mature server and I expect all on it to behave that way. Do no cause grief for the players on it or you will be removed. If a mod is on in my absence and warns you, they are speaking for me. Do not taunt them or ignore them. This will get you banned. If you cannot act like an adult then you are not welcome on our server.
Update 4-30-13
We will be doing a server recording to put up here to show off what we have built. If you would like to have your area recorded please let me know or record it and send it to me and I will add it in. Make it look good guys