Jammy Furniture Mod compatibility?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hello, I am trying to install this mod with other mods consisting of ReiMinimap, Biomes O Plenty, CraftGuide,Custom Mob Spawner, DrSharks MoCreatures, TMI, Optifine. All my mods are up to date and they all work just fine, however whenever I try to add Jammys Furniture Mod, My minecraft gets a crash report. I removed all my mods, and just used Jammys Mod and it work fine. Could it be incompatable with any of the mods I am useing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hello, I am trying to install this mod with other mods consisting of ReiMinimap, Biomes O Plenty, CraftGuide,Custom Mob Spawner, DrSharks MoCreatures, TMI, Optifine. All my mods are up to date and they all work just fine, however whenever I try to add Jammys Furniture Mod, My minecraft gets a crash report. I removed all my mods, and just used Jammys Mod and it work fine. Could it be incompatable with any of the mods I am using?

Logs will help.

Copy and paste everything from the console into pastebin or something and give us the link.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*totally didn't forget*

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 4095 is already occupied by net.minecraft.jammy780.furniture.blocks.wood.jfm_WoodBlocksOne@569bfd69 when adding biomesoplenty.blocks.BlockMoss@1b1a24eb

You have conflicting item IDs.

If you remove jammy's furniture, then you can load up the game, go into the NEI options menu, and do an item ID dump. It'll generate a text file in the modpack's folder that you can view, and it should show all the available item IDs. Add in jammys furniture again, go into it's config file and change all the IDs to IDs that aren't being used.

If it still crashes, look in the log to see if an error similar to the one up there shows up. If it does, then the mod might be doing something with it's item IDs automatically or you made a typo and gave it an item ID that was already taken. Also, if you get an outOfBoundsException, then you gave a block an ID that's too high. The item ID limit is around 30 thousand, the block ID limit is around four thousand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*totally didn't forget*

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 4095 is already occupied by net.minecraft.jammy780.furniture.blocks.wood.jfm_WoodBlocksOne@569bfd69 when adding biomesoplenty.blocks.BlockMoss@1b1a24eb

You have conflicting item IDs.

If you remove jammy's furniture, then you can load up the game, go into the NEI options menu, and do an item ID dump. It'll generate a text file in the modpack's folder that you can view, and it should show all the available item IDs. Add in jammys furniture again, go into it's config file and change all the IDs to IDs that aren't being used.

If it still crashes, look in the log to see if an error similar to the one up there shows up. If it does, then the mod might be doing something with it's item IDs automatically or you made a typo and gave it an item ID that was already taken. Also, if you get an outOfBoundsException, then you gave a block an ID that's too high. The item ID limit is around 30 thousand, the block ID limit is around four thousand.

Unused ID's: http://pastebin.com/KU0XK2KD

Jammys Config File: http://pastebin.com/f8t7G317

There are several slots for ID's and I dont know where to put them I tried, and this is what I have gotten.

Crash Report: http://pastebin.com/TfbeRr3r

What I did to the config file: http://pastebin.com/HqUqjD5g

Would you please do it for me since I have tried, and I sitll have no idea what I am doing even after I re-read what you've posted before.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unused ID's: http://pastebin.com/KU0XK2KD

Jammys Config File: http://pastebin.com/f8t7G317

There are several slots for ID's and I dont know where to put them I tried, and this is what I have gotten.

Crash Report: http://pastebin.com/TfbeRr3r

What I did to the config file: http://pastebin.com/HqUqjD5g

Would you please do it for me since I have tried, and I sitll have no idea what I am doing even after I re-read what you've posted before.

I'll PM you a mediafire link with the config inside.

Going to go download both of the mods and screw with them for a bit.

I have a config that should work. Sending it to you now...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll PM you a mediafire link with the config inside.

Going to go download both of the mods and screw with them for a bit.

I have a config that should work. Sending it to you now...

Thanks for helping, but have you ever heard of minecraft starting then right after the mojang screen, it just closes out. No crash report or anything? Because for some reason that's what its doing.

Edit: Nevermind, i didnt realize I still had NEI, and I was trying to put it with TMI. It works now. THANK YOU <3
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so I have tried to install the Jammy Furniture mod into my FTB Lite pack and I still can't get it to work. I have changed the item IDs to unused ones, and still can't get it to work. I have gotten two different crashes after I changed the IDs. The first said "There are four lights" and the second said "Why did you do that?". Any suggestions on how I can get this mod to work?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so I have tried to install the Jammy Furniture mod into my FTB Lite pack and I still can't get it to work. I have changed the item IDs to unused ones, and still can't get it to work. I have gotten two different crashes after I changed the IDs. The first said "There are four lights" and the second said "Why did you do that?". Any suggestions on how I can get this mod to work?


Those are just little comments that are generated randomly in the crash report. They don't mean anything. The real issues are way down at the bottom.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, then I have no idea how to read the crash reports. Can you help?

When FTB launches, it launches another window, which happens to be the console. Go to that.

If it doesn't show up you can enable it in the options menu of the FTB launcher I believe.

Hit ctrl + A and copy it, go to http://pastebin.com/ and paste it in there. Upload the pastebin as whatever you want, just copy the address once you've uploaded it and put it here.

Then I can read what happened.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. 2013-07-03 20:06:55 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Caught exception from RedPowerCompat
  2. java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid shaped ore recipe: BBB, G , ZMZ, B, ingotBrass, G, aki@1cf24c5a, Z, 1xnull@0, M, null, 1xnull@0
  3. at net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe.<init>(ShapedOreRecipe.java:115)
  4. at com.eloraam.redpower.core.CraftLib.addOreRecipe(CraftLib.java:20)
  5. at com.eloraam.redpower.RedPowerCompat.setupBlocks(RedPowerCompat.java:133)
  6. at com.eloraam.redpower.RedPowerCompat.load(RedPowerCompat.java:53)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Something to do with redpower.

Possibly to do with the ore dictionary or a recipe having two outputs.

I had to do some things, sorry for the slow response.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Red Power didn't have any problems without the furniture mod installed. Do you think it's because of a recipe thats the same for both mods?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Red Power didn't have any problems without the furniture mod installed. Do you think it's because of a recipe thats the same for both mods?


I have little to no experience with this, but there should be a way to change the recipe in the code. If you got somebody more experienced with coding to help you, you might be able to change the recipe to require a dirt block in the top right or something to fix the conflict.

That, or you could just remove the item entirely that's causing the issue, whether it be the item from RP2 or the item from Jammy's Furniture. I would assume it's a wooden sickle or something from RP2 that's causing the crafting recipe error, so it shouldn't make that much of an impact to how you play if you remove it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually found the solution.

For some reason whenever I dumped from the NEI options menu, everything from Red Power showed up as unused when it was actually being used, and I had some IDs that interfered. I went back and compared the two and made sure none interfered, loaded the game and it worked! I actually had the same problem with the Useful Foods mod, which I ended up fixing the same way.

Thanks for all your help! You actually made me think outside of the box and I probably wouldn't have been able to fix this without your helpful tips.

Thanks again!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually found the solution.

For some reason whenever I dumped from the NEI options menu, everything from Red Power showed up as unused when it was actually being used, and I had some IDs that interfered. I went back and compared the two and made sure none interfered, loaded the game and it worked! I actually had the same problem with the Useful Foods mod, which I ended up fixing the same way.

Thanks for all your help! You actually made me think outside of the box and I probably wouldn't have been able to fix this without your helpful tips.

Thanks again!

There is a difference between BlockIDs and ItemIDs. BlockIDs range from 0-4095, ItemIDs from 4096-31999. Now mods handle both a bit different due to how native minecraft does. BlockDs get their value set in the config/code assigned to them so Block X set to 3001 will have 3001 in game. ItemIDs get shifted by 256 so an Item set to ID 5001 will have 5257 in game. And to make the whole thing worse not ALL mods shift their ItemIDs. Some actually use the ID set in the config like with BlockIDs.
RedPower shifts their ItemIDs and thats why in your dump none of the ids where used hich you see in the config. You probably have 2 mods which handle ItemIDs differntly (one shifts, one not) and set the IDs of shifting one to the same shifted range the unshifted one uses. (like RP set to 5001 which becomes 5257 and the other mot is set to 5257 and uses this ID)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have a laymens fix for this? I went in using the unused IDs and I was still getting crashes. I understand the concept I am just not sure I am putting the numbers in the right spots. Does anyone have a config file they can send my way>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have a laymens fix for this? I went in using the unused IDs and I was still getting crashes. I understand the concept I am just not sure I am putting the numbers in the right spots. Does anyone have a config file they can send my way>

A layman's fix would be to wait for 1.5.2 update for the ID Resolver, which would automatically sort the problem out.

Unfortunately trying to add some furniture to unleashed makes you dig through a ton of block IDs, which you have to manually change. It's more trouble than it's worth for such a small mod.