Whitelist Server J.D.G Craft |Direwolf20 1.7|Mature 21+ |Small Whitelist 5-7 players|

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys cwilson here!

Looking for a few mature players that are interested and joining me and a friend on our server. Currently we are running the latest DW20 ModPack and we just started our world.

Intel Xeon E5-1620v2
64G Ram (16G Dedicated to MC)
3x2tb HDD w/ LSI MEGARaid Controler
Completely dedicated platform.

--Players Currently--

Don't be a doorknob!

-To Join Us-
Please post the following:
IGN(In-Game Name):
Do you have mumble?(This is what we would like for communication)
What Time-Zone are you in?
IGN(In-Game Name): James110508
Do you have mumble?: No but I'm not opposed to looking into it
What Time-Zone are you in?: EST
Age(21+): 24

IGN(In-Game Name): Xenogami
Do you have mumble?: Would have to check but he may
What Time-Zone are you in?: EST
Age(21+): 24+

I am only posting for Xenogami because he is currently at work and is not able to register on these forums and post an application for himself at this time. However we are very good friends are only looking for a stable server that we can enjoy building on without any trouble or drama. We have no history of knobbery so I can promise you we wouldn't be a problem :) I hope you'll accept us!
Hi James110508,

Both you and Xenogami have been white-listed. The server IP is
IGN(In-Game Name):TheMips
Do you have mumble? Would just have to reinstall
What Time-Zone are you in? EST
Age(21+): 26
IGN(In-Game Name): ajc2123
Do you have mumble?Yes
What Time-Zone are you in? Central USA
Thank you for the post guys!! I am going to reset the server when I get home tonight and get things set-up and ready to go again. Me and my friend wrecked the current world and once reset everyone that has posted will be white-listed. I will provide you all with private messages with the connection information for the server!
IGN(In-Game Name): Hysro
Do you have mumble? Not currently but I think Ive used it before.
What Time-Zone are you in? EST
Age(21+): 28
Hysro, you have been white-listed. Feel free to join anytime. Mumble information I will send to you via PM
Please post the following:
IGN(In-Game Name): majd0910
Do you have mumble?(This is what we would like for communication) I am open to this, ive heard some good things about it. I have a really good mic so i wouldn't be opposed to that.
What Time-Zone are you in?: Central Timezone (Chicago Illinois)
Age(21+): 16

Now now, i know i am 5 years under. Its not my fault my mother did not swallow BUT, I am really mature and I have a shit load of free time since wrestlings over for now. I know that people generally become picky when selecting ages but i sound 24 and when i go to Mexico they serve me too much alcohol. SO I'd love to be in a small community, especially now since i haven't played in a couple of months and i want to get back in rhythm so I am begging if you would make the grand exception of letting a little (6'3) child into this extravagant server. I know almost all the mods and i have a very deep understanding of them. ALSO I would love to make some Youtube videos I don't know if you guys would be into that but i have friends who would help bring in views and what not but thanks for taking your time to read this :)

You pronounce my name Mah-jd like that J in Jade and the D in Dalmatian.
IGN(In-Game Name): hookyo
Do you have mumble?Can install(have mic)
What Time-Zone are you in? GMT+1
Age(21+): Actually 21, hope its 21>=
IGN(In-Game Name): GySgtXerxes
Do you have mumble? I do not currently but I am willing to install.
What Time-Zone are you in? Pacific Standard
Age(21+): 24
IGN(In-Game Name):CGasper
Do you have mumble?(This is what we would like for communication): No, i don't. But i'm open to download it if needed.
What Time-Zone are you in? UTC -3:00
IGN(In-Game Name): yogsog
Do you have mumble? Yes
What Time-Zone are you in? GMT + 1
Age(21+): 33

Looking for a small server with some ppl to play with
No longer accepting players at this time. However you can post for further review maybe when the server restarts etc.