Is there still a hope for redpower2?

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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I've done AE as a mod to rule them all. And while it's interesting at first, after a while the realization that I'm sat at a glowing screen, playing a character staring at a glowing screen is not lost on me. That's why my latest base has my ender chest sitting at the bottom of the ocean running goods up to the surface via mine cart to a processing area, then to another minecart to my actual base. I do have an AE system in my processing facility, I do have in my main base. I could have just run cable, and connected them across an interface. I didn't because it'd be boring.

RP2 had it's good and bad points. It could do a lot of unique things that no other mod had done, or even tried to do before. The things it tried to do however, often ended up being excessively and needlessly complicated. It was at its best when it took the complex things like those huge vanilla redstone builds and made them simple. A 10x10 timer compressed to one block? Fantastic. A sorting system of putting ores in one chest, and plants into another chest, turned into a 30x30 build of sorting machines, tubes and power lines? Not so much.

All in all, I'm glad it existed, because it had to exist. If not Redpower 2, then something else. It had to exist because that's what modded Minecraft needed. It needed this huge, crazily ambitious mod, that's the sort of thing dreamt up by someone with huge vision, to exist so that others could look at it and say, I want to do this part my way. Ultimately the original fades away somewhat beneath the newer and ' better' ones that take it's place, but at the same time there's always the feeling that it came first. That the other things are simply refinements or reflections of that original whole.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's because people, even if they don't mean to, start to talk like it's Elo's job to update her mod and she's 'slacking off' on it.
It's not her job. She was doing RedPower for fun and if she wants to take a break from it to not just do her rl job but to play another game it's her right to do so, no matter how sad it makes her fans.

I think the reason so many people are frustrated by it is the same reason so many people were frustrated by the time it was taking to get 1.6 FTB packs. People were told that development was happening (Eloraam on 2/19: "Back on RP full time now") but were given nothing to show for it. A couple months later they're told things are still progressing (Eloraam on 4/17: "1.5 isn't as bad as expected ... most of the code compiles") but again the communication stops. It's also the same reason people are so frustrated over Xycraft. "It'll be released by Christmas." Sure.

I know that mod devs are given a lot of pressure to announce dates and stuff, but in all honesty, when they finally do give out a date just to get people to stop pestering them, it typically comes back to haunt them when they miss the date.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the reason so many people are frustrated by it is the same reason so many people were frustrated by the time it was taking to get 1.6 FTB packs. People were told that development was happening (Eloraam on 2/19: "Back on RP full time now") but were given nothing to show for it. A couple months later they're told things are still progressing (Eloraam on 4/17: "1.5 isn't as bad as expected ... most of the code compiles") but again the communication stops. It's also the same reason people are so frustrated over Xycraft. "It'll be released by Christmas." Sure.

I know that mod devs are given a lot of pressure to announce dates and stuff, but in all honesty, when they finally do give out a date just to get people to stop pestering them, it typically comes back to haunt them when they miss the date.

Thats one of the reasons the FTB team gave out about why they were so silent on things like ETAs or anything of that nature, because they didn't want it to haunt them, but it still didn't work out well for them. I just don't get why people do get frustrated at these mods taking a long time to update because it doesn't seem worth it to me, especially when there are plenty of other cool things to occupy one's time with, within Minecraft and out.

This comment was not directed at anyone in particular.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the reason so many people are frustrated by it is the same reason so many people were frustrated by the time it was taking to get 1.6 FTB packs. People were told that development was happening (Eloraam on 2/19: "Back on RP full time now") but were given nothing to show for it. A couple months later they're told things are still progressing (Eloraam on 4/17: "1.5 isn't as bad as expected ... most of the code compiles") but again the communication stops. It's also the same reason people are so frustrated over Xycraft. "It'll be released by Christmas." Sure.

I know that mod devs are given a lot of pressure to announce dates and stuff, but in all honesty, when they finally do give out a date just to get people to stop pestering them, it typically comes back to haunt them when they miss the date.

the difference with ekzwhycraft is that soaryn is alive and coding, even does livestreams, while elo isn't doing any of those things.

besides that adding xycraft back in 1.4 was a really stupid idea.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I see someone never played with Fabricators. Or Xytanks. Or Xysoil. Or Xywater. Or the void block. Xycraft was awesome.

Admittedly, I agree that the Xyquartz was annoying. I'd prefer to see it generated as large voids with the interior covered in crystals. Like dungeons are randomly stuck into the terrain.
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Wiki Staff
FTB Mod Dev
Jul 3, 2013
I see someone never played with Fabricators. Or Xytanks. Or Xysoil. Or Xywater. Or the void block. Xycraft was awesome.

Admittedly, I agree that the Xyquartz was annoying. I'd prefer to see it generated as large voids with the interior covered in crystals. Like dungeons are randomly stuck into the terrain.
The Xytank? Yeah, that was what made the server laggy as hell. That's what made xycraft loss a lot of popularity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh, I found that XyCraft brought nothing new to the table, and the blocks that everyone talks about didn't really have much use to me (Fabricators: I prefer the TubeStuff Autocrafting Table MK2, XyTank: I prefer RC tanks because Railcraft, Xysoil: Eh, don't really care for the speed (Fertilizer covers that for me) and I like the look of tilled dirt w/ water, it makes my industrial area feel a bit more environmental, Xywater: I like water, and I don't know what the Void Block is).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not surprised Elo doesn't do livestreams or active community audiences, in fact I'd go so far to say I'm not surprised her existence in the community is in question at all after people have threatened her with throwing her address and such around the internet if she didn't provide a new release. That and if she did do a livestream she'd bombarded by twelve year olds who can't take the hint with questions about when the next release is.

She's in hiding. The community has only itself to blame.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
eloraam is to the modding community like etho is to the mindcrack community.

people ask about both in minecon (redstone panel and mod pack panel)
people spam livestreams asking about them
every time a DW20 video/mindcrack video is out they either say ''where is redpower 2'' or ''prank/kill etho'', respectively
both get mentioned so much on the reddit subs that their circlejerk counterpart is based mostly about them.
they have an annoying fanbase which for neither of them is their fault
etho is harassed to show his face, elo to talk (and people question her gender, which is horrible)

But then again even though they do different things, etho entertains people and gets paid for it (thanks to ads, although not much) while elo provided a mod and did not get paid for it (just donations), they still both have very crappy fanbases.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Void block is the awesome block that cuts off flowing liquids. Everybody tells me Xytanks lag, but my Ultimate base was littered with them and they didn't cause any undo lag. The thing with Xywater is that it's very handy for things like filling water tanks if you're not using Aqueous Accumulators. It just butts up against a Xyvalve and fills the tank for free. I think it could also be placed in the Nether, where normal water isn't allowed. Xysoil I used for planting cactus on the second floor, so I didn't have to have a two block thick ceiling.

You always find fans like that. It's part of being well known.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Short answer is none. To be fair, you could argue that you don't need any outside knowledge to use CC, a brief web search and 'pastebin get' would be the only line of code you need to type to have turtles replicate those machines.

I really wish it was that easy to get get a CC program that actually works as described.

I have tried many different programs for various tasks and the only one that worked exactly as was stated was the Turtle fuel refill program.

I have had entire landscapes destroyed by turtles because the programer stated it would work a certain way and had the turtle fail to do it as stated and after coming back finding random destruction everywhere.

I will use them for any of the pre programed commands but outside of the refuel one I am done trying to find something made by somebody who is actually competent.
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