Is there still a hope for redpower2?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which mod has filters, transposers, sorters, block beakers and all of those. I couldn't care less about all the logic crap but I so want one mod that has all of the blocks in it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which mod has filters, transposers, sorters, block beakers and all of those. I couldn't care less about all the logic crap but I so want one mod that has all of the blocks in it.
Transposer = every single item ejection block, if you want more specifics: AE stuff, wooden pipe, turtles, Railcraft loader/unloader, and many more
Sorter = Diamond pipe, Railcraft loader/unloader, logistics pipes, Mekanism pipes, AE
Block breaker = Turtle, Immibis' block breaker (can't remember the mod atm)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For rp2 sake it would be better if eloraam would admit that she doesnt have the time/interest to further develop the mod and pass development to other ppl. Sure the mod is hers but that doesnt take away the fact its pretty selfish to prevent the mod from being ever updated.

Its just like those companies that own the rights to a good game but decide to do nothing with it for years, preventing anyone from making a sequel. Why? Just to annoy ppl?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I... wish I understood why I feel so angry when I see threads like these. I don't get why they bug me, but they really, really do.

It's probably because they serve no purpose (as a whole). The OP normally posts an OK question, but then the thread devolves into a divisive conversation. It doesn't matter which side you are on or if you can see both sides. Instead of bringing minecraft players together, or resolving a technical or gameplay issue, these types of topics do nothing to further minecraft, gameplay, or the community at large. That is why many people, yourself included, loathe to see these posts.

I normally categorize posts in a few broad grouping. "How do I?", "Loot at me/this!", Mod Opinions (Your ideal modpack, which mods do you use, what is your play style, etc.), and Politics. Any of the first three categories are awesome. I love reading about them, helping people, seeing new ideas, see why people like tech vs magic... All of these further Minecraft and educate players. When you get into threads like this one (which I classify as politics), none of this furthers the Minecraft community, or educates players. It is simply a divisive thread, and polarizes what should be a supportive community.

Now before anyone gets offended, there is nothing that anyone has said here which is bad, or is offensive or divisive in and of itself. It's just the fact that this thread (and those like it--GT anyone?) doesn't do anything to bring the Minecraft community together, and as such, serve little or no benefit to the community nor those involved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While Elo was a very nice person and made a good mod, she's just too unreliable. Even if by some miracle she did update RP2 at last it probably wouldn't be put in any modpacks because she's far too unreliable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love Red Power, I have a big soft spot for it so I'll definitely use it if it updates. I get it's not reliably updated, but why are people not going to use it just because of it's slow updates? Do that many people keep the same world for a new Minecraft version? If Red Power is updated in time for a new round of mods why not have fun and use it, who cares if it will be ready for the next Minecraft version? Live in the now and have fun with an awesome mod if you can.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People can clone Redpower all they want, but unless it has all the features (including FRAMES REQUIRING POWER), and adds some nifty new ones, that clone will be crap.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my opinion, one of the things that made RP2 so great was the overall design of it. The various components fit together well, and there was clearly a lot of thought put into each addition.

This. This is the best thing about RP2... although is it really? RP2 tubes don't fit better with RP2 wiring than any other item transport system.

I think the actual reason is that RP2 was designed to be used by itself, like IC2 and many other mods from the same era. It's not designed to be a building block that fits together with other mods, like so many mods are now - it provided a complete experience (which could be used together with other complete experiences, if desired. And this is even how most modpacks were - a few "complete experience" mods, perhaps several addons to those mods, a few miscellaneous client-side mods).

Now we have mods that can be addons to several mods (like AE) and consequently aren't tightly integrated with any. We have many more cross-mod interactions (IC2 geothermal generators accept Buildcraft liquids) and dependencies (IC2 mass fabrication almost requires a liquid transport mod). Some of these have moved into Forge, and in general, mod dependencies are now a tangled web - except for RP2, which provides its own self-contained cohesive gameplay experience like it always has.

Related: Now, if someone came up with a small, standalone idea (indigo dye, gem tools, rubber trees, volcanoes, marble), they would make a new mod or add it to a "random stuff" mod like OpenBlocks or Extra Utilities. Since RP2 was designed to work by itself, Eloraam added these abilities to RP2 instead. This meant these random features were found on vastly more servers - everyone had RP2, but who would bother installing XyLights, Mo' Volcanoes, Project Rubber, Plants To Lapis, and The Chicken (coloured) Stones Mod?

(Especially, why would you get a mod that adds a plant version of one dye? If someone made that mod, they'd include all 16 dyes at least)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Despite the fact that RP2 required much more (tedious) work than many of the newer mods like AE and logpipes, It was...IS...a legendary mod to say the least. The things that can be done with it are amazing and the broader your imagination, the more versatile the mod seemed to become. We (TheMindCrafters) actually owe our entire existence to Eloraam and her fantastic mod because of what we were able to do with it.

Not a this:

I try to keep the "solicitation" of our own videos to a minimum on any forum but here's to hoping that Project Red takes up Eloraams banner and continues to add ALL of these old machines to the arsenal of FTB, not not just the logic & wiring.

Merry Christmas everyone, and happy crafting!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Transposer = every single item ejection block, if you want more specifics: AE stuff, wooden pipe, turtles, Railcraft loader/unloader, and many more
Sorter = Diamond pipe, Railcraft loader/unloader, logistics pipes, Mekanism pipes, AE
Block breaker = Turtle, Immibis' block breaker (can't remember the mod atm)

transposer. It's not the ejection ability I want, it's the place in the ground and have it suck up items ability I want.
You can say obsidian pipes, but I personally will never use BC again.

That goes for Diamond pipes. Not an option. I do not and will never use BC again

Mods I also personally won't use are Railcraft, IC2, MFFS or any other type of forcefield type mod.

Computer Craft is the only mod I know of that can do all of the redpower machine abilities, but then again it requires the knowledge of programing, which I personally have neither the time nor the desire to learn.

I would be better off learning to code my own mod than i would be wasting my limited time learning whatever language CC uses.

Again, I am wondering what Single mod has the capabilities of RP Machines in it that requires no outside knowledge to actually be able to use?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I... wish I understood why I feel so angry when I see threads like these. I don't get why they bug me, but they really, really do.
It's because people, even if they don't mean to, start to talk like it's Elo's job to update her mod and she's 'slacking off' on it.
It's not her job. She was doing RedPower for fun and if she wants to take a break from it to not just do her rl job but to play another game it's her right to do so, no matter how sad it makes her fans.
If a new RP comes out in the distant future, then I'll happily play it. If not, I'll happily play one of the RP copies or just learn vanilla redstone (or maybe even both so I don't wind up like a certain canine-named player :p ). Whatever happens, happens and I'm not going to fret over it.

(p.s. Hope I didn't sound confrontational, sorry if I did.)
p.p.s. Happy Holidays everyone, whether it's Christmas or Kwanzaa or none of the above. ;D

See you next year! ;P
A soon-to-be-resident of 'The Land of No Internet' D8


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Again, I am wondering what Single mod has the capabilities of RP Machines in it that requires no outside knowledge to actually be able to use?

Short answer is none. To be fair, you could argue that you don't need any outside knowledge to use CC, a brief web search and 'pastebin get' would be the only line of code you need to type to have turtles replicate those machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Despite the fact that RP2 required much more (tedious) work than many of the newer mods like AE and logpipes, It was...IS...a legendary mod to say the least. The things that can be done with it are amazing and the broader your imagination, the more versatile the mod seemed to become. We (TheMindCrafters) actually owe our entire existence to Eloraam and her fantastic mod because of what we were able to do with it.

Not a this:

I try to keep the "solicitation" of our own videos to a minimum on any forum but here's to hoping that Project Red takes up Eloraams banner and continues to add ALL of these old machines to the arsenal of FTB, not not just the logic & wiring.

Merry Christmas everyone, and happy crafting!

I haven't watched your video because of slow internet, but the title says it's a big factory. If you built it in 1.6, how many people would look at it and say "Dude, just use AE"?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't watched your video because of slow internet, but the title says it's a big factory. If you built it in 1.6, how many people would look at it and say "Dude, just use AE"?
I wouldn't. I like builds that are overly complex and ridiculous, I find them more fun to both watch and build. AE just seems like the easy way out to me. (though it's really handy for storage ;) )
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