Depends on what mod/modpacks your using. I just have the default dw20. The most reliable and automated method I found was that you have an enderchest, 2 automated emerald pipes and a storage unit at your source and at your destination (same world or interdeminsional). Use 2 forms of portable energy storages (energy crystals, lapis pack, etc.) to recharge while the other is feeding the destination. On the destination put one autoemerald pipe to pull a fully charged crystal from the enderchest into the energy storage device and a pipe pulling a fully discharged crystal out of the energy storage into the enderchest. Then for the Source of the transfer, set it up the same except for the emerald pipes pulling a fully discharged crystal out of the enderchest and into the source charger as well a emerald pipe to pull a full charged crystal from the source energy storage and into the enderchest.
Transferring liquids is ok, but it requires you to transfer it back into eu once at the destination.