I will steal the title, and use it for myself in this case ... "Is Rotarycraft stupidly difficult or am I the stupid one?"
I have just spent literally 4 hours, trying to use junctions in split mode, to power 9 fans using 2 x Steam engines.
Now I may not be brilliant on math, but the numbers tally up for me, that 2 steam engines running, should provide enough power to split between all of the fans to blow canola off a 9x9 field.
I cannot figure out how the juntion bend vs inline thing works. I thought I did, but clearly I'm in the wrong here. Mandatory screenies to know what I'm talking about:
How the @#£$%!!!! should I configure this trap to split? I get 2 fans blowing to kingdom come, then the 3 absolutely dead - Or get 2 fans blowing and the middle one dead. I cannot understand what's happening, and believe me I have tried.
It's frustrating me to hell, and I'm inches away from giving up completely.
Just as a disclaimer, all junctions are in split mode, and input/output is rotated correctly.