I find it awfully rude to be so complacent about the modpack not updating so soon after the official mc update. It is a free modpack, with many people putting time and effort into minimizing bugs and maximizing enjoyment for people. It's not a question of whether you're being "too patient" or not, it's whether you're feeling deprived of something you know you could have, but don't. It's not even that you can't have said aspect of the game, it's just that you're incapable of waiting and enjoying what you have. Now, whilst I do agree that the guys could keep us informed about what's going on, they could just use that time to be getting the stuff ready instead (their free time I might add).
I'm not saying I'm not desperately waiting for Thaumcraft, Redpower, EE, Xycraft, etc to be added, but I don't think people should be so ready to complain, especially when just a while ago, you'd have to go to a certain other modpack to enjoy out-dated mods...
By the way, this isn't aimed at anyone in general, I've just seen so many comments on here, YouTube and elsewhere that it's really starting to peeve me...