Iridium Ore

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Pickaxe turtles are probably cheaper solution than quarries. Just three diamonds apiece.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
npc villages for some quick books.
cows and chickens on random mystcraft ages. kill'em all!
i seem to get dense ores aroud my 50th try. then made mushroom island, flat, single biome , bright with 2 dense ores. got corruption and meteorites...scary stuff as i only had iron armor, tools, and 60 lvls saved up as i was zooming through ages and only found 2 diamods at the time. i brought one digging backpack and 2 mining backpacks. once i found 3 diamonds made a diamond pickaxe. by time i left the world i had 18 iridium 2 stacks of diamonds and lots of gold, silver, iron and redstone!! i later came back with enchanted diamond everything, dug my way to the surface and out ran the corruption. went back under ground and proceeded to get richer. for some reason the blindness effect didnt work on me but all the others do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pickaxe turtles are probably cheaper solution than quarries. Just three diamonds apiece.
Sure, they are cheaper, but you would need to both a) code the dang thing, and b) fuel it when it comes back after clocking its inventory. When you factor in the time that it would take to return each time, aswell as the chunk loader blocks you would need to keep it loaded, the cost of the turtle in both time and diamonds (for a 64x64 chunck, which is max size of a BC quarry, you need 4 chunck loaders -> 11 diamonds in total), you have to ask: is it worth it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sure, they are cheaper, but you would need to both a) code the dang thing, and b) fuel it when it comes back after clocking its inventory. When you factor in the time that it would take to return each time, aswell as the chunk loader blocks you would need to keep it loaded, the cost of the turtle in both time and diamonds (for a 64x64 chunck, which is max size of a BC quarry, you need 4 chunck loaders -> 11 diamonds in total), you have to ask: is it worth it?
It is once you realize that you can have your turtles leave the silk-touch'n'macerate ores alone. Besides, it's easier to only have them work around a single world anchor, they can also mine bottom-up, unlike the quarry. Or consider this: You can have two anchors and an ender chest(for dumping stuff and getting fuel), you can move those using another turtle. You could theoretically use this setup to have your turtles mine into infinity. Heck, you can have a turtle move your god-damn quarry.

Turtles are the future :D.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sure, they are cheaper, but you would need to both a) code the dang thing, and b) fuel it when it comes back after clocking its inventory. When you factor in the time that it would take to return each time, aswell as the chunk loader blocks you would need to keep it loaded, the cost of the turtle in both time and diamonds (for a 64x64 chunck, which is max size of a BC quarry, you need 4 chunck loaders -> 11 diamonds in total), you have to ask: is it worth it?
I have no experience with turtles, but can't you use a chunkloading turtle? You wouldn't need the chunk loaders then.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is once you realize that you can have your turtles leave the silk-touch'n'macerate ores alone. Besides, it's easier to only have them work around a single world anchor, they can also mine bottom-up, unlike the quarry. Or consider this: You can have two anchors and an ender chest(for dumping stuff and getting fuel), you can move those using another turtle. You could theoretically use this setup to have your turtles mine into infinity. Heck, you can have a turtle move your god-damn quarry.

Turtles are the future :D.

I haven't done much with CC or Turtles, but since I don't know how to code, I like the set-it-and-forget it of quarries. They're easy to build and set up, they have their own chunkloader for the entire quarrt and they're faster with more power. Plus, I have a whole set up of sorting and processing all the material as it comes in. If only we have teleport pipes and it'd be perfect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be quite honest, the whole GregTech mod is beyond stupid, but by far the worst thing about it is the iridium thing (and disabling of the mass fab.). Why in the world would they include it in the pack. It adds nothing good. Just complicates a bunch of things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
by iridium thing, do you mean the lack of it? If so, just take an advanced drill and a power source, and get to work on a mystcraft world with about 10 dense ore symbols - and set it to bright & flat. Sure, you have to put up with all the negative buffs, but if you make one with a star fissure, and have a jetpack, you can just float to the bottom (use the minimap if you cant see) and get under some cover, and the buffs seem to go away (at least for me), then you can get plenty of the ore, not to mention all the diamonds you could ever need... though it is a little game-breaking.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've spent around 50 hours on my world and built quite a few things, so I'm not going to start over in some other world (no idea what mystcraft world even means, heh). I like my world the shape it is, but the way to get Iridium now is frankly stupid.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've spent around 50 hours on my world and built quite a few things, so I'm not going to start over in some other world (no idea what mystcraft world even means, heh). I like my world the shape it is, but the way to get Iridium now is frankly stupid.

You don't need to start the world. You can just go in to the gregtech config and re-enable the mass fab. Continue playing.

Look up mystcraft. It's a pretty cool mod.

Also, it's included because greg ( and some others ) like to put considerably more time into making anything. They don't want to get everything too fast. Most of them would say it makes it more difficult, but I and many others such as yourself would argue it only adds tedium.

Neither is correct, they are just different opinions. That's why the config file exists though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I'll do that @mass fab.
I don't mean to come off as too negative, but I just don't see the point of the mod. Yes it makes things more difficult to make, which in itself isn't too bad, though I like how IC2 goes about it. I was surprised the first time I found out I needed to make a blast furnace just to make steel in order to create whatever item it was that I needed (can't recall), but I didn't mind it. However, making iridium so rare and you needing so much of it is silly. Not to mention it's slower and takes 10 times more power to operate.
I wish they'd just cut it from the mod and wash their hands of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The point is, the mod is largely targeted at servers in an effort to keep people from becoming bored after a week or two.

On a 24/7 server, the energy cost of a regular mass fab is essentially irrelevant. You hook some solars up to it, plus a cobble generator to produce scrap, and go sleep to wake up the next day to a chestful of UU-Matter. Congratulations, you can now stop playing the game because you now have arbitrary amounts of everything and there's no challenge left.

That's why the matter fabricator is such a hard recipe, and why it needs such incredible amounts of energy to run. This is something you build as a group, with everyone providing what iridium and rubies etc. they found into a common pool. Then after it's up and running, the energy cost is balanced to not instantly trivialize the game if it is kept running 24/7.

However, playing SSP for maybe an hour or two a day, I found the energy cost to be almost impossible to meet. It is simply not suitable for a scenario where the process isn't running while you're away. Therefore, for singleplayer, I went to the config file and tuned down the energy cost from 16.6 million to 2.0 million per UU-Matter (regular IC2: 0.16 million). It is much better now - each piece still feels like a valuable treasure, but I can actually get enough to complete a recipe in one play session.

Building the matter fab all by myself through hand-mining was pretty awesome, by the way. It kept me busy for a long time, but boy am I ever proud of managing it! It also gave me something to do while waiting for bee breeding. You want to see real tedium? Go breed bees. GregTech has nothing on Forestry when you're trying to breed a specific line because it's the only way to get a specific resource that you can't find naturally due to bad luck with world generation and that's completely halting your progress.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is that ftb is currntly using outdated version, in the newest version this problem is adressed by including ore in the end which can be centrifuged to get irridium. Didnt try it yet but i belive it will help a lot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The point is, the mod is largely targeted at servers in an effort to keep people from becoming bored after a week or two.

On a 24/7 server, the energy cost of a regular mass fab is essentially irrelevant. You hook some solars up to it, plus a cobble generator to produce scrap, and go sleep to wake up the next day to a chestful of UU-Matter. Congratulations, you can now stop playing the game because you now have arbitrary amounts of everything and there's no challenge left.

That's why the matter fabricator is such a hard recipe, and why it needs such incredible amounts of energy to run. This is something you build as a group, with everyone providing what iridium and rubies etc. they found into a common pool. Then after it's up and running, the energy cost is balanced to not instantly trivialize the game if it is kept running 24/7.

However, playing SSP for maybe an hour or two a day, I found the energy cost to be almost impossible to meet. It is simply not suitable for a scenario where the process isn't running while you're away. Therefore, for singleplayer, I went to the config file and tuned down the energy cost from 16.6 million to 2.0 million per UU-Matter (regular IC2: 0.16 million). It is much better now - each piece still feels like a valuable treasure, but I can actually get enough to complete a recipe in one play session.

Building the matter fab all by myself through hand-mining was pretty awesome, by the way. It kept me busy for a long time, but boy am I ever proud of managing it! It also gave me something to do while waiting for bee breeding. You want to see real tedium? Go breed bees. GregTech has nothing on Forestry when you're trying to breed a specific line because it's the only way to get a specific resource that you can't find naturally due to bad luck with world generation and that's completely halting your progress.

Bees. <shiver>

I tried that early on and barely made it to Diligent. When I got 2 diligent drones, and ran out of meadows, common, and cultivated queens...I stopped, lol.

My next server I'm going to change the beekeeping mode to easy. I don't even want to think about insane.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The newest update for GregTech does at least provide more of a middle tier to keep you occupied and rewards you accordingly. It doesn't make Iridium any less tedious to obtain, but at least it's less of the sudden brick wall that it used to be. And really, UU Matter and the Quantum Suit needed something to slow down obtaining them, it just would have been nice if the progression into the Highly Advanced Machine tier left out the Iridium requirement of the MatterFab and thus relied less on luck or Dense Ores abuse.

Edit: You can centrifuge stuff in the End for Iridium? I need to see how common it is unless it's Endstone itself before I'm satisfied, but that is a step in the right direction... if a little sad that the once "final boss" of Minecraft is trivialized further.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The point is, the mod is largely targeted at servers in an effort to keep people from becoming bored after a week or two.

On a 24/7 server, the energy cost of a regular mass fab is essentially irrelevant. You hook some solars up to it, plus a cobble generator to produce scrap, and go sleep to wake up the next day to a chestful of UU-Matter. Congratulations, you can now stop playing the game because you now have arbitrary amounts of everything and there's no challenge left.

That's why the matter fabricator is such a hard recipe, and why it needs such incredible amounts of energy to run. This is something you build as a group, with everyone providing what iridium and rubies etc. they found into a common pool. Then after it's up and running, the energy cost is balanced to not instantly trivialize the game if it is kept running 24/7.

However, playing SSP for maybe an hour or two a day, I found the energy cost to be almost impossible to meet. It is simply not suitable for a scenario where the process isn't running while you're away. Therefore, for singleplayer, I went to the config file and tuned down the energy cost from 16.6 million to 2.0 million per UU-Matter (regular IC2: 0.16 million). It is much better now - each piece still feels like a valuable treasure, but I can actually get enough to complete a recipe in one play session.

Building the matter fab all by myself through hand-mining was pretty awesome, by the way. It kept me busy for a long time, but boy am I ever proud of managing it! It also gave me something to do while waiting for bee breeding. You want to see real tedium? Go breed bees. GregTech has nothing on Forestry when you're trying to breed a specific line because it's the only way to get a specific resource that you can't find naturally due to bad luck with world generation and that's completely halting your progress.
Heh, yeah I can see that for huge 24/7 servers. But I doubt that's what most of the people who are playing with the modpack are on. Even if that was the case, they have to consider like half who don't have years and 20 hours a day to play.
Anyway, I did do bee breeding for a while on Normal. Sadly, ExtraBees didn't work, so none of the special bees were breedable no matter how much you tried. Spent a lot of hours on it... Meh.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heh, yeah I can see that for huge 24/7 servers. But I doubt that's what most of the people who are playing with the modpack are on. Even if that was the case, they have to consider like half who don't have years and 20 hours a day to play.
Anyway, I did do bee breeding for a while on Normal. Sadly, ExtraBees didn't work, so none of the special bees were breedable no matter how much you tried. Spent a lot of hours on it... Meh.

They did consider us. That's what the config is for:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah ok I set myself up for that one. What I meant was it should be the other way around :p
Anyway point is.. the mod is dumb, and ExtraBees not working is annoying =)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The newest update for GregTech does at least provide more of a middle tier to keep you occupied and rewards you accordingly. It doesn't make Iridium any less tedious to obtain, but at least it's less of the sudden brick wall that it used to be. And really, UU Matter and the Quantum Suit needed something to slow down obtaining them, it just would have been nice if the progression into the Highly Advanced Machine tier left out the Iridium requirement of the MatterFab and thus relied less on luck or Dense Ores abuse.

Edit: You can centrifuge stuff in the End for Iridium? I need to see how common it is unless it's Endstone itself before I'm satisfied, but that is a step in the right direction... if a little sad that the once "final boss" of Minecraft is trivialized further.

The End "stuff" is Sheldonite ore which forms in asteroids floating around in the void, "They generate every 100th chunk. And every 25th one of those is a large one. And yes they are infinite." direct quote from GregoriusT from the IC2 forums.