IRC channels for mods

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#BioDynamics for in-dev mod BioDynamics, and JuiceWares
#ChickenBones for Chicken_bones' mods (NEI, EnderStorage, Translocators, ChickenChunks, CodeChickenCore/Lib, etc.)
#GregTech is the unofficial GregTech channel
#iChun for iChun's mods (PortalGun, GraviGun, Morph, Trail Mix, Sync, etc.)
#iPixeli for iPixeli's mods (Gender Option, as well as some others I can't remember- she also helps with Modjam)
#TheSteamTank for Flaxbeard's Steam Power
#treecapitator for Treecapitator, and IIRC bspkrs' other mods

all on esper
Oh, I also have #SatanicSanta for my mods. I also use it to record stuff to look at later so if you do start existing here you may see some weird GT numbers and stuff.

Edit: Oh I also test my IRC bot here, so yeah, this is just my general channel I guess :P
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You can find me in #sapphire on, if you for some reason care about me :D
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