Open Invisible Non-Updated Blocks (Momentarily)



Summary of the problem Invisible Non-Updated Blocks (Momentarily)

Pack Version Latest Release (Forge

What is the bug? The "Better Builder's Wands" wands (all types) when using them are placing blocks (all types) when you use said wand and the blocks go invisible when placed. But luckily it only takes a few seconds or minutes for the block(s) to update then it becomes visible.

Mod & Version Sky Factory 3 (Forge
Better Builder's Wands (Latest Release?.. If it is or Not)

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? Step(s):
1.) Have any type of wand you made/crafted.
2.) Use wand to place the said blocks along to the blocks.
3.) Blocks go invisible but comes back in short amount of time.

Known Fix My Knowledge:
Let it self update but it takes quite a bit of time and it will be there.