Integrated Dynamics help in OceanBlock 1.11.0.


New Member
Dec 10, 2021
I try reading and following the in-game / web book tutorial and I feel like I am completely stupid trying to understand what to do. This tutorial is obviously written by a programmer for programmers who understand these concepts and language. This mod looks really cool. Unfortunately, I am so frustrated with trying to understand the explanations and examples I am about ready to abandon this thing altogether! And that's just trying to get the achievements to clear the quests log!

I am really lost on the NBT tutorial. Is there an Integrated Dynamics for Dummies version out there that shows which options to use when it says things like,
"Read the name (id) of a book inside a Lectern block by applying an NBT Path expression on the NBT tag read from a Block Reader."
I haven't seen a YouTube video that explains the NBT stuff in simple terms. like...
"applying the expression ”.root.child1.child2” on the NBT tag { root: { child1: { child2: ”some value” } }} will output ”some value”. More advanced features of NBT Path are described later in the advanced part of the manual."
Whaaaaaat this isn't the advanced part already????