Information about Sick Sheep, not Tainted

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I am asking a question about a specific Minecraft Mod. I ran into an unknown yesterday and all of my Google-Fu and keyword searches of this forum are not yielding any results. I'm more of a "build pretty things" player, but even the 2 techy guys I know haven't run into this as yet (which was very surprising).

I'm playing the most recent version of Direwolf (I believe), and I discovered a sick sheep. He had red splotches on him and was emitting red effect swirls, as well as leaving behind brown/yellow sickly looking patches of liquid that would infect another sheep when they walked into it. The sheep was not aggressive or different in speed.

I saw no pools of similar liquid in the area, nor a trail of the spots leading to where he may have come from. The liquid would spread like water if I destroyed the block it was on, but disappeared if I placed a block on top of it. I didn't step into it myself, and I've since destroyed the infected sheeps (an action I sort of regret now, they probably could have been contained).

I've included 3 screenshots to help diagnose the issue.

Thanks for any help y'all can give! :)


  • sheep 1.jpeg
    sheep 1.jpeg
    30.7 KB · Views: 53
  • sheep 2.jpeg
    sheep 2.jpeg
    31.6 KB · Views: 61
  • sheep 3.jpeg
    sheep 3.jpeg
    30.9 KB · Views: 54


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Shoulda picked up the liquid with a bucket to identify the mod. But it sounds like MFR sewage which is normally extracted from farm animals (and the player who apparently poops a little every time he takes a step) by walking on a sewer block. I will venture a guess and say the MFR author added this as a joke, the sheep sound as if they have a bad case of diarrhea. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh thank you so much for your responses! That modlist will undoubtedly remain helpful. It certainly does seem like a joke, haha! Just trying to figure out what caused it, preventative maintenance.

The working theory from other information sources so far is that it is from the Brew of Disease from Witchery. My brother said we haven't been using that mod, but I don't know if he means it's actually been made non-functional or if we just haven't been taking advantage of it.