Whitelist Server InfinityCraft|FTB Infinity 1.2.0|Whitelist|24/7 DEDI|14GB.

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): Gamer4Ever247
Skype (pref): mrpcguy1
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Central
How long have you been playing mods?: I've been playing MC since June or July 2014 and started mods shortly after, probably August with some self made packs.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a place where I can do new community creations outside of vanilla, and I really would like to see how far I could go with this server.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'd say I'm a bit laid back, and once I get to know someone I really open up and get into some great conversations.
What are you good at?: I'm good at getting the tech mods working well (AE2, etc...) and I'd like to think I learn quickly when it comes to new things
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I was banned from a small public server once for a misunderstanding with the moderators
Anything else?: Will the server be updated to new versions often? Or will we as a collective decide to update or not? Or will it be up to staff to decide? Any of these are okay, I'd just like to know because I prefer always playing on the latest versions of things.
Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username):NightsFires
Skype (pref):will pm if needed, but I really prefer TS
Age: 22
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: GMT -5
How long have you been playing mods?: Getting close to a year now
Why do you want to play on the server?: I usually play single player, and I think it's about time I find some people to play with and make some awesome creations
What are you like? (Personality-wise): pretty quiet. I usually keep to myself, but like working with others to create things that I probably couldn't on my own.
What are you good at?: Looking at what people have built and how it can be improved.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: Nope :)
IGN (minecraft username): 1cameron
Skype (pref): cameron043098
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): United States of America
Timezone: CST (Central Standard Time)
How long have you been playing mods?: 3+ years
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm getting lonely playing Single Player and most multiplayer server's i'm to scared to play on for the fear of getting griefed. I want to join the server since its white listed and not have to worry about griefing *hopefully* or someone stealing my things
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm pretty shy. I don't really talk to people i don't know unless i really need something. Compared to my classmates I am mature. I won't go around yelling at everyone and calling them certain words.
What are you good at?: Mod wise: I know how a lot of mods work. There are still some i haven't even heard of.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No (i have not played minecraft for a couple months)
Anything else?: nothing that i can think of besides I hope to see you in-game soon
Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): ZephyrWindSpirit
Skype (pref): ZephyrWindSpirit (please mention Infintycraft)
Age: 26
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: -8 (Pacific)
How long have you been playing mods?: Off and on for a year... I think.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I like playing with other people, and seeing everyone's different ideas. I do have other commitments but if I find I'm enjoying the server, I'll try coming on when I'm able.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): A mix of being chatty and quiet. I get discouraged if many people get ahead of me, as I am a slow progresser. I like helping others.
What are you good at?: Botania, basic witchery, and blood magic. I'd like to learn about Computercraft, and step into AE2.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I got banned for two days for accidentally advertising a long time ago.
Anything else?: I'm honest, occasionally overly chatty, but I hope to find a place to settle down and teach myself some mods, and avoid being griefed.
IGN (minecraft username): MistCMaster
Skype (pref): MistCMaster
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: MST
How long have you been playing mods?: 3+
Why do you want to play on the server?: Have fun and be apart of something bigger than a single player realm
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Calm and decisive
What are you good at?: Creating complicated and automatic ways of doing things
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: Nope
Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): SDSUJackalope
Skype (pref):N/A
Where do you live? (Country):USA
IGN (minecraft username):
Timezone: Central Standard
How long have you been playing mods?: 4 Years (Vanilla a year before beta)
Why do you want to play on the server?: I have been looking around for a strong friendly community and am still in search of one.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Friendly. Youtube recorder, and Twitch Streamer. Not shy. Architect Student. Calm and passive.
What are you good at?: I am good at large scale and small scale building.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no
Anything else?:
If you are accepted I will reply to you on this post.
Last edited:
Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username):
Skype (pref):
Where do you live? (Country):
GMT -6 (Central)
How long have you been playing mods?:
Since minecraft 1.5.2
Why do you want to play on the server?:
I took interest in the Infinity modpack and trying to find a good server to hop in. Unfortunately the open servers are too laggy for me so I wanted to try Whitelisted servers.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):
Kinda bipolar I guess xD Sometimes I'm active sometimes I keep to myself and can change at any time. I usually am pretty passive, helping others if I can.
What are you good at?:
Magic stuff, mainly Blood Magic, Botania, and Thaumcraft.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):
Not as far as I know.
Anything else?:
Is the server cat-friendly? :3
IGN (minecraft username): MCpiglover
Skype (pref): mcpiglover1
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: CST
How long have you been playing mods?: 3 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: Im looking for a fun community
What are you like? (Personality-wise): power player
What are you good at?: i have handy areas in all mods of the pack
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no
Anything else?: I look forward to having a fun time :D
IGN (minecraft username): CGasper
Skype (pref): I don't have Skype :/ I preffer using TeamSpeak
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): Brazil
Timezone: UCT -3:00
How long have you been playing mods?: 1 Year or so
Why do you want to play on the server?: Last server i was in people stopped playing after a few months so i need to find a new one.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm not very... talkie(?). But i like talking to people once i 'bond'
What are you good at?: I'm good at automatization, i'm terrible a building tho :)
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No, never.
Anything else?:
IGN (minecraft username): Dmondragon11
Skype (pref): pm me if its really needed
Where do you live? (Country):United States
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
How long have you been playing mods?: Alot. i know most mods and what to do
Why do you want to play on the server?: This looks like a good server with good intentions.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Kind.
What are you good at?: All around things.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I don't think i have.
Anything else?: I hope i get to be a part of this community
IGN : Hookamenace
Skype (pref): I have skype
Age: 30
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard time
How long have you been playing mods?: for a few years now
Why do you want to play on the server?: For starters, I like the mod pack. But really Just looking for a mature server that is active
What are you like? (Personality-wise):
What are you good at?: Building. Like to build massive projects (castles, villages, ect...)
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no
Anything else?: Not really
IGN (minecraft username):hbk62
Skype (pref):hbkflygon62
Where do you live? (Country):United states
Timezone:Eastern Standard
How long have you been playing mods?:I started playing about 3 months after tekkit was released
Why do you want to play on the server?:I want a mature server that doesn't lag.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):I'm an easy to get along with guy i tend to help players when i can aswell.
What are you good at?:I'm good with magic and tech I may not be the best builder in the world but i can build more than just a square.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):Nope
Anything else?:Not that i can think of
IGN (minecraft username): GarrusVakarian
Skype (pref):
Age: 24
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Eastern standard
How long have you been playing mods?: 5-6 months after technic was released.
Why do you want to play on the server?: To join a Good easy going community with no lag
What are you like? (Personality-wise):I'm more quiet than most but i will say a few words here and there :)
What are you good at?: Im decent at building but when it comes to magic mods, i would say i'm pretty great.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): nope
Anything else?: Nope
IGN: iTweaks
Skype: feed.mydreams
Age: 28
Where do you live? Romania
Timezone: GMT+2
How long have you been playing mods?: Since FTB Ultimate
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a new server and a mature community!
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I am a calm person.
What are you good at? In real life, I am very dedicated to my work (healthcare).
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Never been banned.
Anything else?: At this moment, there's nothing else.

Thank you in advance.
Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): Bl4ckH0le
Skype (pref): Would give it by PM if really necessary
Age: 19
Where do you live? (Country): France
Timezone: GMT+1
How long have you been playing mods?: Since minecraft beta 1.5
Why do you want to play on the server?: Because I wanted to start a new game to test the latest ftb pack, and decided to find a nice server to do that.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Friendly in general, maybe a little shy sometimes, and I like to be helpful.
What are you good at?: Pretty much every mod (except the agriculture mods, and the latest changes in IC² exp), I pretty much memorized the wiki. I'm especially good at computer(craft) programming.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Never.
Anything else?: Not that I can think of.
IGN: Ducati432
Skype: Obama8mypie
Age: 14
Where do you live?: United States
Timezone: EST
How long have you been playing mods?: For a while now, about 2 years or so
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a good community of people to hang out with :)
What are you like?: Humorous Player
What are you good at?: Tinkers Construct, Open blocks, Project Red, Advance Genetics.
Have you ever been banned?: Never
Anything else: Not really :p
IGN: Crimson2126
Skype: live:treyvordupree (Name will be Crimson)
Age: 15
I live in the United States
Eastern Time
  • I want to get back into modded MC and play with some new people, and see what has changed in modding since I last played.
  • I have been playing mods for about two or three years.
  • I usually don't initiate conversation, but I love when people ask for input or include me. Being with new people makes me want to put an effort into being social though!
  • I like to think I'm a really good builder and I'm good at following directions (collecting resources for the people who actually know how to craft) to an end result. It's really cool when stuff that I went out to get is made into some really cool item or tool that I wouldn't have been able to make on my own.
  • I have never been banned before.
IGN (minecraft username):Wallmourne
Skype (pref):antomarsi2
Where do you live? (Country):Brazil
Timezone: UTC/GMT -2 hours
How long have you been playing mods?: since minecraft 1.2.5 beta
Why do you want to play on the server?: I want a good community to play with and want to play the Infinity ModPack
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I am a calm and mature player, like to help peoples when needed.
What are you good at?: I am good with techmods, and love to combine magic and technology
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: i like to make efficient and not laggy stuffs (i had a server and i know that is important)
and i like to recomend to limit the use of CB ChunkLoader, some players abuse the size. i think the railcraft's world anchor is the best one or maybe the mini chunk loader from ChickenBones
IGN (minecraft username): CupcakeNautilus
Skype (pref): N/A
Age: 29
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: PST
How long have you been playing mods?: For as long as minecraft mods have existed, but not as much lately.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I've been mostly playing single-player lately, and this seems like a good place to get back into multiplayer.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Pretty easy-going.
What are you good at?: In minecraft mods, not a whole lot anymore. A lot has changed since I last played many of them, but learning by playing is the best way!
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Never been banned.
Anything else?: I hope I can find some other people to build with! Learning all these mods alone sounds pretty overwhelming.
Denied, i dont want griefers OR spammers on my server.
IGN (minecraft username): ElectricFTW
Skype (pref): imawesome2000
Age: 11
Where do you live? (Country): Maryland, USA
Timezone: EST
How long have you been playing mods?: About 1 year
Why do you want to play on the server?: I have seen many FTB servers but they are all laggy and half the items are banned. I would rather play in a trusted, no griefing and unbanned items server.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I am very fun and happy all the time. It's very hard to make me mad or sad. I like talking and hanging out. I am very mature for an 11 year old, so don't worry about accepting me because of my age.
What are you good at?: I'm very good at building. When I play FTB I usually get through all the tech stuff get geared and then after that I like to build and mess around.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I have not been banned on a FTB server, but about 6 months ago I was banned on one server for griefing and another for spamming.
Anything else?: Nope

All accepted, will whitelist you all now :)

IGN (minecraft username): Shazbot
Skype (pref): PM me if you really want this.
Age: 28
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: EST
How long have you been playing mods?: The first time I played modded Minecraft was when Industrialcraft (1) first got multiplayer support. There were no packs then and I played a server that ran IC1 and a mod called Planes. I feel like that was something around 5 or 6 years ago. After that I played Tekkit and switched over to FTB when it started including more interesting mods than Tekkit had at the time.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm just looking for a place to play where I learn about and try out all the new stuff that has come out since the update to MC 1.7.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I sometimes keep to myself but I don't mind joining in a conversation or building with others if they are around. I'll gladly help people if they are having trouble getting something to work right.
What are you good at?: Building massive structures and crazy machines.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: Nope.

IGN (minecraft username): kirthew
Skype (pref): Dont really use skype
Age: 40
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Pacific
How long have you been playing mods?: 2 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: I want to play with a community instead of purchasing my own server.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I am a helper.
What are you good at?: Gathering Matterials
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope
Anything else?: I suck at building. I want to learn and not be griefed. Willing to donate monthly to help out with server costs.

IGN (minecraft username): dkittrell
Skype (pref): i have skype but never use it. i usually only use TS
Age: 25
Where do you live? (Country): Arizona,USA
Timezone: MST
How long have you been playing mods?: ~2 yrs
Why do you want to play on the server?: Im looking to play on a mature infinity server with nothing banned. I feel you need to trust the community to be smart with their builds instead of banning an item, if you cant trust someone why have them on your server?
What are you like? (Personality-wise): im easy going guy. I like to help when ever i can usually thats with resources because my building leaves a lot to be desired ha ha
What are you good at?: I like to build different types of farms and automation. This used to include thaumcraft until they reworked the mod for 4.1 :(
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope!
Anything else?: Im looking for a server that is set on HARD difficulty, FTB makes minecraft pretty easy to start with at least hard makes it a little more difficult. If this is on easy or normal go ahead and pass on me :)
If you are accepted I will reply to you on this post.

IGN (minecraft username):beatexpert
Skype (pref):beatexpert1
Where do you live? (Country):UK
Timezone: UTC+00:00
How long have you been playing mods?: About 3 years now.
Why do you want to play on the server?: There are few Infinity servers and this looks like the best one out there.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Funny and always looking out to help friends.
What are you good at?: I'm ok at building but my main skill comes into creating weird machines that do crazy stuff.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No I've never been banned on any server.
Anything else?: Nothing else.

IGN :mossabt
Skype (pref): Mossaab Abtouche
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country):Canada
Timezone:+ 1
How long have you been playing mods?: 2 years i think
Why do you want to play on the server?: because being along is boring
What are you like? (Personality-wise): im mostly friendly but when you want to tossle im here
What are you good at?: magic mods and ender io
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):Well yeah i was banned for killing a mod because he was racist and i hate them
Anything else?: i just want to play with you guys and have fun :)

IGN (minecraft username): tekkit_player850
Skype (pref): jimmey950
Age: 13 but mature
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: MST
How long have you been playing mods?: 1 year
Why do you want to play on the server?: To join a no lag good community server!
What are you like? (Personality-wise): funny
What are you good at?: tech mods and soccer irl
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no
Anything else?: nope

Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): Gamer4Ever247
Skype (pref): mrpcguy1
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Central
How long have you been playing mods?: I've been playing MC since June or July 2014 and started mods shortly after, probably August with some self made packs.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a place where I can do new community creations outside of vanilla, and I really would like to see how far I could go with this server.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'd say I'm a bit laid back, and once I get to know someone I really open up and get into some great conversations.
What are you good at?: I'm good at getting the tech mods working well (AE2, etc...) and I'd like to think I learn quickly when it comes to new things
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I was banned from a small public server once for a misunderstanding with the moderators
Anything else?: Will the server be updated to new versions often? Or will we as a collective decide to update or not? Or will it be up to staff to decide? Any of these are okay, I'd just like to know because I prefer always playing on the latest versions of things.

Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username):NightsFires
Skype (pref):will pm if needed, but I really prefer TS
Age: 22
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: GMT -5
How long have you been playing mods?: Getting close to a year now
Why do you want to play on the server?: I usually play single player, and I think it's about time I find some people to play with and make some awesome creations
What are you like? (Personality-wise): pretty quiet. I usually keep to myself, but like working with others to create things that I probably couldn't on my own.
What are you good at?: Looking at what people have built and how it can be improved.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: Nope :)

IGN (minecraft username): 1cameron
Skype (pref): cameron043098
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): United States of America
Timezone: CST (Central Standard Time)
How long have you been playing mods?: 3+ years
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm getting lonely playing Single Player and most multiplayer server's i'm to scared to play on for the fear of getting griefed. I want to join the server since its white listed and not have to worry about griefing *hopefully* or someone stealing my things
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm pretty shy. I don't really talk to people i don't know unless i really need something. Compared to my classmates I am mature. I won't go around yelling at everyone and calling them certain words.
What are you good at?: Mod wise: I know how a lot of mods work. There are still some i haven't even heard of.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No (i have not played minecraft for a couple months)
Anything else?: nothing that i can think of besides I hope to see you in-game soon

Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): ZephyrWindSpirit
Skype (pref): ZephyrWindSpirit (please mention Infintycraft)
Age: 26
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: -8 (Pacific)
How long have you been playing mods?: Off and on for a year... I think.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I like playing with other people, and seeing everyone's different ideas. I do have other commitments but if I find I'm enjoying the server, I'll try coming on when I'm able.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): A mix of being chatty and quiet. I get discouraged if many people get ahead of me, as I am a slow progresser. I like helping others.
What are you good at?: Botania, basic witchery, and blood magic. I'd like to learn about Computercraft, and step into AE2.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I got banned for two days for accidentally advertising a long time ago.
Anything else?: I'm honest, occasionally overly chatty, but I hope to find a place to settle down and teach myself some mods, and avoid being griefed.

IGN (minecraft username): MistCMaster
Skype (pref): MistCMaster
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: MST
How long have you been playing mods?: 3+
Why do you want to play on the server?: Have fun and be apart of something bigger than a single player realm
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Calm and decisive
What are you good at?: Creating complicated and automatic ways of doing things
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: Nope

Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): SDSUJackalope
Skype (pref):N/A
Where do you live? (Country):USA
IGN (minecraft username):
Timezone: Central Standard
How long have you been playing mods?: 4 Years (Vanilla a year before beta)
Why do you want to play on the server?: I have been looking around for a strong friendly community and am still in search of one.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Friendly. Youtube recorder, and Twitch Streamer. Not shy. Architect Student. Calm and passive.
What are you good at?: I am good at large scale and small scale building.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no
Anything else?:
If you are accepted I will reply to you on this post.

Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username):
Skype (pref):
Where do you live? (Country):
GMT -6 (Central)
How long have you been playing mods?:
Since minecraft 1.5.2
Why do you want to play on the server?:
I took interest in the Infinity modpack and trying to find a good server to hop in. Unfortunately the open servers are too laggy for me so I wanted to try Whitelisted servers.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):
Kinda bipolar I guess xD Sometimes I'm active sometimes I keep to myself and can change at any time. I usually am pretty passive, helping others if I can.
What are you good at?:
Magic stuff, mainly Blood Magic, Botania, and Thaumcraft.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):
Not as far as I know.
Anything else?:
Is the server cat-friendly? :3

IGN (minecraft username): MCpiglover
Skype (pref): mcpiglover1
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: CST
How long have you been playing mods?: 3 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: Im looking for a fun community
What are you like? (Personality-wise): power player
What are you good at?: i have handy areas in all mods of the pack
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no
Anything else?: I look forward to having a fun time :D

IGN (minecraft username): CGasper
Skype (pref): I don't have Skype :/ I preffer using TeamSpeak
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): Brazil
Timezone: UCT -3:00
How long have you been playing mods?: 1 Year or so
Why do you want to play on the server?: Last server i was in people stopped playing after a few months so i need to find a new one.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm not very... talkie(?). But i like talking to people once i 'bond'
What are you good at?: I'm good at automatization, i'm terrible a building tho :)
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No, never.
Anything else?:

IGN (minecraft username): Dmondragon11
Skype (pref): pm me if its really needed
Where do you live? (Country):United States
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
How long have you been playing mods?: Alot. i know most mods and what to do
Why do you want to play on the server?: This looks like a good server with good intentions.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Kind.
What are you good at?: All around things.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I don't think i have.
Anything else?: I hope i get to be a part of this community

IGN : Hookamenace
Skype (pref): I have skype
Age: 30
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard time
How long have you been playing mods?: for a few years now
Why do you want to play on the server?: For starters, I like the mod pack. But really Just looking for a mature server that is active
What are you like? (Personality-wise):
What are you good at?: Building. Like to build massive projects (castles, villages, ect...)
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no
Anything else?: Not really

IGN (minecraft username):hbk62
Skype (pref):hbkflygon62
Where do you live? (Country):United states
Timezone:Eastern Standard
How long have you been playing mods?:I started playing about 3 months after tekkit was released
Why do you want to play on the server?:I want a mature server that doesn't lag.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):I'm an easy to get along with guy i tend to help players when i can aswell.
What are you good at?:I'm good with magic and tech I may not be the best builder in the world but i can build more than just a square.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):Nope
Anything else?:Not that i can think of

IGN (minecraft username): GarrusVakarian
Skype (pref):
Age: 24
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Eastern standard
How long have you been playing mods?: 5-6 months after technic was released.
Why do you want to play on the server?: To join a Good easy going community with no lag
What are you like? (Personality-wise):I'm more quiet than most but i will say a few words here and there :)
What are you good at?: Im decent at building but when it comes to magic mods, i would say i'm pretty great.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): nope
Anything else?: Nope

IGN: iTweaks
Skype: feed.mydreams
Age: 28
Where do you live? Romania
Timezone: GMT+2
How long have you been playing mods?: Since FTB Ultimate
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a new server and a mature community!
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I am a calm person.
What are you good at? In real life, I am very dedicated to my work (healthcare).
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Never been banned.
Anything else?: At this moment, there's nothing else.

Thank you in advance.

Whitelist Application:
IGN (minecraft username): Bl4ckH0le
Skype (pref): Would give it by PM if really necessary
Age: 19
Where do you live? (Country): France
Timezone: GMT+1
How long have you been playing mods?: Since minecraft beta 1.5
Why do you want to play on the server?: Because I wanted to start a new game to test the latest ftb pack, and decided to find a nice server to do that.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Friendly in general, maybe a little shy sometimes, and I like to be helpful.
What are you good at?: Pretty much every mod (except the agriculture mods, and the latest changes in IC² exp), I pretty much memorized the wiki. I'm especially good at computer(craft) programming.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Never.
Anything else?: Not that I can think of.

IGN: Ducati432
Skype: Obama8mypie
Age: 14
Where do you live?: United States
Timezone: EST
How long have you been playing mods?: For a while now, about 2 years or so
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a good community of people to hang out with :)
What are you like?: Humorous Player
What are you good at?: Tinkers Construct, Open blocks, Project Red, Advance Genetics.
Have you ever been banned?: Never
Anything else: Not really :p

IGN: Crimson2126
Skype: live:treyvordupree (Name will be Crimson)
Age: 15
I live in the United States
Eastern Time
  • I want to get back into modded MC and play with some new people, and see what has changed in modding since I last played.
  • I have been playing mods for about two or three years.
  • I usually don't initiate conversation, but I love when people ask for input or include me. Being with new people makes me want to put an effort into being social though!
  • I like to think I'm a really good builder and I'm good at following directions (collecting resources for the people who actually know how to craft) to an end result. It's really cool when stuff that I went out to get is made into some really cool item or tool that I wouldn't have been able to make on my own.
  • I have never been banned before.

IGN (minecraft username):Wallmourne
Skype (pref):antomarsi2
Where do you live? (Country):Brazil
Timezone: UTC/GMT -2 hours
How long have you been playing mods?: since minecraft 1.2.5 beta
Why do you want to play on the server?: I want a good community to play with and want to play the Infinity ModPack
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I am a calm and mature player, like to help peoples when needed.
What are you good at?: I am good with techmods, and love to combine magic and technology
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: i like to make efficient and not laggy stuffs (i had a server and i know that is important)
and i like to recomend to limit the use of CB ChunkLoader, some players abuse the size. i think the railcraft's world anchor is the best one or maybe the mini chunk loader from ChickenBones

IGN (minecraft username): CupcakeNautilus
Skype (pref): N/A
Age: 29
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: PST
How long have you been playing mods?: For as long as minecraft mods have existed, but not as much lately.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I've been mostly playing single-player lately, and this seems like a good place to get back into multiplayer.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Pretty easy-going.
What are you good at?: In minecraft mods, not a whole lot anymore. A lot has changed since I last played many of them, but learning by playing is the best way!
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Never been banned.
Anything else?: I hope I can find some other people to build with! Learning all these mods alone sounds pretty overwhelming.