Whitelist Server InfinityCraft|FTB Infinity 1.2.0|Whitelist|24/7 DEDI|14GB.

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IGN (minecraft username):IChris4o
Skype (pref):homeofthechristians
Where do you live? (Country):Bulgaria
Timezone:idk, if possible can i have a link to a page that will tell me
How long have you been playing mods?:2 years
Why do you want to play on the server?:I want to paly with other mature people because singleplayer is boring
What are you like? (Personality-wise):Normal kinda person like joking aroung.
What are you good at?:Machines and making efficient power generatros and if possible when the server restarts i would like to make a powerplant for the whole server.
Anything else?:Nope this is everything i can say.
IGN (minecraft username): Tonsxoxfun
Skype (pref): Tonsxoxfun
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): Ontario, Canada
Timezone: -5
How long have you been playing mods?:2 years or so
Why do you want to play on the server?: i want a freindly community to build with
What are you like? (Personality-wise): i think im easy going and helpful
What are you good at?: Tinkers construct, Steve's Factory Manager
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Yes, because i hate admins who abuse power, and they dont like me calling them out on it
Anything else?: i usually play with 2 other guys
IGN (minecraft username): Nongwin
Skype (pref): nongwin.y
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): Norway
Timezone: GMT +01:00
How long have you been playing mods?: Played Tekkit way back, then started FTB later on, so like 3+ years.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a whitelist server to play on because that reduces the chances of people hacking, and breaking rules, which I hate. Also hate griefers.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I am helpful, kind, and laid-back.
What are you good at?: I'm good with most mods, like Tinkerer's Construct, MFR, Thermal expansion, Gendustry
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope, clean slate! http://mcbans.com/player/Nongwin/
Anything else?: Nope!
Timezone:Mountain Time (MT)
How long have i been playing mods:About 7 months (Gotten pretty good at thaumcraft ;))
Why do i want to join:Because i want to play on a server that i dont have to worry about getting griefed and one that has little banned items! (This one sounds perfect!)
What are you like:I'm pretty friendly and i like minecraft a lot!
What am i good at:Wasting time playing video games!
Have i ever been banned? Nope at least to my knowledge.
Anything else:Not really...
GN (minecraft username): tubsy79
Skype (pref): Theodore imeson
Age: 13
Where do you live? (Country): England
Timezone: GMT
How long have you been playing mods?: about 3 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: Because I enjoy multiplayer when everyone is not trying to grief or raid me and this one specifically because most of the other servers have really bad ping for me.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Well I joke around a lot, have a short attention span and am easily enraged by people who don't understand what I am telling them to do even though I explained it to them with step by step instructions five times.
What are you good at?: I'm pretty good with thaumcraft in game and I would consider myself good at arguing with other people. (winning, of course)
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No
Anything else?: No
IGN (minecraft username): Aucier
Skype (pref): [email protected]
Age: 29
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: CST
How long have you been playing mods?: For a while I know most of the mods but not all
Why do you want to play on the server?: I use to run a server and don't wanna do that anymore and this server looks good
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Chill, like to mine and build stuff
What are you good at?: Mining
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope I just like to do my thing and stay out of trouble
Anything else?: nothing
IGN (minecraft username):Jlovesendermen
Skype (pref):jaime.futter
Where do you live? (Country):South Africa
How long have you been playing mods?: for a very long time
Why do you want to play on the server?:Because all of the other servers i played on for horrible and they suck.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):i'm a very fun guy very generous and love talking to people
What are you good at?:I'm good at building and mods
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):yes
Anything else?: no, I'm all good
IGN (minecraft username): xRaider10x
Skype (pref): raider10x
Age: 19
Where do you live? (Country): Canada
Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan (central)
How long have you been playing mods?: I have been playing with the mods since tekkit 1.2.5
Why do you want to play on the server?: Because the only thing banned on this server is the ages, and to be honest, I really don't mind. The mature community thing is also a plus.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm friendly and community orientated guy, so I enjoy the company of others.
What are you good at?: I like to play with the tech mods, and making fun contraptions with them
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): No, I've always played by the rules.
Anything else?: Looking forward to the response :)
It looks like this server is full or no longer active. If anyone wants to join my private server, PM me. Infinity 1.7, with the addition of chocolates quest, artifacts, and nevermines advent of ascension. Makes it way more fun to make awesome gear and go use it!
--- Whitelist Application ---
IGN: MrBleiBohne
Skype: MrBleiBohne
Age: 17
Country: Germany
Timezone: Berlin
Mod playtime: I played FTB Ultimate and Tekkit. Both to the late midgame
Why do you want to play on the server?: I want to find a Server, where nobody gets griefed and without silly Item bans. If everyone sticks to the rules, nobody finds his base griefed. :)
What are you like?: Pfff.. Thats hard. I think Im funny, flexible and logical thinking
What are you good at?: Im good at AE2 and building mobfarms
bans: I got banned one time for glitching in hide n' seek
Anything else?: My english isnt that good, but yeah... I hope I'll get acceptet
--- Whitelist Application ---
IGN: MrBleiBohne
Skype: MrBleiBohne
Age: 17
Country: Germany
Timezone: Berlin
Mod playtime: I played FTB Ultimate and Tekkit. Both to the late midgame
Why do you want to play on the server?: I want to find a Server, where nobody gets griefed and without silly Item bans. If everyone sticks to the rules, nobody finds his base griefed. :)
What are you like?: Pfff.. Thats hard. I think Im funny, flexible and logical thinking
What are you good at?: Im good at AE2 and building mobfarms
bans: I got banned one time for glitching in hide n' seek
Anything else?: My english isnt that good, but yeah... I hope I'll get acceptet

PM me if you want to join my private server as this server seems like it is has not been accepting new members for a long time.
IGN (minecraft username):lly678
Skype (pref):super_girly-gamer
Where do you live? (Country):Australia
How long have you been playing mods?:about 2 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: I want to be on the server because i love building with mods and i will be able to build with other people
What are you like? (Personality-wise):I'm easy to get along with
What are you good at?: I'm good at building big things
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):I have never been banned from a server at all
Anything else?:I want to learn more about mods​
IGN (minecraft username):Zebadia10
Skype (pref):No Skype sorry. I do have TeamSpeak3
Where do you live? (Country):United States
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been playing mods?:4 or more years not totally sure but a long time.
Why do you want to play on the server?:Just looking for a new modded server. Old on closed down.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):Not a very good judge of my own character, I like to think of my self as kind and helpful.
What are you good at?:Building, programing, organization.
Have you ever been banned? If so why?:Not that i know of.
Anything else?:no
IGN (minecraft username):moord13
Skype (pref):arjun.grolus2
Where do you live? (Country):Belgium
Timezone:UTC+01:00 Brussel, Kopenhagen, Madrid, Parijs
How long have you been playing mods?:2 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: i want to make friends and have fun!
What are you like? (Personality-wise):Be a nice modpack guy
What are you good at?:Tinkers construct
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):No
Anything else?:nope
IGN (minecraft username): pufflez
Skype (pref): Puffen531
Age: 21
Where do you live? (Country): Sweden
Timezone: +1 GMT
How long have you been playing mods?: Since Tekkit came out.
Why do you want to play on the server?: Seems like a friendly and not to big server.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm a friendly lonewolf :)
What are you good at?: I've been on a big break from Minecraft for a while, but I'm a great builder and I (was atleast) good at automating and tech stuff.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Yes I got a one day ban once from a vanilla server a few years back.
Me and a friend found a glitch to dupe apples so we kinda flooded spawn with apples, which made the server lag. I later became a moderator on that server.
Anything else?: Nothing that I can think of, hopefully you'll accept me!
IGN (minecraft username): isbjon
Skype (pref): netmot.
Age: 14
Where do you live? (Country): Sweden
Timezone: GMT 2
How long have you been playing mods?: over 1 year :)
Why do you want to play on the server?: I really really like this modpack and it's not fun to play singleplayer
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Funny and quiet
What are you good at?: Botania and Ender and alot of the others tech mods
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I have been banned from my friend server bcs I did spawn in things
Anything else?: I'm a girl gamer :P