Infinity Evolved 2.4.2 Terrible FPS when inside, or looking at, my base?

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I've googled around a bit for help on the forums / subreddit, but many of the results are several months old, or seem to deal with specific situations different from my own. So, it's my first playthrough of FTB or any modpack, and I'm using FTB Infinity Evolved 2.4.2 Normal Mode, with no other mods, just vanilla textures/shaders, etc. I don't recall when exactly it happened, or if it was gradual vs. all at once, but currently I get 40~60 fps all the time in the game, so long as I am both outside my base, and not looking at it. If I do either of those 2 things, I get 5~15 fps instead. This applies even to standing on top of my base and looking off into the sky, or in a doorway, etc.

I'm still learning this as I go, but I think according to those piecharts from the Shift + F3 menu, that my problem is categorized under gameRenderer > level > updatechunks > rebuild, as apparently that is taking up 69% of the total processing power? By comparison, the block entities section of the chart only takes up 0.27% of processing. Does that mean my problem comes down to something causing lots of chunk updates?

HOWEVER, the part that confuses me, is that I can't figure out what the cause of this is, since I've been following most of the common suggestions, with absolutely no effect on my fps. Because of this, I can't figure out what I need to change or do differently in order to alleviate this / prevent it in the future. For reference, here is an album showing what my base looks like normally. However, I have since created a copy of the world to toy around in, and have gone on a total purge in order to try to narrow things down, without success.

As far as I understand, here are the possible factors that commonly cause FPS loss, which I have tried eliminating without gaining any FPS:

  • JABBA Barrels: I used about 20 of these, but removed them all with no effect. Additionally, as a test I went out in the wilderness, and build 32 barrels and 32 Storage Drawers, and put items in them all, and still got 40~60fps.
  • Machines: I removed all machines/generators which either create or consume power, e.g. pulverizer, MFR harvesters, induction smelter, biofuel generator, fermenter, still, squeezer, autocrafting tabel, recycler, etc.
  • Farms: I tore up all farm plots, saplings, Forestry multiblock tree farms, (ore)berry bushes, etc.
  • Apiaries/beehouses: I removed all beekeeping equipment
  • Penned up animals: I murdered all 12 of them :( Couldn't bring myself to off the dog I had sitting in my parlor, though.
  • Item routing / piping: I removed all my transparent fluiducts, including those containing lava. I left my Opaque itemducts and Leadstone Fluxducts, since I had already removed all machines and generators, so they should all be empty and idle anyway.
  • Multiblock structures: I broke apart my Forestry farms, Smeltery, Lava tank for the Smeltery, 2 stacked Portable Tanks, and the 2 capacitor bank block that were adjacent to each other.
  • Chisel blocks / Microblocks: I got my axe out and tore off all the roof that was made of Chiseled Microblock slabs, then got fed up with how long it was taking and cheated in a Mining Laser to remove the remaining Chiseled Microblock flooring. This actually DID increase my fps from 5~15 up to 10~20, however in my excitement with the Mining Laser on Long-Range mode I did end up destroying a great deal of the base, chests, ground, surrounding land & vegetation, etc., so it's not a super accurate test. The dog made it, though.
  • Setting particles to Minimal
  • Setting the FTB Launcher to allocate 6GB instead of 4GB

So to sum up, I tried everything above, and still get the same 5~15 fps while inside/looking at my base (with the exception of the mining laser spree, which added 5 FPS). At this point, I honestly don't know what else to try. What else could be causing poor FPS? What else can I do?

System specs:
  • Lenovo Y70 laptop on High Performance power plan, plugged in
  • Using Nvidia GTX 860M graphics card, not Integrated
  • Windows 8.1 64bit
  • CPU: Intel i7-4710
  • Memory: 8GB
  • FTB Infinity v2.4.2 using Minecraft v1.7.10
  • FTB Launcher set to use 4GB memory (also tried 6GB with no change)
  • Using Java 64-bit version
Any help would really be appreciated!


I've also tried running OPIS. I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing with the info there, but nothing seemed to jump out at me as having much higher ms than other things. Here's the Summary Page (Total Update Time = 15.013ms, Tick Time = 8.958ms), which didn't change much whether I was inside my base getting 10 FPS or standing outside getting 50 FPS. In fact when I stepped outside and got 50 FPS, both the "Total Update Time" and 'Tick Time" went up by about 5ms, which I found confusing. Looking through the various tabs, I mainly just sorted by update time, to see what costing the most.In fact most all the things that were at the top of the list (apiaries, fluiducts, Jabba barrels), I already tried removing in a copy world with no effect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you've not tried, Opis might be able to help track down your culprit. I'm no pro with it, so I'm not much more help than that, but I know many use it to track down issues like this.
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Thanks for the tip! I actually had already added a post talking about using OPIS, but I guess it is awaiting moderator approval to be displayed? Here it is again just in case:

I've also tried running OPIS. I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing with the info there, but nothing seemed to jump out at me as having much higher ms than other things. Here's the Summary Page (Total Update Time = 15.013ms, Tick Time = 8.958ms), which didn't change much whether I was inside my base getting 10 FPS or standing outside getting 50 FPS. In fact when I stepped outside and got 50 FPS, both the "Total Update Time" and 'Tick Time" went up by about 5ms, which I found confusing. Looking through the various tabs, I mainly just sorted by update time, to see what costing the most.In fact most all the things that were at the top of the list (apiaries, fluiducts, Jabba barrels), I already tried removing in a copy world with no effect.

UPDATE: Also, someone recommended setting Smooth Lighting to OFF, and so far it is the first thing that has had any impact on my FPS.

After setting Smooth Lighting to OFF, my in-base FPS went from 5~15 fps up to 10~30 fps, essentially doubling. I'm still getting the weird issue where standing on top of/outside my base and looking away will bump my FPS back up to my normal 40~60 fps, but this is the first step in the right direction.

I'm also noticing that while Smooth Lighting is set to OFF, my Shift + F3 pie chart is showing gameRenderer > level > updatechunks > rebuild as only taking ~35% of the processing time, as opposed to ~70% with Smooth Lighting on Maximum.

UPDATE 2: Also FWIW, a kind soul attempted to run my world save on their system to see if they could help diagnose the issue, and apparently while their machine got 50+ fs on their personal file, they got the same issues as me in my save file, with the fps plummeting to single-digits only while looking at my base or inside it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More machines -> more lag. In your case it looks like you have something glitchy or buggy that is just causing an obscene amount of lag. Try using /xu_killmobs and /xu_killall and the other ExtraUtils commands. If that helps, it means you probably have something spilling items/mobs into the world. If not, try the OPIS mod.


More machines -> more lag. In your case it looks like you have something glitchy or buggy that is just causing an obscene amount of lag. Try using /xu_killmobs and /xu_killall and the other ExtraUtils commands. If that helps, it means you probably have something spilling items/mobs into the world. If not, try the OPIS mod.

Well, as mentioned in the OP, I already tried removing every single machine, generator, autocrafter, farm, apiary, crop plot, multiblock, barrel, etc. in my base, without any effect on my FPS, so I'm assuming that's not the issue at the moment in my base.

Using /xu_killmobs, and the /cofh killall or /cofh killall item commands had no noticeable effect on my FPS, and /xu_killall just gives "unknown command". I've already used OPIS a bit, but apparently the posts where I talk about it aren't showing up? I definitely am no expert with it, however, so wouldn't mind any explanation of how to get the most out of it. Here is a summary again:

I've also tried running OPIS. I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing with the info there, but nothing seemed to jump out at me as having much higher ms than other things. Here's the Summary Page (Total Update Time = 15.013ms, Tick Time = 8.958ms), which didn't change much whether I was inside my base getting 10 FPS or standing outside getting 50 FPS. In fact when I stepped outside and got 50 FPS, both the "Total Update Time" and 'Tick Time" went up by about 5ms, which I found confusing. Looking through the various tabs, I mainly just sorted by update time, to see what costing the most.In fact most all the things that were at the top of the list (apiaries, fluiducts, Jabba barrels), I already tried removing in a copy world with no effect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lighting updates in Minecraft tend to be a huge issue. I had a base go from 90 fps to 8 when I set up a system that had machines constantly turning on and off (granted, it was like 30 machines), with all the associated lighting updates. I know you said you removed all the machines and whatnot, but do you have any other light sources that are potentially inconsistent?

Regardless, getting less fps when looking at your base versus not looking at it is pretty standard. A built up base can cause fps to drop by massive amounts. Again, it tends to be all the lighting/particles/mobs that cause it.


Well, my first thought was to rip out all the torches in my base, but that had no effect. I guess I wouldn't exactly know what things would cause lighting effects, since to my limited knowledge the only things I had which did that were torches, but apparently that's not the case.

As an update, the person with a copy of my save did find they were able to get decent FPS gains by going through and ripping out all the machines + ducts+ wiring, so I guess something there is doing it. I had already removed the machines + transparent fluiducts in a copy of my own, so maybe something in the Leadstone Fluxducts or Opaque Itemducts could be doing it?

UPDATE: Thanks to the help of the person who discovered that they got FPS gains from ripping out all the wiring, I think I've finally figured it out.

Rednet Energy Cable. I had a total of 6 pieces of it in my base, for a couple machines that require EU instead of the RF I generate. If I load up a fresh copy of my savegame, and remove those 6 pieces, my FPS skyrockets back to ~55FPS. Even if I run all of my machines, ore processors, generators, multiblock farms, etc. at the same time, now that those 6 pieces of Rednet Energy Cable are gone, my FPS doesn't even dip. If I place even 1 piece of it next to a machine or even just an itemduct, BAM: 10 FPS.

So, moral of the story is I guess Rednet Energy Cable causes crazy low FPS for me? Anyway, thank you for all the assistance!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
intresting.. rednet energy cabls causeing lag?
for EU to RF solution... I recommend power converters. get those from curseforge or minecraft forums.

Sent from a phone running tapatalk OS


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just use Immersive Engineering wires to convert between RF and EU. No need to get power converters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It did in 1.5. Haven't used it since then. My point was Infinity Evolved already includes Immersive Engineering, so there's really no point in adding power converters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If power converters has been updated for 1.7.10, I don't know about it. That mod and the pre-nerfed transfer rates of TE ducts made RailCraft boilers super fun and viable as a primary power source. Now I like them a whole lot less.


Just use Immersive Engineering wires to convert between RF and EU. No need to get power converters.

Oh neat! I'm new to all minecraft mods, so would that mean these wires in particular? I didn't see anything about converting from RF > EU on the wiki, so assumed it didn't do it.

Although, in my case since I couldn't find any cables other than rednet Energy Cables to convert RF > EU, I jut made a couple EU-producing Solar Panels and stuck them above the Recyclers + Macerator I was using, and seems to be working ok.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh neat! I'm new to all minecraft mods, so would that mean these wires in particular? I didn't see anything about converting from RF > EU on the wiki, so assumed it didn't do it.

Although, in my case since I couldn't find any cables other than rednet Energy Cables to convert RF > EU, I jut made a couple EU-producing Solar Panels and stuck them above the Recyclers + Macerator I was using, and seems to be working ok.
Yep, those are the ones. You can use any tier of them.


Confirmed. 14FPS with red net cables, 46FPS without. You gotta remove all before the performance gain takes place.

intresting.. rednet energy cabls causeing lag?
for EU to RF solution... I recommend power converters. get those from curseforge or minecraft forums.

Sent from a phone running tapatalk OS