So, I know how automation in the game works, Im familiar with most ways of automating (BC pipes, itemducts, logistics pipes, ae2 ect) but here is my problem.
I have a recipe, and this recipe includes the requirement of TWO recipes made in the transposer.
Transposer Recipe 1: 1 sandstone + 250mb Ender = 1 end stone
Transposer Recipe 2: 1 Glowstone + 200mb Redstone = 1 Blaze Powder
Currently with logistics pipes (and also happened with ae2 the last play though I did awhile ago), it would send the items to a chest, which then got piped to the correct machine (magma crucible AND transposer) but my issue is, The sandstone from recipe 1 is getting piped in when the redstone from recipe two is getting melted in the crucible. So It gets stuck and I have to take out the sandstone, let the glowstone in (to make the blaze powder) and then I can put the sand back in to be mixed with the liquid ender.
So, how can I achieve it so that when two recipes like that are requested (solution doesnt HAVE to be logistics pipes related) that the two recipes don't mix eachother's liquid correspondent
I have a recipe, and this recipe includes the requirement of TWO recipes made in the transposer.
Transposer Recipe 1: 1 sandstone + 250mb Ender = 1 end stone
Transposer Recipe 2: 1 Glowstone + 200mb Redstone = 1 Blaze Powder
Currently with logistics pipes (and also happened with ae2 the last play though I did awhile ago), it would send the items to a chest, which then got piped to the correct machine (magma crucible AND transposer) but my issue is, The sandstone from recipe 1 is getting piped in when the redstone from recipe two is getting melted in the crucible. So It gets stuck and I have to take out the sandstone, let the glowstone in (to make the blaze powder) and then I can put the sand back in to be mixed with the liquid ender.
So, how can I achieve it so that when two recipes like that are requested (solution doesnt HAVE to be logistics pipes related) that the two recipes don't mix eachother's liquid correspondent