First problem was players entered the portal and instant crashed their client and not the server. I checked the logs client sided make a portal and got the same crash and received Error about saying Could not get provider type for dimension 34, does not exist I posted the log below So I check the world folder and I see dim34 folder noticed it does not have a - like the other world folder like dim-19,dim-7 I was running infinity 1.2.1 and noticed the dim34 was named dim-34 So I check the Runic Dungeon configs and see the line dimid=34 Which is odd because it already has runic dimension id=-34 right above it but I still changed the other line to I:dimId=-34 restart the server and this time it crashes the server and I get this error Exception in server tick loop Full log is below so Yeah idk whats is up never had this problem on other versions of infinity
How the config was with first crash
ids {
I:"Dungeon Biome Id"=199
I:"Runic Dimension Id"=-34
# Dungeon Biome Id
# Runic Dimension Id
Client Side crash
Server Side Crash when changing to -34
How the config was with first crash
ids {
I:"Dungeon Biome Id"=199
I:"Runic Dimension Id"=-34
# Dungeon Biome Id
# Runic Dimension Id
Client Side crash
Server Side Crash when changing to -34