IGN: egztyrocker
Have you been banned before (if yes then why): no
Age (This will not affect your application, please be honest): 16
FTB Experience: Many versions of Mindcrack, Unleashed, and Direwolf, as well as Monsters, Horizons, and Tech World
Why do you want to join our server?: I enjoy community servers that are mature and well rounded, as well as helpful within the community. From reading other applications it appears your server has that.
Other comments about yourself (Not required, however boosts your application): I am a youtuber (www.youtube.com/warl0ck25) not the most impressive channel but it's fun. I also have a broad knowledge over several key mods throughout any FTB pack and are helpful and give intellectual help (only when necessary.. ) but I have a growing knowledge of JAVA scripting and am starting to really get a handle on ComputerCraft. Besides all that, I'm a small graphic designer with some half way talent. I also live in the US. Thanks for your time!
Both of you have been accepted. Check your inbox for information on how to join.IGN: xSharpxFear
Have you been banned before (if yes then why): I have never been banned from a server
Age (This will not affect your application, please be honest): 15
FTB Experience: I've played Direwolf20, the 1.5 and the one prior, Unleashed, Ultimate, and Horizons
Why do you want to join our server?: I would like to join the server because playing Feed The Beast is really really fun for me. I thoroughly enjoy playing Feed The Beast and I love to record videos for people to watch.
Other comments about yourself (Not required, however boosts your application): I don't grief, I try my best not to argue with other people, I do have a YouTube channel and I would record the server for YT, and I do not have a high pitched voice.
If I am not accepted, can you let me know why I'm not accepted?
IGN: Ashandle
Have you been banned before (if yes then why): Nope
FTB Experience: Playing since the first ftb beta release, took a break after playing for a little while with 1.5.2 modpacks.(Also started playing with modpacks tekkit ver 2.1.1)
Age (This will not affect your application, please be honest): 19
Why do you want to join our server?: I took a break after playing with 1.5.2 packs.I'm friendly player, mostly living alone while playing also im from Turkey.I can't really build good looking things so most likely living underground. I don't like pvp, highly experienced with mods(Tekkit player since 2.1.1, FTB player since the release) and I'm 19.
Other comments about yourself (Not required, however boosts your application):I'm a gamer for so long(Since 2-3 years old), currently studying Computer Engineering (First year) .
Your applications have been approved. Check your inbox for details.IGN: Sabakugaara8
Have you been banned before (if yes then why): Nope
Age (This will not affect your application, please be honest): 16, turning 17 at the end of the month.
FTB Experience: I've been playing FTB since they let out DW20's first pack.
Why do you want to join our server?: It seems like an interesting lineup of mods, and I've been looking for a custom modpack
Other comments about yourself (Not required, however boosts your application): My name is Cameron, I live in Arizona, and I prefer living alone when in game.
Your application has been approved. Please check your inbox.In-game name: WolflerLegend
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft Server, and if so, why?: No
Age: 18
FTB/Mods experience: IC2, TE3, TConstruct and Steve's Carts 2 are my favorites.
Why do you want to join our server?: Cause I have been searching for a server like this for a month, now I found it right here. I really like to play on this server and you guys are probably amazing to play with, so why don't you add another amazing person?
Something about you: I am the administrator of the Official Dutch Minecraft forums, called minecraftforum.nl, I play keyboard and I can sing. That's all about it!
Thanks WolflerLegend
IGN: pringalls01
Have you been banned before (if yes then why): Nope, never been banned!
Age (This will not affect your application, please be honest): I am 17, turning 18 by the end of this coming month.
FTB Experience: I played casually on the Beta Packs, and had been previously been playing on Tekkit and Technic. I started playing heavily right when Ultimate came out, and joined my first server on the original DW20 pack. Played pretty religiously ever since!
Why do you want to join our server?: The server that I have played on for a long time has become vacant in the past month or so. I'm looking for a server with a nice, friendly, and active community, of which I think your server will have. I was looking for a custom pack, as DW20 is too boring for me as of right now and Monster is too resource-intensive. Your pack looks awesome to me!
Other comments about yourself (Not required, however boosts your application): You may call me Pringalls, Chips, whatever you would like to associate my name with. I live in Midwest America, and enjoy playing a lot of musical instruments, messing around with computer hardware and software, and Magic the Gathering is an obsession. I really like aesthetically pleasing things in Minecraft, but I'm horrible at planning things, so I've often been found tearing down a part of my base two to three times before I finally get it right. I'm an extremely friendly person, and will try not to ramble on so much the next time we talk.![]()
IGN: PixelExplozion
Have you been banned before (if yes then why):No
Age (This will not affect your application, please be honest): 15 turning 16
FTB Experience: I+ve been playing for a long time since the first mindcrack pack came out, and i LOVE IC2
Why do you want to join our server? Becouse it sounds like an really awsome server, and i got griefed on alot of servers, but i think that there will be no griefers here.
Other comments about yourself (Not required, however boosts your application): I've always loved to combine mods, like thaumcraft and IC2 and im really good at creating some really nice machines to automate things.
Thank you for reading
Oh and my skype is: BukiD or buki-sek
You have all been accepted. Check your inbox for details.IGN:wookiewurst
Have you been banned before (if yes then why): No
Age (This will not affect your application, please be honest):16
FTB Experience: I've been playing it for 1 year first mindcrack pack then i tried almost every modpack.
Why do you want to join our server?: I want to try something new and i like those mods and want to play with other people.
Other comments about yourself (Not required, however boosts your application): I'm living in a small country named Slovenia, I like to play games with my friend, my skype is bozi bozak.