Need Beta testers for a Direwolf 20 server. pretty much what the title says guys. I'm going to be working on a Direwolf 20 server because I feel as if I can be a successful server owner as I was in the past. I owned two servers in the past Legendz of the Beast(FTB ultimate server) and Legendz of Hexxit(Hexxit sever). The funny thing is, I threw those servers together without even meaning to go big I got about 30 people to 50 on my white-list server! I was just thinking 15 people. eventually it got to the point where money was an issue and I couldn't host anymore. I could never get donations really, lol lets just say I'm a great community man but my buying/selling skills could need some work. I'm the type of guy that likes to have everyone do their own thing to the max potential the pack lets them, pushing the barriers everyday. I will be working on plugins that will minimize the banned items. rather than take away items I feel as if the ability that breaks the grief should be taken away but thats only a pre thought. This is all before thinking. I need a team of Beta-Testers, Engineers, web design, Art(if possible). By the way guys I did all that server stuff in the past on my own no help imagine what we can do with a team.
Would anyone like to help a brother out?
Would anyone like to help a brother out?