1) Temporal distortion field generator. This would be much like nearly unlimited super speed, but with the added benefits of (a) being able to speed time up as well as slowing it down relative to myself, and (b) having the ability to extend the field around other people or objects as the situation warrants.
2) For lack of a better term, "computer brain implant." Basically plugging a computer into my head where the hard drive is paired with long-term memory, RAM is linked with short-term/working memory, and various CPU cores are melded with both conscious and subconscious thought processing. And we're not talking about mid-90's level hardware here. I want a jump on current technology in keeping with the engineering challenge of the aforementioned temporal distortion generator.
3) Telepathic wifi. This would work in conjunction with #2, but is different enough that I'll list it separately. Basically, my mind would have access to not only the summation of the internet, but the thoughts and memories of the entire human race. This is strictly a one-way connection for obvious reasons, but I'll still need very good mental self-control to avoid finding out about things that I really, really don't want to know...
I figure with all those abilities, it's just a matter of time before I can invent and install numerous other classic augmentations such as strength, flight, or whatever suites me.