couple of neat ideas:
an 'invisible block' to place redstone, rails, things that normally wont stay unless placed on a solid block. or somehow make new versions that can be placed in midair, like the angel block from extra utilities. if you go with the invisible block idea, have it so when you are holding it in your hand, you can actually see the blocks, but they disappear once you switch out the block from your hand.
another neat one: pistons with configurable extension lengths/delays. i say delays as well, because it would make building redstone machines/doors/etc much more compact if the delays were integrated into the pistons themselves. have a visual indicator on the back or sides that show how many ticks it will take before extending/retracting. hell you could do it like ender chests, use the color codes to specify delays, just like you set the channel an ender chest is on.
even better, use the color coding to specify length and delay. ender chests have 3 slots for color channels, use 2 on the pistons. first one to set length, second to set delay. use the color to define the length/delay, like black = 0, white = 15, etc. for bonus cool points, use the 3rd channel, let it define a delay for retraction after piston redstone signal is removed.
call them ender pistons![]()
I actually already added an invisible block just like that, without the midair thing. It's also explosive proof.
The pistons sound really nice, but I don't think I can code them just yet.
Light block that can be disguised as any other block. Would work like a carpenter block I guess. Yet keep producing all the light as normal. Doesn't glow , or whatever, just produces light.
Maybe add a note block to that too. Can disguise a note block as any other block.
Both of these seem useful and doable. For the invisible light source what if the bound size was quite small like a centered invisible micro-block nook?
Ooooh, yes, I like this idea.
One of my own ideas:
Camo Blocks (Like ICBM camo blocks), but they block light (IE. If there is a torch behind it, you arent going to see light coming out from the camoflauged part). Or maybe have the light-block/pass abilitiy be dependant on a redstone signal?
Like carpenters blocks?[DOUBLEPOST=1413209368][/DOUBLEPOST]
I could do that. It would be pretty easy actually. I may make some code for that and send it to PhoenixSmith
Any code you would like to contribute is awesome, and I will credit you for it. The whole feather armor idea is still a ways in the future, since the birdsa re coming latter, but if you can help with that code now thats awesome.