Whitelist Server Icewynd FTB|Ultimate 1.0.1|Whitelist|Small Server

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Not sure if you are still taking applications but I would like to put one in.

IGN: MiniVette
Age: 26
Country USA (EST.)
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? I have been playing modded Minecraft about 8 months.
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? I enjoy trying new ways to generate power. Lava and Solar are good choices, Fuel and Biofuel later on, and would even like to try more advanced like nuclear and fusion reactors.
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? On most occasions I would join in if it was harmless pranking, that can be a lot of fun if all parties are ok with it. I normally just ignore trolling.
What are you looking for in an FTB server? I have been playing single player Minecraft for about two years but never really tried Multiplayer. I play very frequently and would like to find a good small group of people to enjoy the game with and maybe eventually make a youtube or stream series.
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft?: About 5-6 months now(for this pack, since 1.7 for all modpacks)
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB?Solar or Lava
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking?Clean it up & plot revenge :)
What are you looking for in an FTB server?A nice small community to make new friends :D
IGN: agomez74
Age: 38
Country: US (Central)
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? If i recall my first mod ever was Buildcraft back in early or mid 2011. And I have played with most of the mods with in each of the packs long before FTB came along and made everything a pretty little package for people to download and install. At least some of the older mods such as Red Power, EE 1&2 (back then) etc.
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Usually I start with hobbyist steam engines for MJ, and geo-thermal generator for EU. But once established I move onto steam boilers (railcraft) for MJ's, since i tend to use Thermal Expansions machines more over than IC².
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? Ask them to leave my dwelling, and if it continues report them to the admin or moderator available. No sense in stooping to their childish level.
What are you looking for in an FTB server?A nice small community that likes to have fun and enjoy each others company.
IGN: Trouserdevil
Age: 18
Country: USA, Pacific Standard Time
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? Since November of 2011
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? I enjoy generating power in semi renewable ways, such as biogas and biofuel, where some resources are needed to be gathered in order to continue production. I do not appreciate solar energy because I feel that it is too overpowered, unless using the gregtech recipes. However, if someone else is using solar energy, I do not mind, since the game is all about what the player finds fun.
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? First I check to see if it is a friendly prank done by someone I am friends with; if not, I check the rules to see if it classified as griefing. If it is classified as griefing I report the instance to an Admin with screenshots if the Admin desires them.
What are you looking for in an FTB server? I am looking for a way to enjoyably spend my time playing FTB while being able to talk with other players and enjoy their company as I play.
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? Since the technic pack first came out, way before the launcher.
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? I am a farmer type of guy, and industrial. I do like to use water and bio energy.
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? I alert authorites and try to find out who it is, other than that I would just have to redo what they messed up.
What are you looking for in an FTB server? To find a nice gaming invoirment for me to play on.
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? 5-8 months
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Steam. :D
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? I'm mostly okay with it, as long as they don't actually destroy something
What are you looking for in an FTB server? A community where everyone knows everyone, and some place where the chance of griefing is low.
IGN: bosky2102
Age: 16
Country: UK
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? I started some time in beta I belive before tekkit was out
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Steam all the way
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? If they are being annoying and doing things just to wind me up I may retaliate or just log of the server however pranking you should be expected to be pranked back
What are you looking for in an FTB server? A friendly and small community who all so is willing to go outside just the game of minecraft and maybe pop in some other games on the pc.

I have a skype as well for voice chat same name as IGN
IGN: SampsaxD
Age: 14
Country: Finland
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? Since, I dont know, Industrialcraft(1) was released?
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Automatic, easy-to-use machines, like solar power and biofuel.
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? Mostly I ignore them, unless they get really annoying, then I prank them back.
What are you looking for in an FTB server? People to play and chat with, and inspiration/help to my builds that I do.
IGN: jameszh
Age: 16
Country: CANADA
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? Like 3 years!
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Um... Geothermal power for early games. Solar power for end games!:):p
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? I would prank them back or just clean the prank:D.
What are you looking for in an FTB server? An awesome group of guys interacting with each other!:D
IGN: Tomlilz
Age: 17
Country: England, United Kingdom
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? Around Beta 1.5
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? To start off I would use a generator from IC2 and start sticking pieces of coal in to run my machines then I would eventually build up to have a few Solar Panels and have a Geothermal Generator in the nether.
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? Pranking I'm ok with but if it leads to me losing any of my stuff or death then I will retaliate. Trolling I would probably just log off.
What are you looking for in an FTB server? A small server that has nice people on that I can make friends with. Because it seems all FTB unwhitelisted servers have tonnes of people on and is griefed to hell.

See You In Game! :)
Added H3pha, SamEatsBrains, greensaint, _Unclescar_, Mokie91, Trouserdevil, bosky2102, jameszh, and Tomlilz. Apps closed for now. Thanks.
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Reactions: bosky2102
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? 14 weeks ago
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB?solarpanel
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking?i do not know
What are you looking for in an FTB server? technology
i realy want to play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft?14 weeks ago
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB?solarpanel
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking?i do not know
What are you looking for in an FTB server?technology and adventure
Mokie91 and _Unclescar_ (my roommate and I) have found a different server to play on. Whether it's better or not is subjective but thank you for the whitelist. You can give up both of our spots for someone else who would like to play here.

IGN: nerdygamer1o1
Age: 11
Country: USA
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? about 1-2 months but ive had 100+ hours of playing ftb so i know some mod packs well
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? i start with a genorator but i like to use lava once i get started
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? ill either tell a mod or admin, prank them back,or both :D
What are you looking for in an FTB server? im looking for a server that is peaceful, doesnt have too many players,and isnt very laggy. i have also had a problem finding a server who will accept my age i hope it isnt a problem.
i play 2-17 hours a day but i wont be able to play for the next 2-3 days
plz let me take the places of Mokie91 and _unclescar_
IGN: Arceus22
Age: 14
Country: United States(California)
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? a whole year
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Solar Panels/Thermal Generators
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? ill shrug it off
What are you looking for in an FTB server? So I can play with a community
ING: CandymanSheak
Age: 13
Country USA
ow long have you been playing modded Minecraft? 1 year
What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Watter Mills, Solar Power
How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? i have been trolled over 20 times in the minecraft/ftb serves i play and i am ok with it and would never do it
What are you looking for in an FTB server? to play with friends and have fun just build and enjoy the game with ppl
IGN: gravenewt​

Age: 15​

Country: United States​

How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? Quite a while ago, a couple of friends and I poked our noses around Tekkit, as the Minecraft community exploded over a "new and innovative way to play Minecraft." It's been 1 year or two since those days, and I've been hooked on FTB for about two to three months.​

What's your favorite way to generate power in FTB? Let's See...​
IC2/Eu's : Early game power is all thermal/geothermal generators, my endgame power source is normally 5-10 buffed up nuclear reactors. And if i get there, of course, solar power!​
BC3/MJ's : Biomass all the way, with a Steve's cart tree farm powering the whole deal. Endgame, Mystcraft age/Oily Bee's for oil -> fuel -> HP Boilers -> Hundreds of Industrial Steam Engines!​
Bluetricity : Solar Panels :P

How do you deal with people trolling or pranking? : It would have to depend on the severity of the prank. if it was done intentionally to cause harm and/or rage, then i would likely report it to a moderator or an admin. If it was moderate and done with good and humorous thoughts in mind, I would most likely chuckle, and return the favor in a slightly more evil manner. >:)
What are you looking for in an FTB server? : A small but friendly community that shares what they sow and reap. Hopefully I can find just that in this server!​
Thanks~ <3​
~ Bamboo (gravenewt) ~​