Open IC2 Trade-o-mat crashes when connected to personal safe, Beyond 1.5.3



Summary of the problem IC2 Trade-o-mat crashes when connected to personal safe, Beyond 1.5.3

Pack Version 1.2.1

What is the bug? Attaching a Personal Safe (IC2) to a Trade-o-mat (IC2) causes the game to crash entirely, and makes the world unloadable without crashing instantly.

Mod & Version IC2 v2.6.188

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? 1. Place a Trade-o-Mat
2. Place a Personal Safe on top
3. Add Items to the safe
4. Go back to the Trade-o-Mat interface and click the button in the top right
5. Attempt to perform a trade

In all cases I have tried (SP and MP) the server/client has crashed at step 3, 4, or 5

Known Fix Update IC2 to IC2 v2.6.200

Updating Advanced Machines to Advanced Machines-60.0.4 (game won't load without updating this as well)