IC2 Or UE?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A couple things to note
Mekanism is no longer a part of UE
Ic2's crop system hasn't been matched by any mod and is still in a class of its own
Ic2 has superior addons to UE because UE is simply not stable enough to use as an api
IC2 has lost some popularity is it's ever changing api because it's currently undergoing an overhaul which means that it is also unfriendly to addons
All that said I feel that a majority of ic2 has been covered in a more server friendly and easy to understand way by other mods. IC2's dev team has not even responded to multiple reports of server destroying bugs and no one else can fix it because it's closed source. IC2 is a classic mod and as such is the predecessor to many of today's mods. I no longer have ic2 in my world and I haven't since 1.2.5 mostly because I wanted to challenge myself to use small mods. So I don't know if ic2 is worse or better but it isn't as server efficient which is a serious issue on a low end system like mine

Well. by ue i meant the mods that were part of it, let me reprhase with: Ic2 or Calclavia? Done.
Second: O yeah.. crop system, lets install a large industrial mod so we can have one block.
Third: If Mekanism is no longer Ue, then why does this matter?

It has NOT been a year since experimental changes. It has been changing RAPIDLY since mid 2013. New machines, new power system(in development) new blocks and items, the entire MOD is being overhauled. Even the API is ever changing! It is NOT the same mod from 1.2.5. (i have no idea why I get worked up over the smallest things)

No. Check the changelog. CHanging rapidly? There has been TWEAKS, not changes, not experimental changes, one new machine, the new power system is in development since i can remember.. New blocks and items? Where? o_O No, its not the same mod from 1.2.5, its the same concept with some tweaks, more info here:


Because wynaut?
Oveclockers sre the main reason :p
And some people do still like it, while it is outdated, there is no denying some still use it. And it is a classic.

So we have a full industrial mod to have some rapid machines that we can also have with mekanism? Again, please, first check mekanism before hating, mekanism has a ton of options that people didnt try yet. Also, you defend Ic2 saying its changing rapidly in your other post but now you say its outdated, please, decide :) No, there is no denying some still use it, but its a minority and its only for things that are easily done by other means, which means, ic2 (as of now) is not that convenient for the pack... And please, DO NO USE "It is a classic" AS AN EXCUSE, vanilla minecraft is a classic, yet here we are going forward with mods.

UE has no addons, but the number of mods it has using it is greater than IC2. And IC2 has one (arguably two) worthwhile addons and neither of them are included in FTB packs. I would much prefer Calclavia's mods, Modular Powersuits, MPSA, Galacticaft and Mekanism than have an IC2 exclusive world. I still haven't check out a few UE mods (MineChem, Mad Science).

To the OP, UE mods are better but are simply too unstable. There's more to do with theUE mods. IC2 needs new direction. Maybe remove all the machines, hand them over to Greg, and make the mod just crops, I might use it then.

What you mean with unstable? I've yet to encounter a crash because of them except in 1.4 in which there was a minor problem with forge that got solved..

Only irreplaceable concept is the crop system
Mekanism can process faster when fully upgraded

This.. Overclockers are not that much of a problem to replace :p Still.. Crop.. but hey, who the hell uses it anyway? And if someone uses it, is it worth to have a big mod like UE only for that? :S


Oct 11, 2013
Your dipping into bashing territory which is not ok. Discussion is ok but when your try to force your opinions on others then there is an issue.

That aside UE is incredibly unstable because it's undergoing massive changes right now and that's okay too because cal knows that he is putting out pretty early betas. Try beta testing resonant induction sometime and tell me UE is stable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That aside UE is incredibly unstable because it's undergoing massive changes right now and that's okay too because cal knows that he is putting out pretty early betas. Try beta testing resonant induction sometime and tell me UE is stable.


RI is especially buggy and ICBM until recently was unusable because of the sentry module.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

No. Check the changelog. CHanging rapidly? There has been TWEAKS, not changes, not experimental changes, one new machine, the new power system is in development since i can remember.. New blocks and items? Where? o_O No, its not the same mod from 1.2.5, its the same concept with some tweaks, more info here:
Thermal centrifuge, experimental plate bending machine(forgot the actual name), forge hammer, wire cutters. Ring a bell? CESU, ejection upgrade for machines, semifluid generator. Anything? New E-net, broken addons thanks to ever changing API and features of experimental. Wirecoils, anything of this make sense? Have you even CHECKED NEI? It IS ever changing, there is no denying that. I dont call a new power sustem, completely reworked nukes and nuclear reactors, uranium changes, 3 new generators, tier changes, and a new power storage block "minor tweaks"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I preffer Mekanism over IC2 because its currently better than IC2.
You have cool things like super modeled wind mill that have very cool sound and produces lots of free energy , or cardboard boxes that can move blocks(even spawners),and 3D hydrogen powered jetpack and so on.
I was big fan of IC2 before but its just not same . :(
+IC2 is causing memory leak for me :S


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thermal centrifuge, experimental plate bending machine(forgot the actual name), forge hammer, wire cutters. Ring a bell? CESU, ejection upgrade for machines, semifluid generator. Anything? New E-net, broken addons thanks to ever changing API and features of experimental. Wirecoils, anything of this make sense? Have you even CHECKED NEI? It IS ever changing, there is no denying that. I dont call a new power sustem, completely reworked nukes and nuclear reactors, uranium changes, 3 new generators, tier changes, and a new power storage block "minor tweaks"
They added almost all of those in a matter of a few weeks and have not made major changes since. Not to mention how bad some of those changes were.

No, IC2 provides the exact same (arguably worse) functionality as in 1.5.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
UE has no addons, but the number of mods it has using it is greater than IC2. And IC2 has one (arguably two) worthwhile addons and neither of them are included in FTB packs. I would much prefer Calclavia's mods, Modular Powersuits, MPSA, Galacticaft and Mekanism than have an IC2 exclusive world. I still haven't check out a few UE mods (MineChem, Mad Science).

To the OP, UE mods are better but are simply too unstable. There's more to do with theUE mods. IC2 needs new direction. Maybe remove all the machines, hand them over to Greg, and make the mod just crops, I might use it then.

Actually, IC2 has many more worthwhile addons, and two of them are in Monster (Nuclear control and compact solars). There's also advanced machines, advanced solar panels, gravitation suite, gregtech, and a lot more.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kearneysville, West Virginia
I play on an older laptop with a 2G processor. Insisting on putting out cludgy code that will only run on a top end gaming computer will severely limit your market. When I updated to the 1.6 packs, I had a severe frame rate/tick rate problem from the moment I generated the world. This was only finally eliminated when I disabled IC2 (I dumped Compact Solars & Factorization at the same time, so I can't swear it was all IC2...). On top of that, while IC2 is making a lot of changes, I don't see it providing anything new in the end results, only adding more layers of complication & cost to get the same result you were getting before. So I don't see IC2 having any part in my modded minecraft future.

I am keeping UE for the moment because I have added stargates & a world with stargates should have force fields in it. Now I do not feel particularly compelled to use MFFS & with several automated ore processing & a couple flight alternatives already in the packs I could easily do without UE as well. That said, Atomic Science and now Resonant Induction both look interesting. It looks like the current builds for the UE dependent mods are not yet ready for prime time playing, but they could have a place in my modded games once they have stable releases.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They added almost all of those in a matter of a few weeks and have not made major changes since. Not to mention how bad some of those changes were.

No, IC2 provides the exact same (arguably worse) functionality as in 1.5.
I thought they were working on E-net atm, and a lot of stuff is changing. While yes, no MAJOR since experimental, it is NOT the sake mod from 1.2.5 with "minor tweaks"[DOUBLEPOST=1394308178][/DOUBLEPOST]
I play on an older laptop with a 2G processor. Insisting on putting out cludgy code that will only run on a top end gaming computer will severely limit your market. When I updated to the 1.6 packs, I had a severe frame rate/tick rate problem from the moment I generated the world. This was only finally eliminated when I disabled IC2 (I dumped Compact Solars & Factorization at the same time, so I can't swear it was all IC2...). On top of that, while IC2 is making a lot of changes, I don't see it providing anything new in the end results, only adding more layers of complication & cost to get the same result you were getting before. So I don't see IC2 having any part in my modded minecraft future.

I am keeping UE for the moment because I have added stargates & a world with stargates should have force fields in it. Now I do not feel particularly compelled to use MFFS & with several automated ore processing & a couple flight alternatives already in the packs I could easily do without UE as well. That said, Atomic Science and now Resonant Induction both look interesting. It looks like the current builds for the UE dependent mods are not yet ready for prime time playing, but they could have a place in my modded games once they have stable releases.
Resonan induction is amazing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, IC2 has many more worthwhile addons, and two of them are in Monster (Nuclear control and compact solars). There's also advanced machines, advanced solar panels, gravitation suite, gregtech, and a lot more.

Gravisuite and Gtech were the mods I was referring to. Advanced Machines is OK. Compact solars only exists to cover up IC2's flaws. Nuclear Contol is pretty cool.

So 3 worthwhile addons an one of them is in A FTB packs.

Also I've still mentioned more mods than you have and I doubt IC2 has as many mods using it as UE, let alone the high level of compatibility.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your dipping into bashing territory which is not ok. Discussion is ok but when your try to force your opinions on others then there is an issue.

That aside UE is incredibly unstable because it's undergoing massive changes right now and that's okay too because cal knows that he is putting out pretty early betas. Try beta testing resonant induction sometime and tell me UE is stable.

Never talked about Resonant Induction, i left it out because it has beta up... And where do I try to force my opinion? Im just telling the truth, with facts.. Not with excuses, that makes me someone who uses logic, sorry for having a different opinion than you and having proof of concept, that makes me a jerk right?
Thermal centrifuge, experimental plate bending machine(forgot the actual name), forge hammer, wire cutters. Ring a bell? CESU, ejection upgrade for machines, semifluid generator. Anything? New E-net, broken addons thanks to ever changing API and features of experimental. Wirecoils, anything of this make sense? Have you even CHECKED NEI? It IS ever changing, there is no denying that. I dont call a new power sustem, completely reworked nukes and nuclear reactors, uranium changes, 3 new generators, tier changes, and a new power storage block "minor tweaks"

Tell me where that things are actually changes and not minor tweaks or things that, again, are already in other mods and it's basically a copy paste.. Ic2 has some cool addons, not gonna deny that.. But 3 or 4.. not that much.. Again, minor tweaks.. making copies of already existing copies and making them one tier higher, changing the way you make wire and plates, ejectrion upgrade, because we don't have that in other mods, semifluid... don't even mention this, we were waiting for something like this since IC1, now that we have 2 more mods producing energy in diverse ways *thermal and rotary* its kind of late to make this.. Yes, i checked nei, also checked changelogs, again, they are minor tweaks to the content that there is already but they are not giving something different, they are the same mod they were a year ago just with some changes. Compare Ic with thermal expansion, first thermal expansion was pretty similar to BC, but now? It changed a lot, it added new concepts, it's original. That's change. It's ok if you like IC2, but you can't talk like its undergoing a code revolution when the only changes are minor tweaks and fixes.. (and yeah, a new generator, kudos for that). At least they are going to fix the server problems it has (I suppose) but that doesn't change the fact, again, On topic, that almost everything of this mod is not being used by the majority here :/ People are defending it because its a classic in some instances.. What would happen if Socrates thought that the sun going around the earth was classic? Yeah! Fuck science!

Actually, IC2 has many more worthwhile addons, and two of them are in Monster (Nuclear control and compact solars). There's also advanced machines, advanced solar panels, gravitation suite, gregtech, and a lot more.

Well, as i've said in my post, with GT things are different, but now there are some problems with it (mainly personal opinions that do not refer to the mod itself) so I dont use it, but i do understand that GT is awesome. But just saying, you don't have a good mod if you depend on other mods to do the work for you... Advanced machines is also ok. COmpact solars and nuclear control SHOULD BE in IC2, they just fix IC2. Gravitation suite, while I do like it and tbh it was my main armor some time ago, we already have some options.. advanced solar panels.. its solar panels but more comlpicated and efficient... Not something that the IC2 dev team couldn't do tbh..

Again, IC2 is sleeping on its glory, thinking that it will wake up and everything would be "O lord IC2 come give us your crops" but nope.. There are other mods rising and doing things in much better ways with way more dedication... Classics are classics, but that doesn't mean that they are everything there is. Again, before hating, TRY mekanism and atomic science, they are the ones that have no problem with stability (You can try resonant induction too, but you may crash from time to time, experience fps and tick lag and die of fun) and you will see that it mostly covers everything in IC2 (without resonant induction which is awesome but in beta), has compatibility coded in, and when you load it, you see the effort put into it. I know i sound like a jerk, but I hate when people don't even try to fucking test the options, instead they go into rage mode "Protect the king" This is no Age of Empires and your king has been sleeping too much in his castle, now he is fat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And just in case some people didn't read, im not saying "Disable IC2 and put UE" Im saying "Give us a UE option so we can switch it" *Refer to the last phrase of my main post if you skipped it in your rage when you first readed I dont like IC2*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, as i've said in my post, with GT things are different, but now there are some problems with it (mainly personal opinions that do not refer to the mod itself) so I dont use it, but i do understand that GT is awesome. But just saying, you don't have a good mod if you depend on other mods to do the work for you... Advanced machines is also ok. COmpact solars and nuclear control SHOULD BE in IC2, they just fix IC2. Gravitation suite, while I do like it and tbh it was my main armor some time ago, we already have some options.. advanced solar panels.. its solar panels but more comlpicated and efficient... Not something that the IC2 dev team couldn't do tbh..

Again, IC2 is sleeping on its glory, thinking that it will wake up and everything would be "O lord IC2 come give us your crops" but nope.. There are other mods rising and doing things in much better ways with way more dedication... Classics are classics, but that doesn't mean that they are everything there is. Again, before hating, TRY mekanism and atomic science, they are the ones that have no problem with stability (You can try resonant induction too, but you may crash from time to time, experience fps and tick lag and die of fun) and you will see that it mostly covers everything in IC2 (without resonant induction which is awesome but in beta), has compatibility coded in, and when you load it, you see the effort put into it. I know i sound like a jerk, but I hate when people don't even try to fucking test the options, instead they go into rage mode "Protect the king" This is no Age of Empires and your king has been sleeping too much in his castle, now he is fat.
Not hating, I'm just saying IC2 (imo) is still a good mod and just because it's a classic is not the only reason it should be in packs. And I have tried Mekanism, it's a preety cool mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not hating, I'm just saying IC2 (imo) is still a good mod and just because it's a classic is not the only reason it should be in packs. And I have tried Mekanism, it's a preety cool mod.

Not saying its not a good mod, my point here is that less and less people are using it, because there are some other options that are usually selected by people.. And because of that I think there should be an option, for example, Calclavia thingies, for the ones that do not use IC2.. Just by curiosity, whats the thing you always use from IC2 for a long period of time? There is something in IC2 that you find a necessity? And, in the event that you do have something from IC2 completely necessary, is it worth to have a mod as big as IC2 because of that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not saying its not a good mod, my point here is that less and less people are using it, because there are some other options that are usually selected by people.. And because of that I think there should be an option, for example, Calclavia thingies, for the ones that do not use IC2.. Just by curiosity, whats the thing you always use from IC2 for a long period of time? There is something in IC2 that you find a necessity? And, in the event that you do have something from IC2 completely necessary, is it worth to have a mod as big as IC2 because of that?
Honestly IMO the advanced machines are awesome. Cook two items at once at twice the speed of a regular furnace? Yes please. While there should ne an option, people have wanted UE in FTB packs since...1.5 I believe? I also like the nuclear reactor since I might actually be able to run it(my computer had trouble last time I ran Atomic Science, though I believe that has been fixed. And yes, I do believe a mod like IC2 should be kept because of that. It should have its own machines and progression integrated. Just my 2c


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly IMO the advanced machines are awesome. Cook two items at once at twice the speed of a regular furnace? Yes please. While there should ne an option, people have wanted UE in FTB packs since...1.5 I believe? I also like the nuclear reactor since I might actually be able to run it(my computer had trouble last time I ran Atomic Science, though I believe that has been fixed. And yes, I do believe a mod like IC2 should be kept because of that. It should have its own machines and progression integrated. Just my 2c

I wanted them in 1.4, but most wanted them in 1.5.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not saying its not a good mod, my point here is that less and less people are using it, because there are some other options that are usually selected by people.. And because of that I think there should be an option, for example, Calclavia thingies, for the ones that do not use IC2.. Just by curiosity, whats the thing you always use from IC2 for a long period of time? There is something in IC2 that you find a necessity? And, in the event that you do have something from IC2 completely necessary, is it worth to have a mod as big as IC2 because of that?
Crops, Armor, Solar Panels, the Gravitation Suite stuff and I use GT so endgame lasts longer, and without IC2 I can't use GT.

SinisterBro :3

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I say this, The only reason i still use IC2 vanilla is because i like Sirusking who does the textures of them and i play with GT, if GT wasn't IC2 bonded and Sirusking wasn't doing the IC2 textures, It would be in my recycle bin a loooooooong time ago.