Alright I may have a (hopefully) temporary solution. Atleast this worked for me.
When I open the launcher, I delete every new pack on it. So meaning: FTBUnhinged, FTBUnleashed AND Direwolf20_1_5. Afther 'removing' them. I ADD the Direwolf20_1_5 pack (this is the only one that works from the start), afther adding it, I use the "Filter Settings" button, leave it at default and just press "Apply Filter". Now the Direwolf pack is in there. NOW I add FTBUnleashed, press the Filter Settings again and it shows up for me. That's how I got it to work, which as I mentioned is hopefully a temporary solution.
So simple step:
1. Remove the 3 new packs even if you didn't add them.
2. Re-add the Direwolf pack using "Direwolf20_1_5".
3. Press Filter Settings, leave as default and "Apply Filter".
4. The Direwolf pack should now be in the launcher. Incase it didn't, try step 1 one again.
5. Should this be the case. Add the Unleashed pack using FTBUnleashed.
6. Press Filter Settings again, leave as default, and "Apply Filter".
7. Hopefully the pack should now be showing up.