Hunt The Beast [1.4.6, DW20 Pack v3] - [Strict Whitelist] - [Mature] - [Everything Enabled]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, it seems Ryan and Plasma updated as well.

Do not update until the server is updated! You will continuously get End of Stream errors!

Death, to go back to version 2 of the DW20 pack select the DW20 Modpack in the modpack list in the FTB Launcher, and then select "Edit Mod Pack". Select the tab "Modpack Version" and then from the drop-down menu click version 2. Then exit the Mod Pack Editor and Launch the DW20 ModPack.

Hope this helps. :)

Hmm, is anyone else getting a "Ticking Screen" error then crash when they try to join? Keeps happening to me ONLY after adding Gregtech.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I think I've had enough of GregTech. Too many problems with all the DW20 updates (you should see how many errors I get in the console...). I think I am removing GregTech, for now. For those of you who do not want GregTech to go away, then do not fear. It may come back, if all these issues are resolved.

The server will the updated to DW20 v3 and GregTech removed as soon as everyone gets rid of all their GregTech items. I do not want to risk a map corruption, which is probably why I am going to make about a million backups. So as soon as everyone on the server gets rid of GregTech items, then the server shall be updated. :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I think I've had enough of GregTech. Too many problems with all the DW20 updates (you should see how many errors I get in the console...). I think I am removing GregTech, for now. For those of you who do not want GregTech to go away, then do not fear. It may come back, if all these issues are resolved.

The server will the updated to DW20 v3 and GregTech removed as soon as everyone gets rid of all their GregTech items. I do not want to risk a map corruption, which is probably why I am going to make about a million backups. So as soon as everyone on the server gets rid of GregTech items, then the server shall be updated. :)

Message us when the Server officially updates to v3! ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
!! Update !!
There seems to be a bit of a problem with GregTech removal. I forgot that GregTech adds world-generation, such as Pyrite Ore and Iridium Ore. I'm afraid that if we remove GregTech from the current map, the world may get corrupted because certain block ID's might not be in the world anymore when they were originally there. This is also why everyone needs to get rid of all GregTech items.

I'm going to go as planned, with removing GregTech items from everyone's inventories and then removing the mod itself. Hopefully this will not corrupt the world. If if does, then I will restore from backups and we are going to have to live with GregTech, unless you want to reset the map again. I'm fine with it, but resetting the map for the 3rd time; you guys might not like that. If you guys successfully do get rid of all GregTech items in your inventories, and we do reset again, I do not see why I can't just transfer all the player.dat files (your inventories) and just resetting your location to the spawn of the world.

This is a big change, not as big as the FTB Modpack change, but still, getting rid of a mod that adds world-gen is a bit difficult. I need your opinions on this change. If everyone is ok with a map reset and I just transfering inventories over, then I could probably get that done today or tomorrow (you need to get rid of GregTech items! Do not forgot this!). I could also just go as planned with just removing the mod itself and hoping that the server world does not get corrupted. I need your thoughts on this. :)

Thank you all for reading this, have a Happy New Year! :D



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
!! Update !!
There seems to be a bit of a problem with GregTech removal. I forgot that GregTech adds world-generation, such as Pyrite Ore and Iridium Ore. I'm afraid that if we remove GregTech from the current map, the world may get corrupted because certain block ID's might not be in the world anymore when they were originally there. This is also why everyone needs to get rid of all GregTech items.

I'm going to go as planned, with removing GregTech items from everyone's inventories and then removing the mod itself. Hopefully this will not corrupt the world. If if does, then I will restore from backups and we are going to have to live with GregTech, unless you want to reset the map again. I'm fine with it, but resetting the map for the 3rd time; you guys might not like that. If you guys successfully do get rid of all GregTech items in your inventories, and we do reset again, I do not see why I can't just transfer all the player.dat files (your inventories) and just resetting your location to the spawn of the world.

This is a big change, not as big as the FTB Modpack change, but still, getting rid of a mod that adds world-gen is a bit difficult. I need your opinions on this change. If everyone is ok with a map reset and I just transfering inventories over, then I could probably get that done today or tomorrow (you need to get rid of GregTech items! Do not forgot this!). I could also just go as planned with just removing the mod itself and hoping that the server world does not get corrupted. I need your thoughts on this. :)

Thank you all for reading this, have a Happy New Year! :D


I just tested on a singleplayer world and when you remove GregTech, everything from the mod disappears, so it should be fine just removing GregTech. :)
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Reactions: Ryan784


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
!! Update !!
There seems to be a bit of a problem with GregTech removal. I forgot that GregTech adds world-generation, such as Pyrite Ore and Iridium Ore. I'm afraid that if we remove GregTech from the current map, the world may get corrupted because certain block ID's might not be in the world anymore when they were originally there. This is also why everyone needs to get rid of all GregTech items.

I'm going to go as planned, with removing GregTech items from everyone's inventories and then removing the mod itself. Hopefully this will not corrupt the world. If if does, then I will restore from backups and we are going to have to live with GregTech, unless you want to reset the map again. I'm fine with it, but resetting the map for the 3rd time; you guys might not like that. If you guys successfully do get rid of all GregTech items in your inventories, and we do reset again, I do not see why I can't just transfer all the player.dat files (your inventories) and just resetting your location to the spawn of the world.

This is a big change, not as big as the FTB Modpack change, but still, getting rid of a mod that adds world-gen is a bit difficult. I need your opinions on this change. If everyone is ok with a map reset and I just transfering inventories over, then I could probably get that done today or tomorrow (you need to get rid of GregTech items! Do not forgot this!). I could also just go as planned with just removing the mod itself and hoping that the server world does not get corrupted. I need your thoughts on this. :)

Thank you all for reading this, have a Happy New Year! :D

Hey. I think getting rid of GregTech is the best thing for now, since the errors can be frustrating. Thanks for removing this and I hope I can play on this soon! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just tested on a singleplayer world and when you remove GregTech, everything from the mod disappears, so it should be fine just removing GregTech. :)
Ok, thank you very much for testing this for me, death. :) Hopefully the server shall be updated with GregTech removed in upcoming hours. Probably about 1-2 hours.



!! Server Update !!
The server is now updated to a plain, clean version of DW20 Modpack v3! The update went smoother than I anticipated, and it did seem that Ryan was right. All of the GregTech items just disappeared! No corruption. :)

Feel free to join the server! Make sure to update your client to DW20 v3 and get rid of GregTech! THank you all for your support. :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Awesome, I come back and the server is DW20 pack, my fav youtuber! Oh and also, awesome no Gregtech or whatever, makes the game wayyyyy harder.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name):holy_digger
Teamspeak Nickname:Odin
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):it seems leggit to start a fresh game mode
so i would love to try out the server and see if i fit in.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):i did not feel like i belong
anywhere else i want to see if this is the right place.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining):i hope i can bring some joy and mabye some humor with me and
i can try to help out there i can help out.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned:i have no bans at all at me since i havent been on so many servers
Password:i really dont want to say any password to anything i got on my name since it break some rules.

Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?:how can you fail if you are not trying?
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?:yes
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?:depends what you are meaning. to be just alive or grabbing life with a smile
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)):still sixty cups but 1 might be broken?
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?:1015?

I am not currently accepting any applications. Thank you.
First page, top of the post.