Hungry Nodes, how to recognize?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Title says it all. I ended up rage-quitting my game last night because I topped a hill and was in range of a hungry node before I even knew what kind of node it was.

Is it a color thing? Shape? I am only assuming that there is some way to identify them with Goggles, because the alternative is a level of !FUN! that I can't quite ascribe to anyone.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
alternately you can check if you find yourself slowly sucked into a block... or just throw items around the area, best just check the surroundings if you see a "noisy" terrain then your near a hungry node


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is that a 'no, you can't tell visually in the goggles, but here are some things to try'? By the time I got close enough to be drawn in, I was too close to get away because of the hill.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I FEEL your pain, truly. I too have raged over a hungry node grabbing me from a boat over the ocean and being completely unable to do ANYthing.
I call those gimp deaths: a mechanic of a mod (or game) you can do very little to avoid that causes you to die.
Biomes of Plenty also caused a decent amount of those with their early implementation of their phantom mob.
The only thing I found I could do for the Thaumcraft hungry nodes was change the setting in the configs so they were less punishing, though I never did encounter a hungry node under the easier config settings so I can't confirm you could kill the node before it killed you once it grabbed you.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kik said:
I too have raged over a hungry node grabbing me from a boat over the ocean and being completely unable to do ANYthing.
I call those gimp deaths: a mechanic of a mod (or game) you can do very little to avoid that causes you to die.
The truly maddening part is the loss of all items upon death. Dying is just a Thing. It happens and you move on. You do your best to make sure you can't die in lava, because it causes the same problem. This hungry node thing...I had no idea what I was looking at, and even after the fact have no idea if I could have recognized it. All I know for sure is, 'oh, node...oh, SHIT...oh... ...I don't have time to recreate EVERYTHING I own that's valuable tonight. /ragequit'

A hungry node looks like a doughnut. It's darker in the center than on the rim.
Ah. Thank you. At least it's not a color thing...that had me concerned.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not to be pedantic, but you can usually tell a hungry node by the gaping hole of death surrounding it.

Seriously though. like ^ said, there's usually like a ring of light around the center of it that sort of moves and wobbles as if it's unstable. You can also tell the node by the sheer amount of colours it had in it's core, as hungry nodes tend to absorb the aspects around them.

If you find them, don't destroy them. Not to spoil anything, but you may find they have quite a use in the near future.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not to be pedantic, but you can usually tell a hungry node by the gaping hole of death surrounding it.
If I had a visual on the node before being sucked into the Black Hole of Oh Shit, that would have been a valid point. :) In fact, that's what I had been on the lookout for because of previous comments regarding the nodes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Correct me if I'm wrong, I was under the impression the chunks the hungry node is in have to be loaded in order for it to start eating up the world around it.
I can assure you that when I was caught over ocean out of my boat there was no visual indication whatsoever of the node being present.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually find them by being thrown around and taking damage out of no where while caving. That's just me, and it's probably not the preferred way.
Not to be pedantic, but you can usually tell a hungry node by the gaping hole of death surrounding it.
That doesn't work if you are caving :p

I remember a couple days ago on the Magic world 2 server I play on, I was just sitting there farming xp, and I'm on TS with my friend on the server, and he starts going "Why am I taking damage? Woah, I'm being thrown around, what the hell is going on?" Eventually he gets down to 2 hearts and I tell him about Hungry Nodes. He got out, I don't remember how, but he did..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whenever you get caught in a node, you have a couple of options. 1: If the hungry node has already ate up a bunch of the terrain, I find that there are a couple of blocks at the bottom of the gaping hole outside of hungry node reach. I try to jump up (pressing space bar) and when I reach the peak of my jump, I press shift on the way down. That way you're dragged out of the node's reach and land at the bottom of the gaping hole. That's how I got out of my first hungry node. A bit lucky to be sure, but it's better than dying. Just be careful, because you can die from fall damage, although the hungry node's pull helps negate that. Whew. 2: Switch into bat morph and fly the hell out of there. Probably the only other reason besides helping with setting up pipes in small areas that I still use morph. Sure it might be cheaty but it's definitely better than losing all your things and rage quitting a world that you spent a lot of time on. 3: Just have armor that let's you fly like MPS or the Quantum suit. 4: BREAK THE NODE. I once encountered another hungry node and it had just started to eat the terrain so option 1 was not available to me. I started attacking the node like crazy and I managed to break it in time before I died.
These are ways that I found to escape hungry nodes.
Ways to find hungry nodes: 1: You'll be pulled towards it, and anything that's invisible and pulling at you is probably unhealthy wouldn't you say? 2: A gaping strange hole in the ground that looks like the result of a TNT blast. 3: If you have Goggles of Revealing, they look like miniature black holes. 4: If mobs are sucked up and take damage randomly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Get DartCraft installed, keep Force Wrench on your hotbar always and always remember to refuel it, shift-right click node Hungry node with it and keep it in your inventory.

Disclaimer: I do not play with TC4 and the above comment is hearsay and might not work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Upon my first death, I started attacking the node with my pickaxe at some point (I was panicking, so I don't remember too clearly). After a few hits, I got hit in the back by a zombie, heard .. something..I think, and went flying high. Then I landed with a splat and my stuff went poof. I ran back with iron pickaxe, just to see if everything really did go poof (I'm so cute when I'm pitifully optimistic), and got sucked in again. I whacked the air, got thrown WAY up this time, and splatted again. To be honest, I have on idea if the thing is gone or not. I don't want to go anywhere near it now. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ugh, hungry nodes.

I built a nether portal that opened up right next to a hungry node. I died at least three times before I finally managed to get enough cobblestone around it to wall it off. Then I almost died again a few days later when I entered the nether portal and the cobblestone was gone. Thank god I was only in steel armor. If I was in my fully upgraded MPS, I'd have probably ragequit. Luckily, I haven't run into any more of them.

My problem is that my minecraft occasionally bugs out and gets stuck on movement, so I often find myself moving without any direct interaction. Usually hitting shift clears it, and it's not a big deal, but when a hungry node mimics the same effect but kills you within seconds, that's not cool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing I object to the most with those nodes is being thrown around/the bouncing around effect it has.
Without that I imagine I MIGHT just have a fighting chance and be able to orient on it long enough to destroy it before it eats me whole >_<.
Absolutely a ragequit mechanic for me when those are set with the meaner effects.

As I said, I haven't encountered one with the easier configs set up, so I have no clue what those change or if they actually do give you a fighting chance.
Does anybody here know what those actually do?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have about 40 nodes waypointed in a random blob shape as far as 1500 blocks from spawn in every direction. I've encountered 1 and the other intrepid explorer on the server has said nothing about random flying-around-and-dying events

I have no idea how rare they are, but it's pretty slim chances to find one.