Started a world on single player with the tech world 2 mod installed. Searched around and found a 50 blockhigh oil well. Created a pump system and inflow system, that recirculates into itself as its pumping out. Added a second inflow tank both inflow tanks hold one cell of storage tabks that reflow into itself as it pumps out. Both inflow tanks pump out into a storage container tank filled with 2 huge cells that reflow into itself as it pumps out.
Reason for reflow is that they dont over flow the storage tank and have somewhere to always go. If used by a combustion engine would not blow up due to over pressure in the pumps.
Each storage cell has about 20 to 25 tank blocks about 10 blocks high.. theres a mid lvl green pump line that indicates inflow only and then pumpedout of tanks with wooded then yellow pipes that flow around to a outflow tap and exccess flow tubes go up and connected to evenly distribute oil baback into the tanks. Right now there is two cells in the storage tank.
Pictures coming soon when I get home to upload them
Reason for reflow is that they dont over flow the storage tank and have somewhere to always go. If used by a combustion engine would not blow up due to over pressure in the pumps.
Each storage cell has about 20 to 25 tank blocks about 10 blocks high.. theres a mid lvl green pump line that indicates inflow only and then pumpedout of tanks with wooded then yellow pipes that flow around to a outflow tap and exccess flow tubes go up and connected to evenly distribute oil baback into the tanks. Right now there is two cells in the storage tank.
Pictures coming soon when I get home to upload them