HP2099 - The Shiny Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IMPORTANT - The most recent update 1.1.0 apparently isn't loading for anyone but me (tested on 10 pc's so far and only mine is working) the problem is with Aura Cascade and until a fix is found please disable this mod until further notice. Thank you! - nicholasiv

HP 2099 is all about integration of mods and exploring different dimensions for resources. It was inspired by the FTB Beta Pack and 1.2.5 versions of modded minecraft, a little old and a little new.

Difficulty of the pack where 1 is casual and 10 is crash landing it's a 3 (Which I feel is where Vanilla is).

Pack Code HP2099 - I have a server up running the recommended additional mods installed if you'd like to have a peek message me.

Being all about respecting intellectual property rights these mods are not included in the pack but are recommended for the full experience.

Thaumcraft NEI Plugin by DjGiannuzz (Thaumcraft Nei Plugin)

Optifine by sp614x (Optifine)

and DrZharks Mo'Creatures by DrZhark (Mo'Creatures)

I also recommend a mapping mod of your choosing, one will be included in future updates.

This pack contains the following mods by default:
If any mod authors wish their mod be removed from the pack message me, post here, or contact me through ignnicholasiv@gmail.com and I will remove it within 3 weeks if not Significantly sooner (as little as several hours)
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Known Issues:

Sheep Essence (when crafting more than a single wool) causes tremendous strain on server resources.

FAQ - Will be expanded upon as questions are asked.

Will there be mods added other than a map mod in the future? - Yes, I've been eyeballing Solar Flux and hope to have HQM with quests automatically generated by a plugin that isn't quite finished yet, I'd also love to have EE3 included again but in it's current state I'm not inclined to add it. There will be an update in 2 weeks from this post - so look forward to changes. The first update will not include anything that requires a world reset - however MystCraft is prone to re-profiling.

How do I obtain Fire for power converters? - Without Mo'Creatures installed visit the twilight forest and obtain the uncrafting table, along with chainmail armor drops you can get it, however it's much simpler with Mo'Creatures installed as several mobs drop it directly.

Why aren't the configs for controls set up for X end game armor's flight? (Where X is the name of some armor or way to fly) - Because there is a lot of choice in which path you go down, between Jetplates, Gravisuites, Zevicio, Dark Steel, and Ichorcloth there are many ways you can get to end game level armor (being something you can sustain a hit from a High Energy Pellet and live)

Why is that... the art? - Short answer - I'm not an artist. It is a staircase and it's a train depending on your perspective, however if you believe you have artistic ability and would like to contribute I would gladly accept a contribution of an icon and splash that look better (HP2099 is the name because 101 is the Hypotenuse of a Pythagorean triple of 20 99 and 101, the HQM addon I'm working on makes tutorials... and I think I'm cleverer than I am)

If you have any questions or crashes with specific mods, huge amounts of slowdown, mobs not spawning (someone had issues with squid...) post here first and if you decide to ask for help from the authors or communities for those mods be sure to include the information that fastcraft is installed.

The current version live on the FTB Launcher 1.1.0 will include these additional mods. The next version to include a server pack will be 1.1.1 pending specific bug fixes or mod updates

This update will not require a world reset, though MystCraft will require a brief period to re-profile for instability.

Aura Cascade
Carpenter's Blocks
Chisel 2
Dimensional Pockets (and dependency OmnisCore)
Solar Flux
Thermal Dynamics
Xaero's Minimap

Also CoFH Core, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Foundation, and Redstone Arsenal have been updated.

The decisions where made based on feedback from users on the server, it is now possible to have fully automated mining, ore processing, and mass storage using only magic themed mods players are no longer required to delve into any technical mods if they don't wish to. There was a higher demand for aesthetic options beyond what forge multipart could offer and we've added not one but three mods that both offer aesthetic and functional flexibility, and a default map mod! For more information on the CoFH teams mod updates go see their site! Trust me the updates grow on you :)

- nicholasiv

Sneak Peak at what you can do in version 1.1.0!

Using EnderChests, Open Blocks, Wireless Redstone CBE, and Dimensional Pockets travel in style to any dimension! One of the many things made possible by the update.

The next update will be for bugfixes, a server pack, and mod updates. So far plan on a Botania update but more to be announced for 1.1.1.
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Credits and Patreon/Paypal donation links for mod authors and their teams. Thank you so much for the mods and a huge thank you to their supporters.

(If I missed your patreon and you would like to have a link included please let me know and I'll be sure to correct this accordingly) My sole contribution was mainly finding mods that liked each other, configuring them to play nice and make them as a whole feel like an extension of minecraft rather than a jumbled mess.

Thank you to the team working at MCForge, FML Team, MCP Team, and Github for their contributions to the modded minecraft community.
Thank you to
Player for Fastcraft, a mod that increases performance and without which I wouldn't have been able to even test the server version of the pack on my whimpy pc, and which if you use (it is enabled by default in the server and client files) and have a bug or error to report directly to the author of a mod you are having issue with be certain to mention that fastcraft is being used. I will maintain the latest version of Fastcraft for the pack in it's Current state, unless explicit permission is given by Player to distribute legacy versions of Fastcraft in which case it will be included if and only if that version is more stable with the pack and in this case be sure to note the version when posting bug reports. (http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=10820), going with the restrictions of redistribution any versions of this pack will be distributed freely and without ads. In addition to Player thank you also to Thunderdark, SiriusKing, and SpwnX for IndustrialCraft2 (http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page)
tcooc (Steven) and DaStormBringer for Additional Pipes (https://github.com/tcooc/AdditionalPipesBC/releases)
SeNtiMeL for Advanced Solar Panels and Gravitation Suite (http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=3291) (http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=6915)
InfinityRaider for AgriCraft (http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/1-7-10-agricraft.50964/)
AlgorithmX2 for Applied Energistics 2 (http://ae-mod.info/) - Do not offer donator perks for this mod.
pixlpix for Aura Cascade (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/227099-aura-cascade)
Joseph "Nuchaz" Sinclair for BiblioCraft (http://www.bibliocraftmod.com/)
WayofTime and his supporters for Blood Magic (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...7-10-2-1-6-4-blood-magic-v1-3-3-2-updated-may) - Paypal donation link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=J7SNY7L82PQ82 (If you donate to him while playing on a server with me (nicholasiv) there will be waffles and popcorn)
Quetzi, amadornes, K4Unl, MineMaarten, and RavenWhitefang for Blue Power and QmunityLib (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223099-blue-power, http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224785-qmunitylib)
Vazkii for Botania (http://botaniamod.net/)
Asie for Buildcraft 7 and accompanying Compat (http://mod-buildcraft.com/)
mineshopper for Carpenter's Blocks (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/228932-carpenters-blocks)
Chicken Bones for Chicken Chunks, Ender Storage, NotEnoughItems, and Wireless Redstone - Chicken Bones Edition, the dependency Code Chicken Core, and a thank you to his supporters on patreon (http://chickenbones.net/Pages/links.html) - Patreon donation link (http://www.patreon.com/cb)
warlordjones for Chisel2 (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/225236-chisel-2)
Team CoFH (King Lemming, Cynycal, Jadedcat, ZeldoKavir, Skyboy, RWTema, Power_Crystals, and anyone I missed - what a team!) for Minefactory Reloaded, Nether Ores, Redstone Arsenal, Power Converters, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Expansion and Thermal Foundation (http://teamcofh.com/) - (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-1-1-5-2-powercrystals-mods-the-updates-never) - again to RWTema for Extra Utilities (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/225561-extra-utilities) and a Patreon link (http://www.patreon.com/rwtema)
cpw and Zipp for Compact Solars (http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=4827)
Daniel "dan200" Ratcliffe and his supporters for ComputerCraft (http://www.computercraft.info/)- Paypal donation link (https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/w...63663d3faee8de6030e9239419d79c3f52f70a3ed57ec)
Jezzadabomb338 for Dimensional Pockets and Omnis Core (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/226990-dimensional-pockets)
DrZhark for Mo'Creatures (http://mocreatures.org/home) - Patreon Donation link (https://www.patreon.com/DrZhark?ty=h) - Please note this will require a manual installation and will not be included in a download, thank you for understanding and if you enjoy the mod consider contributing to his Patreon!
CrazyPants, tterrag1098 and the team for EnderIO (http://enderio.com/) (also by request http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-1-7-1-6-ender-io-how-many-pipes-in-one-block)
voxelcarrot and Arkan for Ender Tech (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/223428-endertech) - Do not offer donator perks for this mod.
SirSengir for Forestry (http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki.new/doku.php) Donation... game? Send EVE online ISKs (think this is money of some kind?) to Aquna Eris. Which is an alt so don't bother putting a bounty on it... to support virtual hedonism! :D
iChun for Portal Gun (http://ichun.us/) Check out the other amazing mods here and consider contributing via Patreaon (http://www.patreon.com/ichun)
boni and IguanaMan for Iguanas Tinker Tweaks (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum.../minecraft-mods/2176855-iguanas-tinker-tweaks) with available donation through both Paypal (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=TY6QG3Z8BUR84) and Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/boni)
Kobata and contributing coders for Inventory Tweaks (https://inventory-tweaks.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
progwml6 for Iron Chests (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/228756-iron-chests)
Lunatrius for Stackie (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1284041-lunatrius-mods) Thanks for making the game preform better!
Nauktis for Solar Flux (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/223548-solar-flux)
Mark719 for Magical Crops (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/228834-magical-crops) with Patreon at (http://Patreon.com/Mark719)Do not offer donator perks for this mod.
MysteriousAges, Arkandos, and mezz for Magic Bees (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/65764-magic-bees) which also has the best liscense of all time.
mDiyo, jadedcat, boni, and progwml6 again for their work on Tinker's Construct (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/74072-tinkers-construct)
Portablejim for MFR-Magical Crops compatibility (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/227983-mfr-magical-crops-compatibility) Under BSD License (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/227983-mfr-magical-crops-compatibility/license) Do not offer donator perks for this mod.
Quetzi for Morpheus, it's included in server and client in case you decide to have open LAN worlds. (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/69118-morpheus)
XCompWiz for Mystcraft (http://binarymage.com/wiki/doku.php?id=start) - Patreaon link (https://www.patreon.com/xcompwiz?ty=h) Currently seeking permission to distribute, until such a time it's recommended you download it manually. The pack adds many dangerous things and balance for the difficulty intended has default configs set to no instability, however you can enable it if you enjoy danger, excitement, and have a lot of disk space for worlds you will never - ever - return to - or else.
bDew for NEI Addons (http://bdew.net/neiaddons/) - Patreon link (https://www.patreon.com/bdew)
Open Mods Team for Open Blocks and Open Peripherals (http://www.openmods.info/)
sp614x for Optifine (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-7-optifine-hd-d5-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af) - Donation link (http://optifine.net/donate.php) Until written permission is attained download this mod manually (and drop it in the mods folder, no need to run the installer). Highly recommended.
jotato for Practicalities and Quantum Flux (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/231935-practicalities) (http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/228609-quantumflux) - Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/jotato) Do not offer donator perks for this mod.
CovertJaguar for Railcraft (http://www.railcraft.info/) - Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/CovertJaguar) - The Blog (http://railcraft.info/) - The Wiki (http://railcraft.info/wiki) - The License (http://railcraft.info/wiki/info:license) - Version until a newer release is available.
Lumien for Random Things (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/59816-random-things)
TomEVoll for Router Reborn (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2176322-router-reborn-1-1-6)
Tonius for Simply Jetpacks (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/79325-simply-jetpacks)
Azanor for Thaumcraft and Baubles API (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum.../1292130-thaumcraft-4-2-3-5-updated-2015-2-17)
Iguana_Man for Thaumcraft Mob Aspects (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...ds/1292555-1-6-x-thaumcraft-addon-mob-aspects)
DjGiannuzz for Thaumcraft NEI Plugin (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/225095-thaumcraft-nei-plugin) This will not be included in a download (and isn't nec. to have - but I highly recommend going for it)
Nividica for Thaumic Energistics (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223666-thaumic-energistics)
nekosune and pixlepix for Thaumic Tinkerer (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/75598-thaumic-tinkerer) - The License (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/75598-thaumic-tinkerer/license)
Benimatic for The Twilight Forest (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...258-the-twilight-forest-v2-3-5-wrecking-block)
ProfMobius for WAILA (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...289765-waila-1-5-7-for-1-7-10-1-6-0-for-1-8-1) - Patreon link (http://www.patreon.com/profmobius)
Last but not least to tterrag1098 for WAILA Plugins (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/226119-waila-plugins) Thank you also for making this pack work well and maintaining the immersion everyone expects from a polished shiny pack!
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Thank you for adding the decorative mods! and Botania, cause flowers rule. I'm loving this pack so far.