IMPORTANT - The most recent update 1.1.0 apparently isn't loading for anyone but me (tested on 10 pc's so far and only mine is working) the problem is with Aura Cascade and until a fix is found please disable this mod until further notice. Thank you! - nicholasiv
HP 2099 is all about integration of mods and exploring different dimensions for resources. It was inspired by the FTB Beta Pack and 1.2.5 versions of modded minecraft, a little old and a little new.
Difficulty of the pack where 1 is casual and 10 is crash landing it's a 3 (Which I feel is where Vanilla is).
Pack Code HP2099 - I have a server up running the recommended additional mods installed if you'd like to have a peek message me.
Being all about respecting intellectual property rights these mods are not included in the pack but are recommended for the full experience.
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin by DjGiannuzz (Thaumcraft Nei Plugin)
Optifine by sp614x (Optifine)
and DrZharks Mo'Creatures by DrZhark (Mo'Creatures)
I also recommend a mapping mod of your choosing, one will be included in future updates.
This pack contains the following mods by default:
HP 2099 is all about integration of mods and exploring different dimensions for resources. It was inspired by the FTB Beta Pack and 1.2.5 versions of modded minecraft, a little old and a little new.

Pack Code HP2099 - I have a server up running the recommended additional mods installed if you'd like to have a peek message me.
Being all about respecting intellectual property rights these mods are not included in the pack but are recommended for the full experience.
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin by DjGiannuzz (Thaumcraft Nei Plugin)
Optifine by sp614x (Optifine)
and DrZharks Mo'Creatures by DrZhark (Mo'Creatures)
I also recommend a mapping mod of your choosing, one will be included in future updates.
This pack contains the following mods by default:
- AgriCraft by InfinityRaider
- Open Peripheral Intergration by OpenMods, boq
- Simply Jetpacks by Tonius
- MFR Magical Crops Compatibility by Portablejim
- Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
- CoFH Core by CoFH team
- Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
- ttCore by tterrag
- OpenModsLib by Mikeemoo
- OpenPeripheral Core by Mikeemoo
- Compact Solars by cpw
- QmunityLib by quetzi, MineMaarten, amadornes, K4Unl
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- NEI Addons by bdew
- EJML by Google
- Mystcraft by XCompWiz - Granted
- Morpheus by quetzi
- Waila by ProfMobius
- Iguana Tweaks for Tinker's Construct by iguana_man, boni
- iChunUtil by iChun
- Redstone Arsenal by TeamCoFH
- EnderStorage by Chickenbones
- Thaumcraft by Azanor
- Blood Magic by WayofTime
- Wireless Redstone CBE by Chickenbones
- Twilight Forest by Benimatic
- Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMeL
- Thaumic Tinkerer by pixlepix, nekosune, Vazkii
- Magic Bees by MysteriousAges
- MineFactory Reloaded by skyboy026, powercrystals
- OpenBlocks by Mikeemoo
- WAILAPlugins by tterrag
- CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
- Stackie by Lunatrius
- Portal Gun by iChun
- Practicalities by jotato
- Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
- Baubles by Azanor
- Blue Power by quetzi, amadornes, K4Unl, MineMaarten, RavenWhitefang
- Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo
- Power Converters by samrg472, powercrystals
- Thaumic Energistics by Nividica
- ChickenChunks by Chickenbones
- EnderIO by CrazyPants
- Ender Tech by Drayshak
- QuantumFlux by jotato
- FastCraft by Player - Granted
- Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
- IronChests by cpw
- NetherOres by skyboy026, powercrystals
- AdditionalPipes by tcooc
- Lunatrius Core by Lunatrius
- Random Things by Lumien
- Buildcraft by CovertJaguar, SirSengir, Krapht, cpw, spacetoad
- Railcraft by CovertJaguar
- Thaumcraft Mob Aspects by iguana_man
- Thermal Expansion by CoFH team
- Extra Utilities by RWTema
- Magical Crops by Mark719
- ComputerCraft by Dan200
- Applied Energistics by AlgorithX2
- IndustrialCraft 2 by IC2 Dev Team
- CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
- Gravitation Suite by SeNtiMeL
- Forestry by SirSengir
- Router Reborn by TomEVoll
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