How to "Redwood" in Agrarian Skies

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there,

i'm playing Agrarian Skies 3.1.3 (or 3.1.4?)
i saw recently on YouTube that "Natura" offers a huge redwood-tree.
i planned to build similar manually but when i can let it grow it would be awesome.

my Question is:
how to get the saplings in Agrarian Skies and is it possible to let this tree grow?

in the NEI i found the saplings but no crafting-recipe or so.
when it is deactivated in this modpack how i can activate it for me? - will it crash my savegame?

thanks a lot for help


Jul 24, 2013
The only way I can think of off the top of my head would be to cheat the saplings in, but there are a few caveats from someone who habitually lives in these:

You first need to make your platform larger than 13x13, this being the size of the largest redwood. You'll need either 49 or 81 saplings, planted in a 7x7 or 9x9 array. 7x7 is the documented array size but I've had better luck getting the largest tree (13x13) using the 9x9. At one time it was possible to have two sprout at diagonal corners to get "siamese" redwoods... I don't know if this is still possible.

Your platform should be about 25-30 blocks deep... Natura redwoods are the only trees I've come across so far with actual roots and they go that deep.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, thank you for your tipps.
i will prepare my area properly so that the tree will not destroy my island.

but, how can i get the saplings without "cheating"? i'm not familiar with cheating in minecraft.
i'm not a minecraft-code-freak but i guess i have to edit the configs. but how?

i hope i can get this amount of saplings by sieving, crafting or grass-slashing, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
okay...can somebody send me please only this cheat or activation.
i dont wanna watch out for cheats, i fear this "damm break effect"

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
There's probably no way to get the saplings if sieving dirt doesn't work (which it may, but I'm not sure if Ex Nihilo works with other mods' saplings). What he means by "cheating" is using NEI or the /give command to create an item from nothing. The simplest way to do it would probably be to enable cheat mode in NEI by clicking the Options button at the bottom left of your inventory screen, the clicking the "Inventory" button, then "Recipe Mode" twice, so that it reads "Cheat Mode". Exit out of the menu (press ESC on your keyboard or click "Back" a few times), and you'll now be able to cheat in items by clicking them in the NEI item panel on the right side of you inventory screen. Useful for testing things, but basically breaks any kind of progression, hence calling it "cheating".

However, seeing as you're on a pack using a pre-made map, there's a good chance that Cheat Mode will be disabled entirely. In this case, you'll need to enable cheats by editing one of the pack files. Find where your launcher installed the pack, then go to saves/NEI/local/<whatever you named your world>/NEI.cfg, and change the 0 to a 1. Then, go back into your world (you may need to close out of Minecraft and log back in for this to work), and you should be able to enable Cheat Mode from NEI's options menu, if you can't spawn items in right away.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thanks :)

you got the point:
but basically breaks any kind of progression

it is so easy then: "oh i need a magmatic dynamo...oops, here it is already in my inventory" (i call this in germany damm-break-effect :) )

i won't start "cheating", however i activate the cheatmode. i imagined already something like this.
when i played MC some years ago it worked with gamemode 0 - 1 or so.

so my question is again can i edit the configs, that i get this typical sapling by sieving or slaughtering 100h of gras?

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
If vanilla Minecraft cheats (which allow the /gamemode, /give, etc. commands, as opposed to NEI cheats, which I explained above) are enabled in the world (which is probably not the case, but might be- worth a shot), you can type "/gamemode creative yourUserName" to put yourself in Creative mode, which grants you free flying, invincibility, and replaces your normal inventory screen with an item panel similar to NEI, but which I find more difficult to use. You could instead find the internal ID of the redwood sapling and use the /give command to spawn it in, which is probably simpler. The ID should be the number shown at the end of the first line of the text shown when you hover your mouse over the item in NEI. In my FTB Infinity instance, for example, it's 499, so by typing "/give Someone_Else_37 499 64", I can spawn in a stack of the saplings.

I don't know if the Ex Nihilo configs allow you to add arbitrary drops from the sieve. However, if they can, you'd need to add them to <your FTB install directory>/AgrarianSkies/config/ExNihilo.cfg. I don't have the mod installed anywhere handy on my computer, so I don't know exactly what to look for, but if there's anything there that says to list items for the sieve to produce, that's where you'd add the saplings. If there's nothing useful in that file, look in ExAliquo.cfg or any other Ex____.cfg file for the same thing (in case there's any ExNihilo addons in AgS I'm forgetting). Again, I don't know if any such option exists... does anyone else here happen to know?

If that doesn't work, you could improvise by using the sieve to produce a few stacks of spruce saplings, say, throw them off the island, and use that to justify spawning in some redwood saplings. I figure if redwood saplings were obtainable through the sieve, they'd probably be significantly rarer than vanilla saplings (even though you need a lot more of them) because Jadedcat is mean (No offense intended, Jaded.), so you'd more or less be replicating what would happen if the sieve actually did give them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Theres a config setting in the exaliquo.cfg file in the natura tweaks section. Set "Can redwood trees be obtained" to true and then I believe you would just need to sieve a whole lot of topiary grass for a chance at the saplings, since topiary grass is what you sieve to get the natura saplings IIRC.


Jul 24, 2013
By the way, OP, I was playing the Infinity pack the other night and while looking for my tree I found a pair of Siamese redwoods they still exist!


These are a 13x13 and 11x11 tree "joined at the hip"


This is the 1st level... The trees are actually separate but meshed like gears on their diagonal side. you can see the bark in the floor where I cut the archway. I may at some point remove the bark in the floor and ceiling and replace with regular redwood... I only got just over 6 stacks from clearing the room, after all :D


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
I once found a grove of three redwood trees growing... not exactly co-joined, but their branches did overlap. I went up and built a treehouse anchored on all three sprawling on multiple levels in the middle, using carpenter's blocks for levels going up and down, rope strung along the bridges... I called it Kelethin (now if only I could get drunken SOW races from bank to PoD going...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Theres a config setting in the exaliquo.cfg file in the natura tweaks section. Set "Can redwood trees be obtained" to true and then I believe you would just need to sieve a whole lot of topiary grass for a chance at the saplings, since topiary grass is what you sieve to get the natura saplings IIRC.

thank you very much, this is exactly what i was looking for.
but it seems i have to sieve barrels full of these topiary grass. i have to build some wheat farms for the seeds.
i have now my first 2 saplings - yuhu :)