How to draw more power from Redstone Energy Cells via BC pipes?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello! I would like to ask everyone's opinion on this.

I currently play on an Unleashed server. I made this chamber to house my assembly table...


Now, my main problem here is supplying power to the lasers.

In this setup, I use 1 energy tesseract to power 27 lasers. But because I want it to keep it simple and compact, I decided to use gold conductive pipes so I can use facades. However, all the lasers are underpowered because you require a wooden conductive pipe to draw power, which only has a limit of 32 MJ/t. Even though I connected to 3 sides of the tesseract to draw more power, it's not enough to run this setup.

I also have a hidden buildcraft gate that sends a redstone signal to the tesseract to turn it off when there's no work to be done. Opening the door also turns off the tesseract.

I know some of you will say "Use conduits instead", but that would make this setup bulkier just to hide the conduits. Is there any other way to fully power this setup without going into that option?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How many lasers do you have? 27? 24? cant tell.. If its 27x4 is 108 MJs per tick. You would need 4 wooden pipes coming off of the tesseract. You should be able to do it though. Only issue I can think of is that Tesseracts only accept 100MJs per tick and lose 25 percent to 75 MJs... So you might need two tesseracts.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How many lasers do you have? 27? 24? cant tell.. If its 27x4 is 108 MJs per tick. You would need 4 wooden pipes coming off of the tesseract. You should be able to do it though. Only issue I can think of is that Tesseracts only accept 100MJs per tick and lose 25 percent to 75 MJs... So you might need two tesseracts.
27 lasers in total. I only have 3 connections to the tesseract at the moment.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I'm looking at it, but I'm not seeing where you're going to end up with more bulk. Unleashed does have Forge Multi-blocks however, so you could switch to conduits with a minimal increase in bulk.

Do REC's need wood pipes to put power into BC systems? If not, then you could pull from the Tesseract with conduits and dump that into the pipes. I'm not sure though, since I've never connected them to an REC.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How many lasers do you have? 27? 24? cant tell.. If its 27x4 is 108 MJs per tick. You would need 4 wooden pipes coming off of the tesseract. You should be able to do it though. Only issue I can think of is that Tesseracts only accept 100MJs per tick and lose 25 percent to 75 MJs... So you might need two tesseracts.

Slightly incorrect... energy tesseracts can transmit and output up to 100 MJ/t regardless of loss percentage. It will accept as much extra MJ as necessary on the input side to make the output side still receive 100 MJ/t. In the latest version, that means 120 MJ/t in == 100 MJ/t out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you can connect BC conductive pipes to redstone conduits. If so then replace one of your wooden pipes with conduits and see what happens. I recommend testing away from your setup or in a ssp test world first just in case to avoid a worst case senario (everything blows up (Doubt it)). Yes you would have the 5% loss but you should be able to get more power thru put this way.

Edit: 4 am, made a mistake. thanks for pointing it out Omicron


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Please note that "REC" is the accepted shorthand for "redstone energy cell". Please don't use it to refer to conduits in order to avoid confusion. Just say "conduit", that's short too and since there's only one item of that name, everyone knows what's meant.)

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Under the new system, you really should use conduits with RECs, sorry. In TE 3.0, there's a good chance it'll be a requirement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Under the new system, you really should use conduits with RECs, sorry. In TE 3.0, there's a good chance it'll be a requirement.

Oh? But will the cells at least still accept input from Buildcraft pipes, even if they can't output to them (or vice versa)? Or is it a complete incompatibility?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An interesting mod to keep things compact is EnderIO it has power conduits that can accept up to 1024 MJ/t and can be hidden with it's own Facades. I haven't actually tested it pulling straight from a Tesseract and the mod is only in early development but it is a neat way to keep builds compact. (Also you can have a fluid and power conduit in the same block - which is kind of cool).

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh? But will the cells at least still accept input from Buildcraft pipes, even if they can't output to them (or vice versa)? Or is it a complete incompatibility?

Unsure at this time. Honestly, I'm not super thrilled with BC's new power API. If I end up breaking from MJ, it'll end up as a comparable system, and conduits will support both.
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