Really you need some form of a hook as I see it, DW is a tech guy that has become an Internet seleb for his no nonsense spotlights & LP's, other like the yogcast have become famous for want of a better term being idiots (& one series that was pretty good SoI), they are 2 extremes if you like the all info guy & the flap about & make silly jokes guys, each are entertaining in there own way, now take a look at the 1000s of tubers out there if you can bare it & check the mistakes 90% of them make & just dont make them same mistake, mumbling, standing still, poor editing, mining for a long time, incorrect use of machines, using bugs/glitches, speaking in a drab monotone, playing a game that you have no idea what to do, the list could go on & on, the few good tubers are a handful out of 1000s.
The only advice needed, is learn the game inside out, learn the capture software inside out, have a pc that can run both at a high fr, sit down with buddies & ask what they like about PL/tubers & or develop your own style, I my self like banter between 2 or more ppl as it can get amusing, & less monotone droning likely, in the end its more luck than skill it seems from some of the more famous tubers, some are really not that good but have mid to big followers.
Anyway mate I wish you well & hope you take the scene by storm, remember have fun..