How should a youtuber start an FTB series?

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Blade Avuari

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, this is Blade, I've been playing with the Feed The Beast modpack quite a bit in the past few months, and I've tried multiple times to start up an FTB series. The problem I have involves having the materials to do everything with. Should I just give myself some items at the start and build, or should I start from scratch? And would it be a good idea to show everything I do and build? Please give some opinions, I would love to know what you think.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Starting from scratch and showing everything you do will reassure your viewers that you aren't just giving yourself random ores when you're not recording.

If it's too boring/hard to play 100% legit with no cheating whatsoever, you could give yourself things in between episodes when you say that you're going 'mining', although that'll destroy your view count if people see you doing it in the chat log.

If you announce that you're going to cheat in things to help yourself along nobody is going to watch you. And I mean nobody. Best not doing it at all rather than doing it a little bit.

You should show everything you do (unless you're not going to play legit). If it's boring, show it in a timelapse with music or something in the background or possibly commentary. Many YouTubers who play legit make the mistake of not showing everything they're doing, and the viewer can get a rising suspicion that they're just cheating a whole bunch of things in off-camera.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I disagree KIND OF with Peggle. If you are going to do ThaumCraft, don't show the research. Crafting, that's fine, but if people see you doing TC research it gives spoilers, and anyone who just started TC isn't going to want to see every aspect in everything. Also, don't show all of your mining, if you want to assure your viewers that you don't cheat speed up your mining. That way people don't get bored, and they know you don't cheat. Also, throw your youtube channel in a hyperlink in your signature, and possibly start a thread in the YouTubers section.

Edit- to Peggle, I just noticed you decided to go with my idea and add FTB vs. Technic to your sig :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, don't show all of your mining, if you want to assure your viewers that you don't cheat speed up your mining. That way people don't get bored, and they know you don't cheat.

You should show everything you do (unless you're not going to play legit). If it's boring, show it in a timelapse with music or something in the background or possibly commentary. Many YouTubers who play legit make the mistake of not showing everything they're doing, and the viewer can get a rising suspicion that they're just cheating a whole bunch of things in off-camera. (This applies to TC3 research as well)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Except, it's not that it's boring to watch, it shows spoilers! TC3 is about discovering things! You can't cheat in research.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Except, it's not that it's boring to watch, it shows spoilers! TC3 is about discovering things! You can't cheat in research.


Do you see those magical black bars?

They're called censors.

You can censor things with them.

Can you read that? No? That means it worked.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Do you see those magical black bars?

They're called censors.

You can censor things with them.

Can you read that? No? That means it worked.

I would rather not see someone research things, than see all of these black bars all over the place. You would need to cover up the item, possibly the aspects (if you used Shift+click), then in the table you would need to censor the item, and both sets of aspects. That would get tedious if everytime you do research in a video you have to deal with censors, and keyframes, and other shit.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you announce that you're going to cheat in things to help yourself along nobody is going to watch you. And I mean nobody. Best not doing it at all rather than doing it a little bit.

Is this really true or is it apocryphal? The Yogs cheat all the time...

You should show everything you do (unless you're not going to play legit). If it's boring, show it in a timelapse with music or something in the background or possibly commentary. Many YouTubers who play legit make the mistake of not showing everything they're doing, and the viewer can get a rising suspicion that they're just cheating a whole bunch of things in off-camera.

I dunno. No one has ever complained about this to me. I do show how I mine for yield now (TiC max fortune pickaxe + dartcraft fortune armor + extrautilities sonar goggles + dartcraft backpacks: x2.75 ore, 0 processing, auto blocking for space) and no one has been like, "Dave! You are clearly a cheater!" Even though I do occasionally spawn stuff in when I lose it to bugs or server errors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is this really true or is it apocryphal? The Yogs cheat all the time...

I mean if you start a brand new world and then spawn in a diamond pickaxe with efficiency 10 and fortune 10 everybody will just stop watching at that point and they won't bother to watch your lets play, since they know it doesn't mean anything and it's all cheated in.

The yogscast have 1 million something views per video, they don't need to care if their viewers know they cheat or not.

Also, I rarely see people say that they think somebody is cheating. Usually when either I ask somebody their opinion on it or if their personal thoughts are obvious it'll be that they think the person is cheating. The uploader will probably delete any comments that directly say that they're cheating or the comments will get flagged for spam/down voted by fan boys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is this really true or is it apocryphal? The Yogs cheat all the time...

Yes, but there is no REAL proof, besides in Sjins first episode of FTB. Man, that was obvious, he was instantly breaking sand, placing boats and they would stay in his inventory. In Sjin and Sips_' original Minecraft series I don't think they cheated... I could be wrong, I don't watch them much.
Even though I do occasionally spawn stuff in when I lose it to bugs or server errors.
The next time I cheat (server is down), is going to be because the other person on the server decided to blow everything up (not 100% sure if it was on purpose or accident) when we were on an ocean voyage... Or I will set myself to Creative if I am 5000000 blocks away from home, with no boat, no wood, and feel like doing something other than swimming for an hour.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you see someone spawn stuff in in the chat log all the time on the yogcast channels

I remember seeing Zoeya spawn a bunch of Microblocks in the Tekkit series, but it's okay because that build was motherfucking beautiful. I haven't noticed any other times.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I remember seeing Zoeya spawn a bunch of Microblocks in the Tekkit series, but it's okay because that build was motherfucking beautiful. I haven't noticed any other times.

One time Lewis opened up the chat and you could see "Duncan spawned in 64 of ____ Colored Lamp" all over the page. Also, when Duncan once spawned in a stack of blulectric engines by accident nobody else on the server complained, as if they expected him to do that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
rythian spawned 64 iron blocks instead of using his 60 billion red matter to make it...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Starting from scratch and showing everything you do will reassure your viewers that you aren't just giving yourself random ores when you're not recording.

Really? I mean, there's no way whatsoever to know for sure and I have a strong dislike for movies where they just spend 15 minutes mining ore. It's not like anyone actually watches that bit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really you need some form of a hook as I see it, DW is a tech guy that has become an Internet seleb for his no nonsense spotlights & LP's, other like the yogcast have become famous for want of a better term being idiots (& one series that was pretty good SoI), they are 2 extremes if you like the all info guy & the flap about & make silly jokes guys, each are entertaining in there own way, now take a look at the 1000s of tubers out there if you can bare it & check the mistakes 90% of them make & just dont make them same mistake, mumbling, standing still, poor editing, mining for a long time, incorrect use of machines, using bugs/glitches, speaking in a drab monotone, playing a game that you have no idea what to do, the list could go on & on, the few good tubers are a handful out of 1000s.

The only advice needed, is learn the game inside out, learn the capture software inside out, have a pc that can run both at a high fr, sit down with buddies & ask what they like about PL/tubers & or develop your own style, I my self like banter between 2 or more ppl as it can get amusing, & less monotone droning likely, in the end its more luck than skill it seems from some of the more famous tubers, some are really not that good but have mid to big followers.

Anyway mate I wish you well & hope you take the scene by storm, remember have fun..
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really? I mean, there's no way whatsoever to know for sure and I have a strong dislike for movies where they just spend 15 minutes mining ore. It's not like anyone actually watches that bit.

Which is why I suggested fast forwarding through it with a royalty free song. Or you can always cut back to talk for a second about an ore or some shit. For beginners knowing what mod adds the ore, and what it does is really helpful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make some tutorials to make sure people know that you know what you're doing. The only people that have somehow managed to do otherwise are the yogscast... and we ALL know how well that turned out.