How do you get around your world?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's your main mode of transportation? Nether jumping, Minecarts, Canals with boats, Portal shooting, Arial faith Plates?

Personally, I use the Modular Power Suit's glider wings.
If i wanted to get from my quarry to my dock (I build everything far spread out) I'd just climb up one of these pillar things and and glide over there. I have a lot of these set up, and they work out very well. Currently, I'm working on canals for a nice boat system. But I need all the clay bricks in the world in order to make it look nice.
Feel free to post pictures of your elaborate track systems or rocket ships or whatever you guys could probably design better than me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I mosly use mystcraft. I have a central location with books to all my destinations.

Combine with quantum suit and gravity chest, sprinkle on the occasional portal, and voila.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Sometimes for long huals I use the neither and maybe a cart.
What about the shoop mothership? ;~; And i was thinking since you don't have Mystcraft you could just put a nether portal that connects to different Shoop towers around your world?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far still don't need anything, I live on a small island, and with the high amount of ravines/ mines nearby, I still don't need to search too far underground to find resources.

I guess if I had to say tho, Boats and Animal Bikes are my main transports for now, which I use to explore around the ocean.
(For those interested in Animal bikes:

I'm thinking of using the nether to try to get to land, considering I've already flown/ boated around a really large radius and found nothing.
I have found some pretty nice islands/ archipelagos tho.

Also Mystcraft's Linking Books are a pretty nice way to travel far distances without needing to go through the Nether multiple times (Since going through drains quite some memory.)

On a side note, about your Glider method, may I recommend instead just building Thaumcraft Levitators at your bases?
Figure it may be easier and faster than having to set up/ climb a tower every time you want to glide to a different area.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Walk everywhere.
I generally will never travel farther than a six to seven hundred block square area so I really have no need for any other type of transportation.

I used to use mystcraft for specifics that I might need but since that got all jacked up and is far too much work for me to want to mess with, I'll just stick with my centralized area.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What about the shoop mothership? ;~; And i was thinking since you don't have Mystcraft you could just put a nether portal that connects to different Shoop towers around your world?

I'm thinking about that actual. I have another HQ that I'm getting a lot of my mats and stuff from that and run back and forth form. So Ive been debating about building a hub either in the Neither or Twilight Forest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I mainly walk. Luckily, I am on the border of a plains and forest biome, so I can breed all the bees. I'm still exploring the area, and building my base. I haven't strayed farther than about 800-900 blocks, so haven't needed a transportation system as of yet. Although, I would probably end up making a nether transit line. I've always wanted to make one after seeing them on various let's plays.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For now, I am mainly walking and sailing, but I am thinking about either making some kind of high speed boat system, or some high speed rails.

But not sure if I will go for trainscraft or railscraft for the rail system, both permit to attain some good speed. Well, the trains do cost redstone to operate, so that might not be the best in the long run, but they look cool.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I use Mystcraft books to get around via a void age nexus, sometimes I do that even just to travel from one building to another in my base just 20 blocks away. Especially if its raining or dark outside. I love the black sparkly wazzzow effect.

For exploration, I use either a couple of electric jet packs or a boat. I still need to set up remote recharging of jet packs via Enderchest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecarts. I must make some nether rails, because travelling 3 km to my saltpeter factory starts to be annoying, unfortunately I didn't have any new generated desert closer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far still don't need anything, I live on a small island, and with the high amount of ravines/ mines nearby, I still don't need to search too far underground to find resources.

I guess if I had to say tho, Boats and Animal Bikes are my main transports for now, which I use to explore around the ocean.
(For those interested in Animal bikes:

On a side note, about your Glider method, may I recommend instead just building Thaumcraft Levitators at your bases?
Figure it may be easier and faster than having to set up/ climb a tower every time you want to glide to a different area.
Thanks for the animal bike idea, I may add that in.

And about the levitators, I'm not too fond of TC3. And on the left side of my picture I posted, that's what i mean by the little towers. They vary, but most of them are just medium-tall staircases i climb up. Once i finish the canal, i'll probably tear them down and just make one huge tower at my base. Thinking of making it a replica of the Caspian Boarder Communications Tower on battlefield 3, if anyone plays that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PSA: I saw someone mention building a Twilight Forest hub. I advise against that, the Nether is much better. Twilight Forest is a mod, and if removed or a bug shows up then you lose your hub. The Nether is part of Vanilla and doesn't change much between updates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PSA: I saw someone mention building a Twilight Forest hub. I advise against that, the Nether is much better. Twilight Forest is a mod, and if removed or a bug shows up then you lose your hub. The Nether is part of Vanilla and doesn't change much between updates.

Yeah but I do not do anything becuase it is easy. I do things in MC becuase I find it interesting, challanging, or neat.

The question is how possale it is to use TF as a hub. Does it have any of the distance saving that the neither has? If it does it just as viable to me. Its like those folks that are all OMG Mystcraft Void world hubs are the best. Same thing there it can vanish due to bugs or mod death just as likely as TF.

In the end it is about the build as it is today not about what it could be months from now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm thinking of using the nether to try to get to land, considering I've already flown/ boated around a really large radius and found nothing.
I have found some pretty nice islands/ archipelagos tho.

Update: Apparently I underestimated a Large-Biomes Ocean, just went 16K (2K in Nether) in every cardinal direction, no land!
I think I'm just going to go ahead and turn this world into a Mystcraft Dimension on a different world...
(I do recall reading recently a thread on how to do it, so it shouldn't be too much problem.)

Thanks for the animal bike idea, I may add that in.

Yeah, its a pretty neat mod, gives a nice "vehicle" variety, plus makes Saddles a bit more useful/ valuable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far, two feet and a heart beat. But I haven't the infrastructure to do much else. One day I'll have a few bases to travel between, and they'll all use Stargates. The only issue though is I keep getting pretty bad lag after like five minutes of playing. Insane.
I suppose turning down the render distance might help delay it, though.
My next goal is to find a Silverwood Tree. Then I'm going to build a shack there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I mosly use mystcraft. I have a central location with books to all my destinations.

I built a Nether library in the hollowed out support columns of a nether fortress with linking books to discovered villages in the overworld and other points of interest.

For non-village locations, I build a standardized 4x4 "Myst annex" building in the overworld to house a single linking book back to my nether library.

I found that I like to place the linking book to the nether library at the top of the cobblestone tower that is usually generated with villages. This makes it much easier for me to jump between villages to trade for additional Mystcraft pages without the need to enslave villagers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been thinking about making some sort of high speed vacuum tube-style system that shoots me around the world. Still designing it though. More of an aestheticchoice though, i make actually rework my canal network into that. Just thought it'd look cool and futuristic, especially with the same color scheme as MPSuits.