What I was trying to say was: that you said me to "learn to behave" but you weren't behaving at all.
And no, I wasn't insulting anyone or trying to say I'm better.As I said "everyone starts to be a noob", about a year ago I was a noob too, I was just saying that:
-He should try to understand that you don't buy mods
-The idea (buying minecraft mods) makes me laught because I'm using a lot of mods and it would be so(oooo) expensive...
First of all, you even changed the quotes of what I said:
"First of all, please, don't insult new people" Was the original one. What does this mean? That you don't have to be rude with new ppl just because they are such. But you can and should do it with jackasses like you who play the higher man with new ppl, just because they ask something.
And yes, you were. In fact, a lot of ppl take the word noob in an insulting way, and we all know that, and if it's not meant to be insulting, there's a hell of a lot of ways to tell him that buying mods is not going to happen. A LOT. But you went straight to "noob him".
And, don't try to correct it now, context is obvious.. When you say:
"No ofense, everyone starts to be a noob but...Buying mods....It is almost funny..."
Basically you're telling us that you DO know that it could be taken offensive, and in my world, when you don't want to be offensive, just don't say offensive things, at least of course you're an irony patriot. And.. "... but... buying mods.."
That "but" proves that you are laughing at how "noob" he is for thinking to buy mods.
Please, at least have the decency
and the balls to don't run away from your work.
Damn it I had to write a lot.. Never going to let me do this again.
Resuming: You do not respect the others, so you do not deserve to be respected.