How do you decide what to build next?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually have a really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bad habit of saying building something will costs too much resources, then get bored of manual mining, but then I dont have enough resources for a quarry (Usually the diamonds and/or gold) + 3 hobb steam engines + an aqueous accumulator (Seriously though, the quarry will auto fill the engines with the coal it mines, so you will never have to refuel it once it gets down to mining coal.) then I get bored of the game, then I log in a day later, work on a few pointless things that don't do anything for me, then get bored again. Sadface.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really Sadface.

Um... just build smaller first then build bigger later. Build things you have the mats for so that you can have what you need to get more mats to build other stuff later.

But then again if you get bored this easy maybe sandbox games are not for you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your not a true man till you have a frame quarry and/or bore that is controlled entirely using logic circuits, can move in 3 directions, and lights up the area it mines.

This is my end goal in every world, and all the work I do leads up to this point. I need to get a system working that can provide it enough power to run endlessly without breaks. I need the resources to build the bore itself, and some way to sort and store every possible thing the bore could dig. I also need to get a complex IC2 system to make UU for torchs should the coal the bore digs run out.

TL;DR: Pick a final goal, work towards that in chunks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your not a true man till you have a frame quarry and/or bore that is controlled entirely using logic circuits, can move in 3 directions, and lights up the area it mines.

Well good thing I'm a Shoop and not a true man... It sounds like true man are a bit short sighted.... only three directions? You know a good build would go all 6. ;p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um... just build smaller first then build bigger later. Build things you have the mats for so that you can have what you need to get more mats to build other stuff later.

But then again if you get bored this easy maybe sandbox games are not for you.
Whats odd though, is that this only happens when I play single player, but I never build with anybody in multiplayer, but I still dont get bored in it. Proooooobbaabbbllly should have mentioned that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats odd though, is that this only happens when I play single player, but I never build with anybody in multiplayer, but I still dont get bored in it. Proooooobbaabbbllly should have mentioned that.

If you cant play solo and only don't get bored with friends.... your not having fun because of the game.... its the friends.

Just saying.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sigh. I should listen to the Shoop.

Don't worry I have a derp friend on my server that is kind of like you. They come on and spend the next hour chatting and doing jack all. If the subject of building comes up they just go on about how they don't have the skills to do a good build... or don't have the mats... or not in the mood. Over the years and multiple servers the only large build they have ever done was a small cobble stone tower and then the complied about how it sucked for days.

I guess the moral is different folks 'play' MC different ways. I guess chat room is a play style too now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I normally start with an end goal. The most recent one was a GT grinder, but I wanted to go and use a different route than I normally do for building. I wanted to power my base differently, and get more into bees than before. I got melons early on with a villager trade. From there, I made a squeezer to make seed oil to make apiaries and also run a biogas engine. This engine powered my TE ore processing systems. To be more effective with farming melons, I used golems. To get golems, I had to research in thaumcraft. while building my upgraded melon farm, I used the dead space in between the melon rows for sugar cane, carrots, potatoes and flax. The sugar cane went into plant balls and eventually into IC2 biofuel cells in a diesel generator into an MFE to power my grinder. While I was doing all this, I was constantly short of wood, so when I got 5 diamonds, I made a SC wood cart farm. I used the extra saplings and turned them into plant balls as well for additional IC2 power.

So, just pick an end goal, and slowly work towards it. I had lots of fun building and automating the different pieces along the way.

This next time around, I think I am going to make a 36 block HP boiler powered by bituminous peat. But since I don't like systems that aren't fully automatic and renewable, I will use a large RP peat farm to make it instead of the new forestry farms. I also saw the new applied energistics mod spotlight, and want to give that a go, so that is going to end up in my base as well. The smallest automatic crafting engine in applied energistics takes 80 gold to make, so this is definitely going to be a mid-late game setup, but I am going to work towards that.

Captain Neckbeard

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually start with a name that I think is funny/snazzy/badass, then build something to match it. I'll probably rebuild the Boremerald sometime this week, once I can make enough Crystal Clusters for it and get the infrastructure set up to accept its output in the Undertower. The Boremerald should give enough resources to make a much-improved version of the Liquidation Plantation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually start with a name that I think is funny/snazzy/badass, then build something to match it. I'll probably rebuild the Boremerald sometime this week, once I can make enough Crystal Clusters for it and get the infrastructure set up to accept its output in the Undertower. The Boremerald should give enough resources to make a much-improved version of the Liquidation Plantation.
:D :D :D oh man, that's awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm still playing with GT thingie, I decided my next build depended on what I needed that time, for example in early game I was having a hard time finding a swamp biome or slime chunk so I went mining lead ores to get the whole set of factorization+ crystallizer and then make some slimeballs to the RC blast furnace for the steel.

After that because I was too lazy to pump lava from nether I decided to use BC oil energy to power all my GT eu hungry machines, but I found out that I couldn't do it easily without tesseract, thus I made the whole set of Thermal Expansion machines just for the liquid tesseracts.. and then later to iron tanks, several diesel gens, upgrading my batbox to MFE so I could use the advanced machines and charge my lappack.

I knew matter fabricator would take a lot of power thus I abandoned making iridium from uum and went the XBee OP route :p, but then I needed a good amount of MJ for them, thus I started making some combustion engines and redstone energy cells, but I was running out of wood because of the damn scented panneling and impregnated frames, I found out that the new forestry multifarm was pretty neat so I decided to make one with automation.

My next build is probably to duplicate the valuable bees and make some kind of automation build with alveary+9 frame housings and the amazing router :).

Just follow your instincts man :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I hit a creative wall, I pick a mod at random and read through its wiki/forums. Not only this gives me much more knowledge about how the mod works and what exactly is possible, but often I find a block or item that I either never heard of before, or that I just think "hey, this would be fun to build and automate".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I hit a creative wall, I pick a mod at random and read through its wiki/forums. Not only this gives me much more knowledge about how the mod works and what exactly is possible, but often I find a block or item that I either never heard of before, or that I just think "hey, this would be fun to build and automate".

When I get burned out or hit a wall I go play something else for a bit.

Right now that would be Dark Souls, Two Worlds 2, or Guild wars.

I find when I'm totally not in MC is when often ideas hit me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I figure out the next godforsaken widget (or machine that's required to produce said widget) in GregTech.

I'm now realizing that I'm going to have to start quarrying since i've only found one Iridium ore in a month of mining. Prior to now, I've avoided using quarries in both Tekkit and FTB because part of me enjoys mining / caving, but as much as I'm enjoying the challenge GT's providing, I'd like to be able to finish the chest of Grav suit widgets that has been gathering dust in the absence of more Iridium. :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I litter my worlds with abandon bases like a serial killer leaves a trail of bodies.

My morthership build has no less then four old bases laying around the place. And that world is only as old as the Mindcrack pack.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that. But moving all your important stuff tends to be a pain.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check out Applied Energetics. Just watched the spotlight from DW20. You can move over you entire inventory in 1 item.. very cool. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not an architectural builder, so most of my building designs look like gigantic cobblestone dice.

That said, I excel at technical designs. Previous servers I've been on got massive upgrades to publicly available logistics networks, including access to publicly available automatic processing of ores. The over-designed ore processor that Soaryn built in DW20's house would be something I've put together before using Logistics Pipes to handle the routing and sorting of materials for processing and storage. Obviously RP2 has the advantage in one-way routing, but I've been a firm believer in two-way routing setups that don't require separate input and output tubes/pipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Figuring out what to build next can be very hard. I'm often torn between different priorites, but it does ultimately come down to: How can I make my life easier? Usually that means more automation, but sometimes it can mean replacing cobble with something prettier before my eyes start to bleed. Also, it really is important to think things through. Can't tell you how many times I've thought "I'll get into Extra Bees!" before remembering that EB requires tons of power and abandoning my half-finished bee processing facility to go build another boiler, then needing to stop again to mine for more iron etc.
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