How do modded servers work?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This isn't a problem as much as a question.

Basically, I'm wondering how does a FTB server use the mods/configs? Do the user's mods have to be identical to the server mods? How about configs?

For example, if I want to delete dartcraft from an otherwise default Unleashed server, will the users have to disable dartcraft too in order to join?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Clients need to have the same mods that the server has, but they can have addition mods if they choose. They'll still be able to access the server. I will cause some issues, for example they will still see the items from that mod in NIE, but won't be able to craft them, they will be able to bring them in in creative, but only for a faction of a second(until the server see it and deletes it).

Configs, as long as the ID's match the servers ID's there should be no issue, meaning you can change setting in the server config without changing the client side config. However as above it can cause issues with mislead client information. For example, if you changed the thermal expansion recipe to need diamonds in the pulverizes, the crafting recipe seen in NIE will reflect the clients config, ie no diamonds in the recipe. So basically. It's best that server and clients share the same config in order to avoid confusion.

To answer you question simply. Yes you can delete dartcraft from the server, but clients won't need to remove from their mod folder.