How can I get Certus Quartz alot easier?

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It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that the "best" way of doing something depends on a lot of factors.

The "best" in terms of *easiest* is probably to just go mining or spelunking the old-fashioned way.

In terms of early-ish game automation, turtles and quarries can net you quite a bit of quartz, although that requires you to also wade though stacks and stacks of other stuff, and you may not end up with as much as you need, as quickly as you'd like.

Bees are a good bet, assuming you've got your bee breeding facilities up and running, have been to the end in order to start breeding, and have the multi-block bee thing to ramp up your income. Bees are usually mid-late game for me, so this isn't usually my first go-to, nor are quantum bees the first I breed.

The laser drill with the appropriate focus requires a bit of up-front investment - for me, the pink slime is always a pain. Assuming you can build it, though, the big thing is that you need a pretty stable power infrastructure to power up you laser to mine stuff at the speed you want. Capping it out with FOUR prechargers requires 4 ultimate hybrid solars, or some equivalent amount of crazy power.

Depending on what you've got set up, any one of these could be your "best" option. Personally, I start with lots of manual and quarry mining, and try to get to laser drills ASAP, and bees are usually my last stop for whatever resource I need more of, particularly quartz.

Mostly the problem with the laser and the bees with gendustry is power. I had to upgrade to a pretty big bigReactors reactor just for the bees and another one for the lasers. The biggest power hog is the imprinter and sampler machines along with the mutatron they will drain all your resonant energy cells very fast.
If you got dartcraft on; and config allows it. Use a force furnace with freezing upgrade in it, and smelt some nether quartz, TA DA! Certus quartz...

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If you got dartcraft on; and config allows it. Use a force furnace with freezing upgrade in it, and smelt some nether quartz, TA DA! Certus quartz...

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It's been suggested, and OP already said he has DC installed but wasn't sure what level your upgrade tome has to be to get it.

I typically always mine by hand so bias here, but put a good fortune pick to work in some good caves and you will get a lot quartz in no time at all.

Mining with good tools is way underrated means of resource gathering in modded mc IMO. :)
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I typically always mine by hand so bias here, but put a good fortune pick to work in some good caves and you will get a lot quartz in no time at all.

Mining with good tools is way underrated means of resource gathering in modded mc IMO. :)

I used to use fortune too until I noticed a reliably higher average of return from using silk touch and machines to process ores. Certus Quartz included. I specifically needed it this modpack to make cinnabar from redstone ore to make shiney ingots to make enderium ingots.
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I used to use fortune too until I noticed a reliably higher average of return from using silk touch and machines to process ores. Certus Quartz included. I specifically needed it this modpack to make cinnabar from redstone ore to make shiney ingots to make enderium ingots.
Silk touch is what I prefer too. Especially if I am using a mod pack that has crazy amount of world gen, it saves my inventory space (although enderpouch makes that kind moot, lol, such is habit) Then I can just fortune, or process (Gregtech) later as needed. But ya, I find it to be significantly faster for getting resources for my builds than waiting for automated resources to come in.
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Man, i got this wonderfull idea: force bow with freezing and fortune 4:D Thats like infinite certus quartz on a few seconds...

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Q:How can I get Certus Quartz alot easier?

A: Get yourself a jetpack and an enchanted pickaxe (preferrably with Fortune III but I use a Silky Touch Hammer and place/break all the ore blocks when I get home). Fly around and look for visible certus quartz on the surface. Fly into every opening into every cave/ravine. You will soon have more certus quartz than you could possibly need.


I used to use fortune too until I noticed a reliably higher average of return from using silk touch and machines to process ores. Certus Quartz included. I specifically needed it this modpack to make cinnabar from redstone ore to make shiney ingots to make enderium ingots.

I have yet to find a processing method for Certus Quartz that can beat breaking the blocks with Fortune III pickaxe (and the same goes for Lapis Lazuli). It's not even close either. But I'm always willing to listen if someone has a way. (P.S. I know there is a block breaker machine that can do Fortune III but block breakers are banned on the server I'm on)
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If you can silk touch the certus out of the ground (Mekanism is great for this, but it isn't cheap), then you could combine that with a RotaryCraft extractor to get a pretty good amount of certus from the ground. It makes generic (non-AE) certus gems, but those can be crafted alone into proper certus, or just used as-is because Ore Dictionary, methinks.
Well it seems like this requires emeralds which i have none of because im in a biomes o plenty world is there any other way to get emeralds other then an extreme hills biome?
I've found your actually more likely to get a village in a BoP world than a Default. Heck, through BoP you even have the ability to control the generation frequency and proximity of villages in configs.
Odd... i never had issues getting enough certus quartz to start my system. The problem was usually not enough gold.

Just make yourself a TiC hammer with fortune 3 and go caving. You will endup with enough quartz to get going and a lot of other goodies as well.
Odd... i never had issues getting enough certus quartz to start my system. The problem was usually not enough gold.

Just make yourself a TiC hammer with fortune 3 and go caving. You will endup with enough quartz to get going and a lot of other goodies as well.
yeah, I have never had a problem with ae quartz after getting a for3 pick. I actually declare a day in which I set up a max sized quarry, sit in the hole, and for 3 everything that it works on. I usually don't need anything else (copper i reproduce from UU) and now that I found out that I can triple ores with TE as well, one good quarrying is everything I will ever need.
The only truly annoying part about the MFR laser drill is that the prechargers require a slaughterhouse, so you can get pink slime. Though, once you get 'em, the thing pays for itself in resources, when passed enough power. Oh, and it can eat a TONNE of power, so do be careful.