That's still a cost. I mean, no matter how you shake it, it's a cost.Instead of thinking of it as a cost, why not think of it as a reward?
Instead of "A rolling machine takes no power, unless you can't afford an assembly table", why not "A rolling machine takes 0.05 MJ/t, but if you have an assembly table and some time, you can make it take no power"?
It seems like you are counting the cost of the gates as part of the cost of the rolling machine - but you don't have to use gates. Instead, you could use 1/2000th of a boiler and tree farm. Either way, it's not an ongoing cost.
My solution to that cost has always been to destroy the offending machines. I keep a rolling machine and a thermionic fabricator in a chest (if I even make them) and only put them down when I need them, and only for the length of time required. Otherwise I end up wasting my time having to move lava pumps more often, or dig out more coal, or get that biofuel setup running way before I'm really ready for it.
I'm sure everyone has reasons for believing what they do. I sure can't wrap my head around some of them, but that's hardly unusual. I don't like like constant power drain systems for the same reason I don't like nuclear reactors or non-biofuel/biomass engines. I don't enjoy having to babysit my power systems. I don't enjoy having to babysit my systems in general. I make my AE systems overflow proof (as much as I can). I make my quarries throw away the dirt and cobble and gravel. I void pipe my creosote (if I need rails, there are plenty in mineshafts). Once I've completed a machine, I don't want to have to babysit it anymore. It should be done. I shouldn't have to build an infrastructure around it just so that it is non-destructive of my power system...or maybe I just don't want to, because that does not contribute to the fun. For me.
Somehow it does for you. Somehow it does for the buildcraft and railcraft and forestry devs. But I don't understand the mindset that says 'this is fun, this should be fun', in this instance. Based off commentary in this thread, and the couple of mod writers who have decided to stop supporting the buildcraft API, I am not alone. Yay, I feel good to be part of a crowd. That's not an appeal to popularity to ask anyone to change anything, but it is a shout out to anyone who might be listening that these changes are not universally popular. Speaking for myself, actually hearing the reasoning behind it might be enough incentive to at least be willing to accept it...because right now I'm left with assuming the reason is 'because I want it this way, because I think it is fun', and I disagree enough to want to stop using those tools, at least until I have reached a point where power becomes insignificant enough a concern that I can just plug them in and See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil.