How can I dispense Liquid Essence into the world in Unleashed?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a system where I bucket up the essence, but can't for the life of me work out how I can put the source block down. I know it can't be done with a dispenser, works with water and lava but not buckets of essence, it just spits out the item.

I've read about grates and floodgates but they don't seem to be in unleashed. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Yeah, that was my plan kind of. I was going to make a pool of essence using the floodgate for it to be perpetually refilled (with a straw you can drink the source blocks and gain exp) when it's drank. But no floodgate in the version I'm playing on.
Very complex set up but how about this:
tank<-autonomous activator with empty bucket always in->>pipe that takes essence bucket->>empty autonomous activator->empties bucket into the world
I have it all setup already, but I use the liquid transposer to fill the buckets and an me network to transport them.
Not sure what pack you are using, but if you have the extra cells mod, you could pump all the liquid essence into your ME system, and use fluid storage cells to store it all.

As for the fluid transposers... dumb question, but are you sure they are set to fill mode, not empty?
I think you're trying to solve a problem I don't have, haha. The system I have is working fine. Essence gets pumped out of the tank into the transposer and gets put into buckets no problem. Those buckets then go into the ME network and then back out into what was the dispenser, this is when I noticed the dispenser spat out the item and didn't place the source block.

I'm using the Unleashed modpack.

My only issue right now was I didn't know of anything to put the physical source block down until yoy's suggestion, which I haven't tried yet.
Oh right XD

I was about to say, ME has a way of placing items, so I'd assume Extra Cells has something similar... but that isn't in the pack :/

So yeah, I'd guess AAs are probably your best bet :P
Not in AE1. But in AE2 there is - called the formation plane
That's what I was thinking of!
So yeah, jtrillo, unless you are playing 1.7, I don't think you'll be able to place the buckets it seems... unless you have thaumcraft and thaumic tinkerer, as there is a thing in there that can imitate a left/right click... Another thing I forget the name of though, as I have never used it