Home commands & permissions with ranks

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Ok having never used the home commands I did some testing this morning and have figured out the following
(Note: Tested on local server running Direwolf20 1.12 Version 1.4.0 - with default config's & settings)

The player & op ranks by default have the following permissions set to true:
  • command.ftb.home //allows player to teleport to specified home
  • command.ftb.sethome //allows a player to set a specified home
  • command.ftb.delhome //allows a player to delete a specified home
  • ftbu.homes.cross_dim //allows a player to teleport to homes in other dimensions
  • ftbu.homes.list_other //allows players to get a list other players homes
  • ftbu.homes.teleport_other //allows players to teleport to other players homes
Commands In-game are as follows:

  • will teleport player to the default home if it has been set.
/home <home name>
  • will teleport player to the specified home.
  • ie /home netherhouse //will teleport player the created home called netherhouse.
/home <home name> <player name>
  • will teleport player to another players specified home.
  • ie. /home netherhouse playerA //will teleport the player typing command to playerA's home called netherhouse.
  • will set a default home called home
/sethome <some-name or number>
  • will create a home with the specified name
  • ie. /sethome netherhouse //will create a home called netherhouse
  • will delete the default home called home
/delhome <homename>
  • will delete the specified home
  • ie. /delhome netherhouse //will delete the home called netherhouse
/home list
  • will list the players created homes
/home list_all
  • will list all players created homes
/home list <players name>
  • will list all created homes for the specified player

By default both the player & op ranks have a default max number of homes of 1, to change this you can modify the ranks.json located in local/ftbutilities folder

The below will now allow players to have a max of 10 homes & op's a max of 30 homes.

    "default_ranks": {
        "player": "player",
        "op": "op"
    "ranks": {
        "player": {
            "parent": "builtin_player",
            "permissions": [],
            "config": {
                "ftbu.homes.max": 10
        "op": {
            "parent": "builtin_op",
            "syntax": "<&2$name&r> ",
            "permissions": [],
            "config": {
                "ftbu.homes.max": 30

To remove any of these permissions, for instance if you did not want players to be able to get a list of other players homes or teleport to them you could do the following:

    "default_ranks": {
        "player": "player",
        "op": "op"
    "ranks": {
        "player": {
            "parent": "builtin_player",
            "permissions": [
            "config": {
                "ftbu.homes.max": 10
        "op": {
            "parent": "builtin_op",
            "syntax": "<&2$name&r> ",
            "permissions": [],
            "config": {
                "ftbu.homes.max": 30

now players can no longer get a list other players homes or teleport to them but op's still can.

The minis sign (-) followed by the permission will remove that permission, a plus sign (+) followed by permission will add that permission.

A list of all permissions can be found in local/ftbutilities/all_permissions_full_list.txt

Hope this helps :)
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