IGN: Tacohs.
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype: Tacohs.
Country: United States.
Timezone: Central. GMT-6
Minecraft Experience/Favorite Mods: Been playing for a couple years now. I've played on a few servers but they always go down randomly and disappear. Hopefully this one does not. My favorite mods are the technical stuff. Nothing specific really, I like messing with all the mods.
Average playtime a week: Quite a lot. I will probably be on a few hours a day most weeks.
Any extra comments: Hopefully this server lasts and doesn't disappear like every other server does. This looks like it will be a good server and it's a new mod pack for me, should be fun!
Also I do have some video editing experience and stuff. I may record but I'm not sure. Don't have the greatest upload speeds and such.
App is under review!