Whitelist Server Hideout Kingdom [Dw20 1.0.23][24/7][40Slots][Plugins][Whitelisted]

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IGN: jrfi225
Age: 21
How long have you been playing minecraft?: I've been playing since the release of 1.2.5
Have you ever been banned?: I have never been banned from any server I've played on
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: I vaguely know how to use teamspeak, but I am a quick study (familiar with google).
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: No I am not a youtuber nor do I have any immediate plans to become one.
Why you want to join?: I find myself missing the communities of a server and find myself wishing to join a group of people again.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: I'm not picky, I'll take any two available.
Welcome to the server jrfi225!
You've just found yourself an amazing community :)
We hope to see you online soon!
IGN: Baradin
Age: 21
How long have you been playing minecraft?: Since early alpha
Have you ever been banned?: I have never been banned to my knowledge
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: No
Why you want to join?: I've been looking for a quality server with some sense of community on it. Most do not provide but I am in search of a server that does.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: Like the guy above me I am not picky. I will take whatever is available.
Welcome to the server jrfi225!
You've just found yourself an amazing community :)
We hope to see you online soon!

Which ender chest colors should I use?
Also is there any specific area I should make my base to begin? (i.e. towns, a distance limit from players, or anything like that)
IGN: Melichireska
How long have you been playing minecraft?: I've been playing for about a year.
Have you ever been banned?: No.
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: No, but I have used similar programs in the past and I'm certain that I can learn to use it quickly, if needed.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: I am not.
Why you want to join?: Because I'm interested in playing on a good server with a small player base. I also have a friend on this server (jrfi225).
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: Red, Black but I'm really not picky if those are taken.
IGN: Meatplow
Age: 34
How long have you been playing minecraft?: Vanilla since 1.4. Various FTB packs since public release.
Have you ever been banned?: No
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: I haven't used it in years but I'd imagine I can figure it our quickly if necessary.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: No
Why you want to join?: I'm looking for an active server with some sense of community. I've also played with Baradin (recently white listed) off and on for about the last year as well.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] Not sure whats available so I'll take whatever works if accepted.
Congratulations Meatplow!
You have been added to the whitelist.
We hope you enjoy your stay with us :)[DOUBLEPOST=1389541801][/DOUBLEPOST]
Which ender chest colors should I use?
Also is there any specific area I should make my base to begin? (i.e. towns, a distance limit from players, or anything like that)
Server member, ArronM and Owner, TiviiT can help you with the chest colours.
As for the building; you can build anywhere 150+ blocks from the spawn. There is no limit to how far away you can build from players as long as the player in question is okay with you building that close.[DOUBLEPOST=1389541867][/DOUBLEPOST]Congratulations Melichireska!
You have been added to the whitelist.
We hope you enjoy your stay.
How long have you been playing minecraft?:Sometime in Beta.
Have you ever been banned?:No
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?:Yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?:No
Why you want to join?:To play with my good friend, Bagdaddy Bailey (blakc725)
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#swagPINK],[#20%coolerBlue]
Hi there! =D

: Boobielicious
Age: 30
How long have you been playing minecraft?: So long I can't remember, some time since beta
Have you ever been banned?: No
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes but it's evil
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: Nope
Why you want to join?: To play with my friend Blakc725 and my husband
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [Purple],[Black]
IGN: bjalexander19
Age: 26
How long have you been playing minecraft?: Since early beta...
Have you ever been banned?: No
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes, hosted one for awhile as well.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: Not the moment, I do plan on making videos soon ish.
Why you want to join?: Looking for a casual, mature, stable server.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [Black],[Blue] not super picky though
IGN: zamder145
Age: 21
How long have you been playing minecraft?: about 3 years
Have you ever been banned?: no
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: Nope.
Why you want to join?: Looking for a FTB server to play on.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [green],[blue]
How long have you been playing minecraft?:off and on about 8 months
Have you ever been banned?:no
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?:never used it, but i can figure out anything i put myself up against
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?:i do not have my own channel, but i use it every day
Why you want to join?:know some friends that just joined and i would like to play minecraft with others to heighten the experiance
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [purple],[black]
IGN: carakuso
Age: 37
How long have you been playing minecraft?: Since 1.8 Beta
Have you ever been banned?: Nope
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Kinda, but my mic is broken at the moment. :(
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: No, I'd kinda like to, but I'd need a waaaaay better computer fer dat.
Why you want to join?: I'm lookin fer a cool place to build awesome shit without havin to worry about items bein either banned because some eight-year-olds can't properly secure their bases or all the good stuff is donor only cause the server owner's tryin to cash in.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] Don't need 'em, I always diamond lock mine.

Now, I got a couple of questions of my own:

1.) Is there a world border? If so, how far out is it? (I like to build far away from others' prying eyes)
2.) Is Biomes O' Plenty worldgen enabled? (vanilla worldgen is soooo boring!)
3.) Are there any restrictions on Morph? (I don't mind so much if passive vanilla mobs are disabled, but if they're all disabled that's just stupid)
4.) Is PVP allowed? (Don't really care if it's not, but it's nice to know beforehand)
IGN: archwrath
Age: 19
How long have you been playing minecraft?: Since Alpha
Have you ever been banned?: Not to my knowledge
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: No
Why you want to join?: I want to play feed the beast with people.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#00ffff],[#000000] (cyan and black)