Heya, I'm SunVenus, your resident old lady gamer geek. I'm American but live in Australia, retired avian veterinary nurse now working towards a PhD in Military History (focusing on Bronze Age/Iron Age Anatolian conflicts) and mad about gaming! I adore Minecraft (duh) and also play WoW and am about to begin The Secret World. I joined this forum as I have NEVER been a supporter of Technic/Tekkit; have always installed the mods I wanted myself inlcuding many of the delightful & useful mods to be included in FTB. The FTB pack is going to make thngs much easier, plus I'll be adding some other mods for aesthetic purposes (e.g Mo' Creatures, LC Trees ++). I'm tossing around the idea of doing an LP series which may be focused on my historically inspired builds like Venice, Naples, Hissarlik (better known as Troy), Atlantis, Byzantium, NYC and so on.. but time is an issue-- so much going on IRL!
I look forward to getting to know everyone here.
I look forward to getting to know everyone here.