Hermitpack - Dying in someone else's claimed chunk doesn't spawn gravestone - deletes items

  • Tech Support section is for getting help with FTB related problems. If there's a repeatable issue that can be labeled as a bug, then please use the issue tracker for the pack or the app at GitHub issue trackers - If there's no repository for a pack that means that the pack is old and/or will not be updated. Bugs for older packs will not be fixed, unless they are critical.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Title Hermitpack - Dying in someone else's claimed chunk doesn't spawn gravestone - deletes items

Launcher Type Vanilla

Modpack HermitPack

Modpack version 1.1.0

Have you modified the pack? No

Link to log file

Details of the issue As the title says - dying in someone else's chunk doesn't spawn gravestone. Because the gravestone doesn't spawn, all items are deleted.