Applications OPEN!!!
A bit about us. We are a small community (~6 people) who work together, and also play Minecraft together. We just are looking for fun people who want to create crazy automation systems, spectacular builds, and have a good time!
We typically play for hours in the evening, but have no playtime requirements whatsoever. We put this server together for fun, so we ask that all new people respect that and contribute. Pranks/PvP are all welcome provide both parties are "consenting", and no server destruction takes place. Mostly we are just wanting to share our world with about 10-15 more players so we have an active player base most days of the week.
If you're interested feel free to apply or come see us at /r/HephaetusFTB.
Warning: The subreddit is 18+, but there is only SFW content despite the tag. (I didn't know how to have it filter for 18+ & be SFW?)
Server Information:
- IP Address:
- FTB Pack: Custom Mod List
- Difficulty: Hard
- Server Specs: "Unlimited" CPU/Memory from HostHorde.
- Online: 24/7
- Absolutely No Cost/Donations/Etc.
- Player Slots: 7/100.
- Play nice.
- PvP/Pranks are allowed, just only with a mutual party involved.
- No destruction of other players property/resources.
- No disabled mods/items.
- No cheating. (ie intentionally duplicating/breaking the server)
Whitelist Application:
- Are you over the age of 18?
- How long have you been minecrafting?
- What is the best/worst creation you've built in minecraft?
- Have you played Feed-The-Beast before?
- Do you have teamspeak?
- How many hours would you be on a week?
- Whats a fun fact about you?
- Are you okay with a server restart when modded 1.7 becomes available?
- Username to whitelist? (You can PM if you like)
1. Applied Energistics
2. Ars Magica 2
3. Big Reactors
4. BiblioCraft
5. Buildcraft
6. ChickenChunks
7. CodeChickenCore
8. CoFH Core
9. Compact Solars
10. ComputerCraft
11. EnderStorage
12. Extra Utilities
13. ExtrabiomesXL
14. Factorization
15. Forge Multipart
16. Forge/FML
17. ForgeIRC
18. Hat Stand
19. Hats
20. Highlands
21. iChunUtil
22. IndustrialCraft 2
23. InfiniBows
24. Inventory Tweaks
25. IronChests
26. LogisticsPipes
27. MineFactory Reloaded
28. MobiusCore
29. Modular Force Field System v3
30. Morph
31. Mystcraft
32. Natura
33. NEI Addons
34. NEI Plugins
35. Not Enough Items
36. Obsidiplates
37. OpenBlocks
38. OpenModsLib
39. OpenPeripheral Addons
40. OpenPeripheral Core
41. PowerCrystals Core
42. Project Red
43. qCraft
44. Railcraft
45. Steve's Carts 2
46. Thaumcraft
47. Thaumic Tinkerer
48. Thermal Expansion
49. Tinker's Construct
50. Universal Electricity
51. Waila
52. Wireless Redstone CBE
53. Zans/Voxel Minimap
54. Advanced Genetics
55. Better Dungeons
56. Biomes of Plenty
57. Blood Magic
58. Botania
59. Carpenter's Blocks
60. Chisel
61. Dartcraft
62. DragonAPI
63. ElectroMagicTools
64. Emasher Resource
65. EnderIO
66. Ender Prospecting
67. Engineers toolbox
68. Enhanced Portals
69. Expanded Redstone
70. Geostrata
71. Hardcore Ender Expansion
72. Infernal Mobs
73. Mekanism
74. ModularPowersuits
75. NetherOres
76. Numina
77. PortalGun
78. QuarryPlus
77. ReactorCraft
78. RotaryCraft
79. Reliquary
80. Slick
81. StevesFactorymanager
82. Sync
83. Twilight Forest
84. Wichery
Current Server Builds:
- We just reset the server, and updated the mod pack, but we have built a nice starting area.
(The server spawn)
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